Blogs from Manly, New South Wales, Australia, Oceania - page 11


Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly March 31st 2007

Well after enduring what could only be described as a torturous winter in the UK, I am finally back on the home ground for a quick fire holiday and summer session!!! happy days. And further to my hugely popular program " Educating Poms in Drinking and How to BBQ" I brought my lovely lady home with me for a taste of the laid back sydney life..... The last 6 months or so have been spent working my buttocks off as a travel agent...yes you heard right...working, for the first time in 3 years , reality has set back in and i've pulled out the finger and got stuck into some hard labour. But really the job is a dream and i've always wanted to be involved in travel and now that I am, I couldnt ... read more
Me and the Old Fella
Me and the Lady
Manly Skiff Club

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly March 13th 2007

Ok, it's Wednesday morning, we are packed (well sort of) and we are thinking of the things we know we have forgotten. Lots of thanks to Lee Patrick for his help with moving all our belongings to a friend's garage, also thanks to Emma for providing the aforementioned garage. Lee, it's amazing how much effort you can put in outside of work hours :-) Thanks to Nicola and Owen for putting us up for a couple of days, check out the view from their place!! It's been hell staying here......not Last night we had a lovely evening at the local Manly Trivia night (pub quiz) it was great to see everyone before we left. Sharon won a spot prize, which was typical as we have packed everything! So presents were dished out to a lucky few ... read more
Leaving drinks

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly March 1st 2007

Hi everyone! Hope you are all well! I am fine, thankyou very much, and am now settled in the beautiful seaside area of Manly in Sydney. I've also got a job, which is great news. It's working for a start-up fund management company focussed on the Infrastructure sector. It's called RARE Infrastructure, and there are only seven people working there at the moment. But prospects look good, and all the people I've met are nice, so I'm really looking forward to starting there and being part of something that hopefully grows well! I've got to sort out visa stuff, and obtain a 4 year working visa (which seems pretty straight forward) but I should be starting near the beginning of April. As a result, it's time to hang up my sandles (they are falling apart a ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly February 12th 2007

This is a test to see if this journal option is suitable for our new adventures..... Of course we are still loving it here in Manly but work is work, so even though we have good jobs, life is not just about working. Sharon has managed to get 6 months off and I've pretty much been guaranteed a job when I get back so we have an opportunity to get back to the old dart as they say here. We feel we are long overdue a visit to the relos and pomme mates so we are off soon! Now we couldn't go all that way without a little adventure so we are combining our trip with a south east asia travelling experience! (This means we are having a few months trying to live very cheaply sort ... read more
Few drinks in The Ivanhoe

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly February 5th 2007

I’m sitting here right now around two tables pushed together outside in back of the house. I’m on the computer while other people are star-gazing and sharing insights about the earth and its place in the universe. Another is eating dinner, another just letting it all in while no one can escape the chill tunes on the iTunes speakers. Bella’s singing along and I’m wishing I knew the words. Words are a matter of speech around here. Everyone has an English accent except for me, but they’re all fascinated in my ability to cross speaking patterns between American, British and Aussie in a matter of small time. Stories of horseback riding through outer Mongolia, dining with the head of the Thai mafia and 18 year olds falling in love with 38 year olds surround this table. ... read more
Manly beach from above
No swimming sign

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly January 31st 2007

Jan 27. Woolahra. Stamped stickers. Found public hot shower. CYCA chanced upon sailing mate from RPYC. Very windy. Went to library. Email not working. Read. Hot shower. Went to parks facing harbour. Secluded and still. Very nice. Noisy miners, magpie larks, kookaburra. Days shortening! Jan 28. Over harbour bridge to the yachting scene on Pittwater. Forrest of masts. Avalon spruik good. Met supporters from last year. Had long lunch their house. They had large flag hung over dining table. Beachside met son of director of Ausflag who said he would sue me for being Ozflag. Seriously unpleasant fellow - rude, condescending, arrogant and threatening. Lives around here. Hopefully I won't meet him. Jan 29. Avalon spruik, swim. Water 20 degrees. Very nice. Went to Palm Beach. More beachs. Newport channel-billed cuckoo? Very large, grey, thick beak. ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly January 22nd 2007

G'day!! Well, im still here in Manly, worked my last shift at work yesterday, and was FORCED to go out with my work mates, and it was a pretty messy night. Its now 4 in the afternoon and im still feeling the pain. To make matters worse, somebody spilt cheap wine on my bag, and im walking about and I keep getting wiffs of it, and its making me feel a whole lot worse. I think im going to have to put it into the washing machine. Goodness knows what the people sat either side f me in the internet cafe think! Probably that im a complete alcholoic, oh well, nevermind. So I guess you all want to know what I have been up too. Well, Corinne, Georgie, Laurie and myself all went up to a ... read more
Some people on camp with us
Our Instructor!

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly January 20th 2007

After yesterday's trip to Bondi, we had to go back to the beach again. Today it was back to the ferries and Manly Beach. Manly is not only a cool name, but also a cool beach. Not quite as nice as Bondi, but just as packed and great for people watching. Think Venice Beach, CA. There are a ton of shops and restaurants around as well. After today it's back to the USA (although not home quite yet!) We've had a great time in Sydney and definitely plan to return.... read more
Empty Beach?
CM on the Beach
Manly Beach

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly January 7th 2007

What started off as one turned into many. So strong is the influence of a certain handsome Englishman named Matthew David Cooper. Guest appearance from Aussie Bex....... read more
Benjamin, Jim Bob, Cooper

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly January 7th 2007

We were going to walk around to Spit Point but it was raining. Instead we had a $10 steak and I had Apple Crumble as I miss it loads (nowhere near as good as my mums!) Dan went to the Aquarium and we watched him swim with the sharks - it was really cool! ... read more

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