Blogs from Tiznit, Guelmim, Morocco, Africa


Africa » Morocco » Guelmim » Tiznit May 24th 2023

The sun rose over the pink cliffs surrounding Tafraoute, though the beautiful view was somewhat marred by the roofs of the town below and the rubbish lying in the streets. We set off in the car once more, for our longest driving day. The first 2 ½ hours took us to Tiznit, with the first 90 minutes spent ascending and descending the mountains on a hair raising road that was essentially single track, but with wide enough unmade verges to allow another vehicle to squeeze past on the mercifully few occasions that we encountered one. The land to either side looked as if it had been terraced, but with nothing being grown on it we wondered if it was, in fact, natural. Houssain told us that it was man made, but that the land has fallen ... read more
Mirleft beach
Early morning Anti Atlas

Africa » Morocco » Guelmim » Tiznit December 25th 2017

Rano vypadnutie z mrazaku. V blizkom obchode kupena cokolada a voda a smer namesticko odkial odchadza bus c.18 smer legzira beach. Bus tu uz bol odstaveny, ide kazdu hodinu, naskakujem dnu. Mal som smolu predchadzajuci odisiel asi cca 10.min pred mojim prichodom, tak hodinu len tak sedim v buse. To mi vobec nevadi, i tak som este neni uplne fit. Opustame toto prti mestecko, prichadza predavacka listkov, kupuju sa u nej a nie u vodica. Platim 6dh, dostavam listok. Po par minutach uz vyskakujem na odbocke k tejto plazi. Vystupuju tu este 2 ludia, zrejme domaci co idu na sichtu do restik co su tu. Postupne klesam az ku plazi. Z dialky to tu vyzeralo ako male mestecko ale nic take tu neni, vsetko je to len kemp. Pri vstupe na plaz vyberci parkovneho a par ... read more

Africa » Morocco » Guelmim » Tiznit March 27th 2013

Dans le bus d'Agadir vers Sidni Ifni 27 mars ... Je prend donc place dans le bus CTM bien propre d'Agadir. Je suis assis à côté d'une marocaine dans la vingtaine, serré dans son hijab noir, me donnant un peu l'impression de regarder sourire la lune. Elle me parle en français. Je suis surpris, non pas de son français impeccable, mais qu'elle me parle, tout simplement. C'est que depuis mon arrivée au Maroc, les discussions avec les femmes d'ici ne dépassent rarement qu'une seule phrase avant qu'elles ne baissent les yeux et s'éclipsent. Ma voisine de banc se prénomme Leila et, partit de Casablanca, elle est en route pour un quartier pauvre de Tiznit pour y visiter sa famille. Elle est revenu en février d'un stage d'une année en Suisse, ce qui explique son ouverture d'esprit. ... read more
Bus stop
La futur mariée et sa meilleure copine
Face de perroquet

Africa » Morocco » Guelmim » Tiznit March 13th 2011

Chialam koniecznie dodac do opisu Tiznitu legende o jego powstaniu. Masteczko w ktorym tak sztywno reagowali na psa i gdzie nie moglismy znalesc noclegu, a wiesc o naszym przybyciu rozniosla sie w mig. Otoz dawno dawno temu w czasach, kiedy w karawanach nie miano jeszcze anten satalitarnych, klimatyzacji,nawigacji,internetu,telefonu i goracego prysznica(tak istnialy takie czasy) a bezdroza Sahary przemierzaly karawany z wielbladami rabowane przez Tuaregow (i innych), w czasach gdy w namiotach nomadow kobiety pustyni wykonywaly swoje zmyslowe tance na kolanach ( z powodu braku miejsca na pozycje stojaca) a w oazach podrozujacych szejkow zabawialy dzielne hurysy (ktore oprocz wielu nieziemskich zalet mialy tez zdolnosc zachowania wiecznego dziewictwa dla kazdego goscia) no wlasnie w tych czasach przez pustynie wedrowala sobie nierzadnica o imieniu Laila. Spieczona pustynia i wedrowka... read more
psyjaciela se znalazl
osiolkowi w zlob podano

Africa » Morocco » Guelmim » Tiznit March 12th 2011

Troche autobusem, troche stopem ale wreszcie jedziemy dalej. Jestesmy jakies 80km na poludnie od Agadiru. Autobusem zabrali nas (za odpowiednia doplata) ale troche bylo stresu na kazdym postoju, bo piesio siedzial w lozy, to znaczy w bagazniku(zob.foto) i na kazdym przystanku otwierano go na osciez i serwowano tearzyk chetnej i zszokowanej gawiedzi ktora zabawiala sie pogwizdujac nawolujac lacznie z rzucaniem w niego szklem(jakis szaleniec sie trafil w Rabacie,nie wiadomo jednak czy wkurzyl sie na psa czy na to ze zostal przylapany wychodzac z autobusu z moim swetrem w rekach). Gdy w Agadirze znowu zaczely sie problemy z taksowkarzami,kierowcami autobusow itd poszlismy na wylotowke. Agadir ciagnie sie parenascie km,bo aglomeracja jest polaczona z kolejnymi wioskami, ale od razu zabrali nas na pikapa i zaczela sie seria fajnych spotkan. A my znowu w drodze wolni i szczesliwi. Niby ... read more
nie wazne czym

Africa » Morocco » Guelmim » Tiznit May 19th 2009

So all my fears about Ibrahim were false, as the man turned out to be unfailingly honest. On Thursday night (17 May) he got an excellent Berber tagine prepared. When I told him I didn’t want someone who would hassle me for money he seemed offended, say it will be like I am his son on our voyage (ya right! I think). On 18 May Ibrahim wakes me at 5:55am and we have coffee at the hotel. Then off through the Atlas Mountains. Traveled by taxi from Ait Baha to Idaougniolig. At Idaou… we had lunch and I thought I’d been drugged because I got light-headed and paranoid and Ibrahim was laughing with some kids (probably at me, although not for the reason I thought). As soon as I went outside I realised I was fine. ... read more
Berber Village
In a Berber village
From the Truck

Africa » Morocco » Guelmim » Tiznit February 7th 2008

We did a good job of getting up early and on the instructions of the guys working in the hotel we set off down a road to find a few bus companies that were going to Tiznit. None of them were any use and all said we should go to the main bus station which is a considerable distance out of town. We opted against that and wandered over to the grand taxi area to see if we could get join a collective to Tiznit. 26dh each felt like a good deal until we got into the back seat with two other people and realised just how squished we were going to be. In total there were seven of us in a battered old Mercedes which was sabotaged so that you were as uncomfortable as possible. ... read more
No Camping
Entrance Gates

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