Blogs from Cochabamba Department, Bolivia, South America - page 12


So meine Lieben, die letzten Tage hab ich so unglaublich viel erlebt, dass ich gar nicht weiß wie, bzw. ob ich das überhaupt in Worte fassen kann. Ich versuche es einfach wieder von Anfang an (und hoffe, dass ich nicht zu sehr ausschweife...) Also: Am Sonntag um halb 8 Uhr morgen geht mein erstes Abenteuer „Turismo Dual“ in der indigenen Gemeinde Sanandita los. Zuerst mit einem Trufi (Kleinbus) 3 Stunden durch die wunderschöne Landschaft des Tieflandes. Dann wechseln wir in ein weiteres Trufi, dass uns scheinbar immer weiter weg von der Zivilisation Richtung Einöde bringt. Seltsamerweise sind unsere ständigen Begleiter riesige Coca Cola und Pepsi Banner. Nach 1,5 Stunden erreichen wir den nächsten winzigen Ort und wechseln dort in ein Taxi - das heißt, es können beliebig viele Leute zusteigen. Und wie ich schon in Costa ... read more
Río Isiboro - auf dem Weg zur Gemeinde Sanandita
Die Hütte von Juanito und Valeria
aus den Palmwedelstücken haben wir später eine Matte geflochten

So meine Lieben, ich bin angekommen...und seit einem Tag in einer völlig anderen Welt...ich weiß gar nicht, wo ich anfangen soll...wahrscheinlich am besten am Flughafen in München :) Kathi, Mini und Niko haben das Abschiedskomitee gestellt, ich hab mich so gefreut, sie nochmal zu sehn. Beim Check In wars erstmal auch recht lustig - die Lady dort hat sich köstlich über den Namen Cochabamba amüsiert, ein bisschen schräg ist es mir dann schon vorgekommen, als sie gemeint hat, Sao Paulo, Santa Cruz und Cochabamba wären in Brasilien...hat mich nur wegen meinem Gepäck ein bisschen irritiert, da ich mir vorstellen kann, dass das bei 2 Mal umsteigen auch leicht verloren gehen kann...nach kurzem hin und her hat sie mir dann aber doch versichert, dass wenn alles gut läuft, ich, ohne irgendwas zu machen, in Cochabamba mein Gepäck ... read more
menschenleerer Flughafen...
11 h warten...

Checking into our hostel in Cochabamba we barely had time to take off our packs before we were off out the door in search of icecream. We had read of an icecream parlour named Dumbo and made a beeline for it. Feeling we should have dinner before desert this time we stopped at a roadside vendor for a burger and fries. And Caitlin added what she thought was guacamole, oops! Upon finding Dumbo we found a lot more than we had bargained for: a series of icecream and cake parlours in a row, all begging to fill our tummies. We started with Dumbo: dulce de leche & snickers flavour for me, oh yeah! Day 2, breakfast: Cristal for chocolate cake & a strawberry and yoghurt shake (fruit = healthy). Then we got a dose of culture ... read more

On Boxing Day (wow I´m getting behind with this) I left La Paz for the second time and headed to Villa Tunari, a little jungle town in the middle of nowhere to volunteer in an animal refuge for two weeks. The organization is called Inti Wara Yassi (meaning sun, moon and star in the three indigenous languages of Bolivia respectively) which was started by one man and a group of street children he took in about fifteen years ago. Their idea was to rescue wild Bolivian animals that were being maltreated in captive situations and rehabilitate them as much as possible. The group now has three parks and the one I went to, Parque Machia, specializes in monos (monkeys). I was lucky enough to be able to work with basically all of the animal types in ... read more
Spider monkeys!

South America » Bolivia » Cochabamba Department » Cochabamba January 21st 2009

Når jeg kom hit for 5 dager siden kl 06:00 var det oppadgående sol, ikke trafikk i gatene, lite mennesker å se, og jeg ble forbløffet over at det var en fortauskafe 100 meter fra hotellet jeg hadde tenkt å velge. Det første jeg gjorde etter å ha logget inn på hotellet, var å kjøpe en smultbakt tarta og to kopper knallsterk kaffe. Hotellet, Hostal Elisa, hadde også forbløffende bra standard. Det var rent, fin fellesdusj, ekstra toaletter, og hadde ikke de vanlige feil og mangler hoteller i Sør-Amerika har. Hvis du skal være ekstra kresen, hadde hotellet ikke felleskjøkken. Det er nok også grunnen til at hotellet ikke hadde andre backpackere som gjester. Jeg ser at hotellet anbefales i reiselektyren, med rette, men kun mannlige bolivianere bor der. Nå skal også sies at januar med ... read more
Ikke mye fortaushandel i Cochabamba, her er det vel mest prat
Byens mest delikate iskafè, dersom du er bolivianer
Cola, bananer og dette reddet meg utrolig nok

South America » Bolivia » Cochabamba Department » Cochabamba December 25th 2008

25th December, Christmas in Copacabana We had gone to bed so early that we ended up at 4am - not by choice! We pulled open the curtains and the views onto the lake even at that time were stunning. It was very strange not to be waking up with our families and not to have any presents. However, Jake surprised me with my very own personalised selection box which consisted of 6 of my favourite chocolate bars which he´d got last minute from the market and some wooley stripey gloves as it was cold down by the lake. We stayed up till after 6am scoffing Snicker bars waiting to see the sun rising from our bed room window, but were gutted when we realised we were facing the wrong way to see it. We had breakfast ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Cochabamba Department » Cochabamba December 24th 2008

24th December, Puno y Copacabana I was in so much pain when I woke up. I couldnt even walk to the loo. Jake had to carry me! Haha! And he was suffering from altitude sickness.. My leg had swollen up too much, so we headed to the hospital (not before hopping up and down flights of stairs for breakfast!!) The nurses were really nice and I was seen to more or less straight away. The doctor saw me and prescribed me about 5things totalling over 300soles!! (100 dollars) We couldnt afford all of it so we decided to get the cheapest! ooops! Poor Jake had to get driven around almost the entire city looking for a cash machine, while I waited in the doctors surgery wrapped up warm in a blanket being offered tea! Afterwards we ... read more

I had quite an interesting day in Villa Tunari. In the morning I visited the park, where I unsuccesfully fought with a monkey to recover the tissues she has skilfully stolen from my pocket. Apparently she is quite keen on cameras too so I guess I can call myself lucky. In the afternoon I went to the other park 7km away from the village, walked to a river and ended up going in the water with all my clothes on. The night journey to Santa Cruz also proved to be interesting, though in a more negative way. The bus was full and I was accomodated in the aisle, travelling for six hours in the most uncomfortable position, surrounded by the smell of dirty feet. When the driver refused to give me my change and mumbled something ... read more

South America » Bolivia » Cochabamba Department » Cochabamba November 6th 2008

I guess it's a bit late to start a travel forum now since I have been travelling for over two months, but like they say, better late than ever. I'm currently in Cochabamba, which to me is infinitely nicer than La Paz. It must be the climate I guess, I feel ligther and happier with my summer dress than with an alpaca sweater and hat. Unfortunately I cannot stay long as the time has come for me to hit Brazil so I'm leaving tonight for Villa Tunari, will sleep there, visit the park and then off to Santa Cruz, my last Bolivian destination before crossing the border into Brazil. I'm kind of sad to be leaving Bolivia now, especially as here people are actually quite friendly but I am also looking forward to swim in Rio's ... read more

Balu og Millie- Saasoede:)... read more

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