Blogs from Oceania - page 7322


Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney March 9th 2006

Hi all, I was a little naive - they told me wednesday night was party night in Bondi, and I didn't believe them.. Oh, yes, of course, I thought, no worries, I'll be fine. I can keep up. I have been up all night and so has most of Bondi. And they do this every week! I really am giving up drinking, honestly. (at least for the rest of the week). Big thanks to Ben for being my drinking buddy and guide around sydney - have a safe trip mate, when you land in Auckland let me know so you can see for yourself just what all the fuss is about. Back to the beach for me, I think. It would be good to hear from you all, and will expect big amounts of gossip please! ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Katoomba March 9th 2006

Hello everyone! I'm writing from the town of Katoomba in New South Wales, about 1 hour west of Sydney. I spent two noisy and sleepless nights at the hostel in King's Cross, the red light district of the capital. Tired and overheated, I decided that I needed a break from it all and get into the mountains again. Just a few days removed from New Zealand, I was already suffering withdrawal. Luckily, the transit system in Sydney is fantastic. Think clean double level trains, wide flatscreen displays above the platform and branches to every possible destination. I took a ride out to the Blue Mountains, a beautiful and extremely popular weekend getaway for city dwellers. Katoomba is just one of many small towns scattered across the main highway that winds its way through the nature reserve. ... read more
Three Sisters

Oceania » Australia » Western Australia » Perth » South Lake March 8th 2006

hejsa alle sammen mine indslag er en smulle tynde for tiden, det ved jeg godt men der er bare saa meget jeg skal. jeg er lige ankommet til perth i gaar. er paa en hostel lige i udkanten af byen, et hyggeligt lille et. her skal jeg saa blive en uge. naar men turen til uluru var fantastisk og jeg har taget en masse flotte billeder. som jeg da desvaerre ikke kan vise jeg nu da jeg igen har glemt at medbringe dem. tsk tsk. vi fik set en masse flotte solopgange og solnedgange. saa det betoed at vi skulle op kl 4.30 og morgen for at fange solopgangen. puha det var paent haardt, og saa fik gaaet en masse. den sidste dag gik vi rundt om det store sten, hvilket er ca 8 km tror ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne » St Kilda March 8th 2006

Hier even een heel kort berichte... wilde dit bericht op de site van de grootste krant hier uit Victoria even met jullie delen: / Veel plezier!!!! Robin Ozzie Ozzie Ozzie.... Oi Oi Oi!!!!!... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Hamilton March 8th 2006

I am now sitting at my computer, which is set up on the bar counter of our kitchen, watching Mary, Esther and John (my flat-mates) make dinner. : ) Hooray! We are all moved into our cozy little house, and loving it! We moved in Friday, and immediately got our phone, DVD player, and Internet up and running. We went to the grocery store Saturday and got the basics, and things for meals this week. It’s so wonderful being settled in finally! The house is completely furnished, so we didn’t have to worry about getting linens, pots and pans, etc. Erin and I share a room, Esther and Mary share, and John has his own. Esther’s from Colorado, Mary from south Texas, and John from Indianapolis. Great places to visit! It was a fairly uneventful weekend, ... read more
our little room
dining area
Family Portrait (minus Erin and Katherine)

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island March 8th 2006

Just a few to give you a taste of what is here Cheap camera. It was what it was Have a great weekend JL... read more

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Adelaide March 8th 2006

For all of those out there who are interested... I'm going to Japan! And plan to keep you all updated along the way. I hope I can find enough amusing stories to entertain you all and keep it interesting. I will be staying in Toyama Glass Studio for a week before travelling around with Andy. At the moment its going to be 5 weeks in Japan and 1 week in Hong Kong on the way back. Right now, I have 4 more days until my plane leaves for Narita airport in Japan, via Hong Kong and am currently running around like a headless chicken trying to finish all my work, say goodbye to friends, pack and just plainly "get it together" in time beore I leave. Now the deal is, if you want to recieve a ... read more

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Adelaide March 8th 2006

See my last entry for complete explanation!! I really should've added people to my list before I published the first entry!!! Ha ha ha Anyway... I'm going to Japan!!! Laurel... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Rotorua March 8th 2006

This place is amazing. Steam coming out of the ground all over the place and a constant smell of rotten eggs. Mmmm... This is due to the geo-thermal activity prevalent in the area, and is nothing to do with me having a bit of trouble... I went to a traditional Maori concert in a reconstructed village and was most impressed with the warriors' Hakas. The Maori women's poi were pretty impressive too. The culture and history of the Maoris is fascinating and I hope to learn more when I return to the North Island and travel around the East coast, where Moari communities remain. I now know what the difference between "hungi" and "hangi". Hungi is the practice of touching noses as a greeting, while hangi is a traditional form of steam cooking underground using hot ... read more
Taking part in the census
My future husband?
Or perhaps these two?

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Blue Mountains March 8th 2006

Our bags were packed and our adventure is due to start as we bus ourselves up the east coast. Before we left Sydney it had been our plan to see the Blue Mountains which we had heard were extremely beautiful and well worth the 2 hour train journey. Matt booked us into a hostel... oh no sorry, booked us into some tents on hostel grounds, why not eh?! We had set off relativley early but had to do annoying house things like tidying and handing keys back in Bondi Junction to the TFPG, a frustrating and out of the way de-tour. Anyway we eventually got ourselves onto the train which was a huge double decker train and very comfortable. We arrived into the Katoomba station in the Blue Mountains area and checked into our tents. The ... read more
on the move
In-tents (like intence)
old cars at hostel

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