Blogs from Manly, New South Wales, Australia, Oceania - page 10


Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly November 9th 2007

Having met up with Adrian, a guy from Zurich, who did the Backstage tour of the Opera House we decided to take a trip over to Manly about a 35 minute ferry trip from Circular Quay at Sydney Harbour The weather was a bit wet but we thought it might clear and you get some great views of the harbour from the ferry Once at Manly we had a lovley walk along the beach and up over the cliff just as the sun was trying to shine through Then returning to Circular Quay we got our shots of the Opera House and Bridge from the Harbour Later in the day I met up with my old flat mate from London, Jason who is Australian and lives in Sydney. It was so good to see him again ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly October 29th 2007

The flies have come out of hibernation to enjoy the nice weather :( We've never seen anything like it before (it's even worse than on a cattle ranch in Nebraska on the hottest day of summer- trust me, that's a lot!). The flies are really stupid- they just land on you, and they're kind of slow too. But for every 1 that you kill, about another 20 come around. The locals don't seem to mind too much, or they have just gotten tired of swatting the flies away. We need some frogs down here to clean up the sidewalks! One thing we've noticed is that they aren't out at night. We don't know where they go but they really don't bother you as much. The only entertaining factor to all this is watching other people react ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly October 22nd 2007

Yea!!!!! We are the proud owners of new minimal surfboards. We had to save up tips for awhile, but def worth the investment. Manly Beach has some good waves, but we found another beach a few minutes from our house which is better for learning (slow, rolling waves). The first day we took them out, we were in the company of surfers who could ride out barrels and turn up and back on the waves (aka- we were in over our heads, literally). Freshwater beach was much more forgiving and allowed us to catch a few waves (still working on the riding part though). Josh picked it up pretty quick. Being from a landlocked state, I'm still getting used to water sports. ... read more
Our New Boards

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly October 8th 2007

Well, I thought that I would give everyone a little glance of our home for the next few months. Also a picture of some of our neighbors.... read more
Back Yard

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly September 30th 2007

* Look to the right before crossing the street (they drive on the other side of the road) * Regardless of a hectic schedule, you can catch the Simpson's or Family Guy 24 hrs a day (they assume that all Americans are like Homer or Stewey) *Shoes are overrated (you can't feel the sand in cute strappy sandals) *You don't need a reason to sit in the park and drink beer all day (turns out bums in the US are on to something) *ALWAYS wear sunscreen (that song was right) *How are you going = how are you doing *It's commonplace to have more than one "mate" *The sun makes a perfectly fine alarm clock (it is a bit early, but that makes for more time to play) *A crescent moon appears as the top portion ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly September 29th 2007

We've been preoccupied with settling into the Australian culture that we haven't given much of an update lately . As most of you know, I never tell as story in chronological order. But here's the scoop: We found a really great flat just a few minutes from the beach (and a really great flatmate). We're going to compile video footage of the place for our version of Cribs - release date pending. It is sooo nice to have our own space to call home for the next 3 months- luckily we packed light b/c we've been relocating about every 3 days since we landed. We're staying in Manly- a beach town that's a 30 minute ferry ride from Sydney. Their motto is "7 km from Sydney, a world away from care" and it is SOOOOO true. ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly September 27th 2007

So it turns out that a doctorate in physical therapy doesn't mean much in the real world. I had quite the time with my job search and I wasn't quite prepared for all the dead ends I hit (mostly because we're only for a short time and they were wanting a person for longterm). In the big picture we didn't move here for a career, so I'm just hoping for a steady income. I finally got settled with a waitressing job at a local cafe. The people are pretty cool, they make really yummy smoothies and freshly squeezed juice, and best of all it has an open store front which overlooks the beach - you can hear the waves roll in! I'm also set-up for a job at a hotel- I haven't started yet but it ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly September 23rd 2007

We took a tour of Sydney with 20,000 other runners during the Sydney Running Festival. It was pretty cool to run over the massive Harbor bridge without a car in sight. We saw some pretty parks and interesting buildings along the way while the rest of the city slept. We were so consumed with the views that we didn't notice how tired we got over the 9 km (ok, that's not true - we were very happy to see the finish line- the real finish line, not the first pretend one that we raced towards). Josh was feeling pretty invincible when we breezed past the wheezing man at 7km, but was sadly put in to place when the guy pushing his son in a stroller passed us. They only gave T-shirts to the marathon runners (yeah, ... read more
we made it

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly August 9th 2007

Hello Everyone Have updated the subscribers list and wanted to send out a blog and check all is well in view of recent glich on this site. The guy running it seems to have a tiger by the tail and it gave him a bit of trouble recently devouring a lot of tasty blogs. Still I think this is a great site and will stick with it. Luckily the machinations of an obsessive mature aged neurotic packer hardly warrant a tear or sleepless nights! You haven't missed much!!! Getting the new camera in next couple of days so will fire her up and try and allow her to bless this tiger of a site with a photo or two. Not sure if my technically unwired brain will cope but going to give it a go. Heaven ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly April 24th 2007

Manly Beach, New South Wales, Australia. On our surf today, the weather took a turn for the better. When I say better, I mean dark rain clouds rolled in from the east while the sun continued to shine brightly from the West at around 4:00 in the afternoon. Not quite late enough for dusk, but late enough for a low sun. As the rain started to sprinkle down, the sun from behind the trees on the shore created the most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue and then what seemed like 4 more colors that I've never heard named before by humans. It began its arc way out in the ocean, disappeared up into the clouds, then reappeared finishing its shape in the surf right next to us about a half ... read more

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