Blogs from South America - page 5379


South America » Uruguay February 9th 2006

Yo ho ho me harties, I am in Piriapolis, just west of Punta del Este, and trying to recover. You see a couple hours into the ride from Atlantidad I discovered some pain in my shoulders and back. For me this is normal but this pain seem to be coming from my skin. Pull down my shirt and what do I see? Blisters! Lots of them. All across my shoulders, big ones little ones, some about to burst some just getting started. MMMMmmm. Well couldn´t do anything about it so I just put on a long sleeve tshirt in the 90+deg temps and rode on. I made it up the coast to Piriapolis and decided to stay at a campsite. It is just so perfectly picturesque here, that I really wanted to stay. That and the ... read more

South America » Brazil » Pernambuco » Recife February 8th 2006

Ik stuur zoveel mogelijk foto´s dit keer, want mijn geheugenkaart is al bijna vol geloof ik. Ja, of Sher, kan je dan alles ff opslaan op de pc thuis, strax haalt iemand t van de site en weg zijn alle foto´s ofzo. Ik heb hier niet alles op staan, want uploaden duurt te lang. Heb er wat meer staan op Van afgelopen weekend staan er nog foto´s op de site van een vriend van ons, en die site is: Rob en Rafiek hebben ook alle foto´s dus jullie zien vast alles wel. Volgende keer ga ik meer uploaden. Ik had gister trouwens mijn eerste les, was wel grappig, verstond er natuurlijk NIETS van. Moesten we ons voorstellen en een verhaal vertellen enzo. De tweede les viel uit, want die leraar kwam niet opdagen. Toen ... read more
wachten in lisabon
In lisabon
in het hotel

South America » Peru » Cusco » Cusco February 8th 2006

Well I now know why it is a bad idea to buy a sandwich from a street vendor in peru. It was very good but I paid for it for a few days and it took a dose of cipro to fix. This weekend was very cool. It was my last weekend with everyone from the spanish school so we all went rafting on the Urambama river. we had a two hour bus ride out to the river. we stopped a couple of times along the way in some very cool little towns. after we arrived at the river we had a saftey briefing then set off. I will say the river is no Kicking Horse but it was still alot of fun. we teamed up in groups of six. there was only 2 guys in ... read more

South America » Argentina » Tierra del Fuego » Ushuaia February 8th 2006

Well, here we are at the end of the earth... Unbelievably beautiful in a totally different way from Iguazu. First, it´s cold! About 15 C- not so cold, but after Iguazu it feels like it, and it´s damp and VERY windy. Yesterday we visited a remote estancia where they have nesting colonies of penguins. About 1 hr 45 mins by car, then about 1/2 hour by zodiac. Just an incredible experience- the scenery is just breathtaking. The Andes aren´t so high here (1200m), but the relief between the mountains and the sea is amazing. There were only 9 people in our group which included coffee and then lunch at the ranch, and they were all very nice. It´s amazing how quickly we became friends. I also love it when people can just switch languages from one ... read more
Don in Cabin
Exterior Cabañas del Beagle

South America » Argentina » Tierra del Fuego » Ushuaia February 8th 2006

I had imagined "the end of the world" totally differently. Especially when an elderly english couple on the plane ridiculed me a little for not getting off in Punta Arenas and instead flying on to Ushuaia (WHAAAAAT the ..... are you going THERE for????) I wasn´t quite sure what to expect...and maybe because of that I was rather pleasantly surprised. The flight into Ushuaia was definately one of the best flights ever. The weather was perfect and we spent 3 hours cruising high over the Andes. The view was spectacular; High mountains, glaciers, rugged peaks, perfectly shaped volcanoes and lots of lakes were below us. Then, desert! For hundreds of miles! (What a surpise I thought - hm...guess I hadn´t done my homework and knew nothing about Argentinas Pampa). After 3 wonderful hours the descent into ... read more
El Fin del Mundo - this is it too!
Ushuaia - down by the waterfront
Sunrise seen from my bed

South America » Argentina » Santa Cruz » El Chaltén February 8th 2006

Zu viert sind mir am Sunntig Morge am 8i uf e Bus nach El Chaltén gange. Dr Oobe vorhär isch mehr oder weniger ruhig und eher gmüetlig verloffe und mir sind sogar no vor de 12e ins Bett cho. D Fahrt isch vorwiegend durch die patagonischi Pampa verloffe, im Oschte no knapp in Sichtwite die schneebedeckti Andeketti. So gege Mittag sind mir in El Chaltén acho. El Chaltén sälber isch wiederum ganz andersch als el Calafate. Es git au im Dorf keini teerte Stroosse, was drzue füerht, dass nach jedem Auto e riseigi Staubwolke in Windrichtig durch dr ganzi Ort weiht -- das heisst alli paar Minute tief Luft hole, Auge zue und Luft ahalte, denn witerlaufe. S Dorf sälber seht us, wie wenn s grad in däm Momänt wurd besiedlet wärde. D Hälfti vo de ... read more
Strasse nach El Chaltén
Das Fitz Roy Massiv
Auf dem Mirador Lago de los Tres

South America » Peru » Cusco » Sacred Valley February 8th 2006

As fas as being on the tourist trail is concerned, Cuzco is right up there. The discovery of Machu Picchu some hundred years before turned what was once a relative backwater into something of a tourist hotspot. It was with some cynisism therefore that we travelled to Cuzco - but how could you possibly visit Peru without seeing Machu Picchu? For those that don't know what all the fuss is about, Machu Picchu is the most complete Inca city discovered, perched atop a mountain in the a most innaccessible region of Peru. The location itself is incredible enough, let alone the incredibly well preserved ruins that sit precariously in the clouds. Our arrival in Cuzco went according to plan, avoiding the many touts by virtue of a prior reservation secured (including a sizable discount - low ... read more
Local women looking over Cuzco at sundown
Em & Ruth negotiating with diminutive street vendors
The postcard shot

South America » Argentina » Buenos Aires February 8th 2006

Major breakthrough!! (and quick I might add) I spent the entire last night speaking (and understanding) Spanish. It innocently started out as any other night with four other kids from school. After a walking tour of the neighborhood of San Telmo, which I will talk about later, we stopped to eat in a famous ´parrilla´, or grill, to have a meal. We started out with a liter (that´s bigger than a bottle) of wine for 6 pesos, for two people. Yah, jaw dropped to the floor. And it wasn´t the typical crappy house wine, it was nice and drinkable. Then for our meal, the majority of us took the ´bife de lomo´, or tenderloin steak, for 12 pesos. People, for FOUR dollars! I also ordered grilled red peppers on the side, for six pesos, and it ... read more
San Telmo cafe

South America » Argentina » Chubut February 8th 2006

Early start to catch the plane (yes, I know, the 4th in almost as many days, but I didn´t fly anywhere yesterday), and the sun has come out to say farewell. Stunning blue sky, with just a few clouds clinging onto the mountains. No first class ticket this time, just regular economy - never be the same again. Fortunately it´s only a 30 min flight, to Rio Gallago, home to the current Argentinian president. This is where we enter into Patagonia proper. Vast open spaces, with absolutely nothing as far as the eye can see. The Andes way over in the West remove any moisture from the air, and only break the wind for a short time, so the wind blows across the empty space, drying the land, no trees able to grow and provide shelter. ... read more
The Patagonian sky
Patagonia plains

South America February 8th 2006

So the road turns again and after sharing just over 2 RE BUENISIMO weeks together as a foursome, team Oz splits in half. Team Shake De Lock head to the coast of Chile to catch cold sic narly olas and the Simpson brothers to hang out for two more weeks catching sweet memories for those years ahead, when we´ll be hanging out on the terrace, sharing a cerveza and laugh whilst sitting in our robot wheelchairs reliving it all. It´s funny how the travellers road bends, twists and falls into some amazing little crevices, people and places. I have found myself in El Bolson for the last 2 weeks enjoying this tiny hippy tourist town with such ease. This pueblito has such a nice energy, ambience, onda everyone ends up staying as long as their life ... read more
The boys blending in. El bolson style
one of those perfect days...
a ver!!!!

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