Blogs from Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, South America - page 19


South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador December 1st 2008

It takes 32 hours to bus it from Rio to Salvador...that sounds like a horrible journey I know, but the comfortable air-con buses mean it´s not too bad, plus we´re used to the huge distances by now. We decided to go so far north in one go for a couple of reasons...Rio state was forecast yet more bad weather, so we´re hunting sunshine, but also we realise that it´ll be Christmas in 3.5 weeks and we need to get to where we want to spend the holidays before all the hotels fill up. We think we want to be around Trancoso, which is in the state of Bahia, about 400kms south of Salvador, but there´s plenty of other places we want to stop at in between. So we´re going to spend a couple of weeks exploring ... read more
Capoeira graf
road to the Pelourinho

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador October 2nd 2008

Salvador de Bahia, Brazil - 28 Sep - 2 Oct 08 There are two sides to this beautiful old Brazilian city, and if you can stay away from trouble it’s a lovely place to visit. We met with our fair share of turbulence in the Bahia state capital, so we’re not hurrying back there soon, but if your in this part of the world its worth exploring for a few days, especially if it’s your first stop after Europe - it’s definitely one of the cheapest South American gateways. Leaving Spain on a high, we touched down to the cheers of a planeload of delighted Brazilians on a warm Bahia evening. Salvador is big, and we had plenty of time to settle ourselves and take in the scenery during the long (and costly) taxi ride to ... read more
One of the fortresses that guarded the old Portugese colony
Beach view from the statue of Christ
Beachfront favelas (slums)

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador October 2nd 2008

Vous avais-je dit que nous étions en quête d’aventures pour notre dernier tronçon de tour du monde ? Et bien nous n’avons pas été en reste pendant nos premiers jours au Brésil, tant le choc culturel a été, encore une fois, impressionnant. La beauté de la ville de Bahia est le fruit de son passé tumultueux, et se voit notamment à travers le riche héritage culturel laissé par de nombreux esclaves africains et leurs descendants, venus sur les côtes du Nord-est du Brésil au XVIIème siècle pour travailler sur les plantations de cannes à sucre exploitées par les colons portuguais. Il faut savoir que c’est au tout début du XVIème siècle que les portuguais découvrent le Brésil en accostant dans… la baie de Bahia ! A l’époque, les portuguais nommaient chaque point d’implantation par le nom ... read more
Plage de Barra, surf & hot sun
Le centre historique de Salvador da Bahia
Quelques exemples de frises retracant l'Histoire tragique de Salvador sur les murs du quartier

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador October 2nd 2008

One of the great feats of our time is our ability to just jump on a plane and within the space of a few hours be surrounded by timeless sandy beaches, warm tranquil water with colours of turqoise and teal that shimmer against a harsh sun beating down onto its surface. Whilst sipping on my Caparinha the national Brazilian drink consisting of cacaca, crushed lime, sugar and lots if ice to quench even the most strongest thirst I ponder to myself this is the life! A couple hours north of Salvador Brazil is a small town called Praia do Forte. The beaches stretch for miles and miles in both directions and they seem like a neverending mirage. A little out to sea and you can see various species of whales including Humpback and Minke. The ... read more
Humpback Whale

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador September 26th 2008

Nach 3 Monaten sind wir nun tatsaechlich in Salvador, dem letzten Ort unserer Reise, angekommen (ja, ein bisschen Wehmut schwingt hier schon mit...). Salvador wird auch die "afrikanische Seele Brasiliens" genannt und wir erleben eine Stadt voller Kuenstler und Ueberlebenskuenstler. Letztere machen Salvador sicherlich auch zu einer der gefaehrlicheren Staedte, ca. die Haelfte aller Traveller wird hier beklaut oder ueberfallen - wir gehoeren gluecklicherweise zur anderen Haelfte, treffen aber auch alle moeglichen Sicherheitsvorkehrungen, achten genau darauf in welchen Strassen wir uns bewegen, haben die Kamera per Karbinerhaken an der Hose befestigt... Unsere Unterkunft liegt in bzw. ueber Pelourinho, dem historischen Zentrum, und auch unsere letzte Hostelwahl war mal wieder ein Glueckstreffer - von der Terrasse im 7. Stock haben wir einen umwerfenden Blick ueber die Altstadt und den Ha... read more
Mit dem Boot erreichen wir Salvador
Vor der Igreja São Francisco
Am Hafen

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador September 22nd 2008

Brazil - it doesn´t look that big on a map. That, however, is a mistake. Clearly whoever was responsible for drawing up the maps of the world had run out of crayons by the time they reached Brazil. Oh yeah, it kind of juts out of South America and has lots of jungle. Well we are here to set the record straight. As we finally emerged bruised and battered from our 36hr (!) bus journey from Belem at the mouth of the mighty Amazon to Salvador at the bottom of the spikey sticky-out bit, we felt that we had paid our dues. Surely we had crossed this mighty country, we must be almost home by now. Well ... not quite. This place is huge. We had barely crossed a third of this behemoth state and have ... read more
Love Heart Lilypad
Crazy Paving - It´s really popular here

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador September 19th 2008

We have decided on your behalf to nominate you as the official recipients of our blog. We hope you will enjoy it as much as we will. Please feel free to add any comments you would like to make or to send us an email in case you do not want to be part of the list (none of your emails will be displayed anywhere). You do not need to regularly check our blog. You will receive an automatic email each time we update it. We will try as much as possible to keep this blog in English to allow everyone to follow us and our feelings in our explorative trip in South America and Australia. We apologize in advance for all the mistakes our limited English level will create. Pour les Francais, il va falloir ... read more

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador September 19th 2008

Here we are ! Salvador de Bahia is the first stop of our 6-month trip that will take us through South America and Australia until March 2009 if we manage to get there on time and alive... At least, we got there without any trouble but not without any vodka (very helpful to make you sleep on the plane...). A short insight on Salvador's history (that we obviously learnt in our guidebook): 1st capital of Brazil, its history is closely linked to slavery. Therefore the African influence is still present, though the mix with Brazilian culture creates a cocktail with an interesting flavour. Our second impression is the omnipresence of music. Music is everywhere every time for everyone: it seems to be the heart of the Bahians' day-to-day life. Capoeira, samba, bossa nova... day and night ... read more
View from a cafe
Salvador building (2)
Street in Salvador

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador September 9th 2008

Hello all! I’m sitting on my bed right now (8/29/08) on the MV Explorer and it is our first night aboard the ship. I got on board this morning at about 8:30 and found out that despite the fact that Michael and I wanted to have separate roommates so we could meet some new people, we had been assigned to the same room. What are the odds of that? Anyway the Bahamas were a blast. I spent a lot of time on the water slides and the “not so lazy” river that floated you around on a tube through rapids and waves and down slides. I also spent a little time on the beach and went SCUBA diving, which was awesome. On the dive we saw lots of coral and small fish as well as a ... read more

South America » Brazil » Bahia » Salvador September 5th 2008

BRAZIL WAS AMAZING!!! I know I didn't do any blogging when I was in Brazil and I totally regret that. So for now I will upload some pictures to share with everyone. But all I can say is that Brazil was fantastic, the people amazing and my experience was like anything else I've ever experienced before. If any of you get the chance to do the same thing then I say go out there and do it. Volunteering with people in a different country, people who need help, people whom, without us would be in worse circumstances then they are now, is the most wonderful thing in the whole world. For two weeks I worked with children in a pre-school. There were 25, 5 year olds and one teacher. These kids were unbelievable, they are only ... read more
First drink :)

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