Blogs from Manly, New South Wales, Australia, Oceania - page 7


Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly December 3rd 2008

so 15 hours later...i made it...flight was not that bad! there wasnt anyone in the middle seat so that made it a little more bearable...i slept for the first about 7-8 hours... then watched a documentary on Captian Cook (how appropriate right?!) and then slept some more..then watched the sex and the city movie and finally we were flying into the was so cool to see the bridge and opera house...i cant wait to see them upclose and not from the air... i made it through customs..boy that was a work out with my longboard!! then my friend picked me up and the tour started there...i am definately a little curious george...then we went for a little waves but it was nice to get in the water after that flight...then just toured around and ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly November 18th 2008

Hey! So we're still loving OZ and we've seen a bit more of New South Wales. And I had a 2nd surf lesson, after which I have discovered I need more practice! But it's still great fun. At the BBQ we went to last week we were invited camping in the 'bush', hardcore style by a lovely Ozzie bloke called Glen. So we found a 'mall' and bought sleeping bags and marshmallows and found our way to another suburb in Sydney called Gladesville where we met Glen and family. Then it was a 2 hour drive up to the bush, near a summit called Pa Pong. Now this was real camping! They guy that owns the land had built a wee hut for sleeping in and they had a well established camp fire. Now there were ... read more
Pa Pong in the distance
Bob the dog posing in front of the camp
Me watching a fire :)

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly November 10th 2008

We made it! We're in OZ! and its pure awesome dude. We got an overnight bus back from Ko Samui to Bangkok then spent the day hanging around the airport and got a night flight to Sydney. So we got off the plane 6am, and it was so Sunny! The first thing I noticed was how friendly everyone was. People ask you how you are doing all the time, and they're not trying to sell things! So we got to our hostel, free shuttle service, legend. Unfortunately it was a bit of a hole and the staff didnt turn up for hours. then when we let into our extremely messy room, there was nothing to do but dump backpacks and go exploring, which we did. Got to the Opera House first thing, beautiful! And the first ... read more
Where are we?
View from our 'balcony'
Stef and Bob

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly November 10th 2008

We made it to Australia! We were allowed in, no questions asked, well apart to see the soles of our shoes cos we were trekking in Thailand but everything was ok and we are here!! Arrived at our hostel in Syndey near Kings Cross, what a sh*t hole! Our room was like someones bedroom (maybe even mine!) but ten times worse!! We were sharing with 2 asian guys and a girl and some other guy. I think the asians were actually living in the room and went to Uni in Oz. Anyway, our first day we headed straight to the harbour, i had to see Harbour Bridge and Opera House, isn't that what everyone comes to Sydney for?! We took the typical tourist photos and actually met someone who went to the Harris (how funny is ... read more
Opera House
Playing chess in Hyde Park
bruce the shark

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly November 7th 2008

Okay this is going to be a brief entry because I only have a few minutes left on my internet card! So the story really starts from the begining as my FIRST flight cancelled. I was blessed with 8 glorious hours in the Victoria airport waiting for Paul the United Air attendant to help me find a new flight. Which he did. I then flew to Vancouver where I watched the Canucks game and drank Granville Island beer before my 15.5 hour flight to Sydney. The flight was LONG!! and I was in the window seat beside and older couple that didn't say a WORD to me until we were in the Sydney airport where they were super nice to me, go figure! the plane was great. I had my own little tv and watched whichever ... read more
The Ankle

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly October 19th 2008

School is winding down and I only have THREE WEEKS left, plus a week of final exams. I can't believe how insanely fast this semester has gone by, which makes me incredibly happy that I decided to stay for a year. Needless to say, the next 4 weeks will be incredibly busy because I have 3 big papers, 2 little papers, 2 presentations, and then finals exams to do - CRAZY!! On Wednesday I decided I needed a break from researching in front of the computer and went for a run across the street at this little track, which is basically in the middle of this big field. I wish I had my camera because it was the most amazing sunset: a full moon had already risen and the hot pinks and dark purples from the ... read more
Pontoon Bar on the Harbour
Manly Beach

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly October 4th 2008

I thought that I'd put some pictures on to remind the old school Australia crew of some of the old haunts in Manly. It was a long time ago now but most of Manly has stayed the same. The Steyne is now much posher, there are no 1 dollar shops anymore and loads of the designer surf shops have moved in. the 2 pubs the Steyne and the Shark bar are still there, they are as rough as ever. Hope that the pics remind you of the old days. It was quite weird to be back, lots of very funny memories came back to me.... read more
Our Lovely Apartment Block
Cottage Inn

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly July 26th 2008

The past few weekends I have been enjoying my time around Sydney. One weekend, we took a ferry up to Manly Beach and whitnessed a beautiful sunset, enjoyed some ice cream, and watched the surf. Everything was gorgeous, except for my ice cream eating abilities. Apparently, it's been awhile since I enjoyed my last ice cream on cone, and my $5 ice cream fell onto a bench, but I wasn't going to be discouraged, I picked it up and enjoyed what was left. Anyway, I don't have much to say about the weekends except for that they have been fabulous and I am sad I only have a few more left to enjoy. ... read more
Thousands of Sailboats in the Harbour
Sydney Skyline
Pretty Boats

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly July 5th 2008

Wow, am I ever pooped! Since it's the middle of winter in Sydney and 25 C is quite comfortable for us Canadians to strip down, we decided to go surfing. When we went to go and rent the boards, the guy was too stubborn to let us go without wetsuits, so we donned our protective neoprene and hit the surf. Now as beginners, you only get these massive, foam, banana boards. Inititally, I was a little embarassed hauling this monstrosity to the beach, but once out there on the swells, it all made sense. We attemped to ride for about 2 hrs, successfully standing a handful of times, and getting sand in more awkward places than beach vball. We had a blast nonetheless, kickin ass on the poor suckers in the surfing lesson next to us. ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly June 7th 2008

So I decided that it’s about time that I get to one of Sydney’s favorite beaches for the first time. Manly beach is on the north side of the Sydney harbour across kind of across from Watson’s Bay. I was a little disconcerned because I have not been the one usually to plan our outings. I usually play the role of “sure let’s go, where are we going?” But I was left to planning this excursion. And it turned out to work out for me. Ash and Michelle decided they needed a break too and they would like to join me on this adventure. We took the 2:14 train from Redfern to Circular Quay. And just made it for the 2:30 ferry to Manly. I was excited because it was my first time going to Manly ... read more
On the Ferry
Manly Market
Kebobs on the beach

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