Blogs from Oceania - page 7324


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island March 8th 2006

Click on Gallery above Then click on south island just roll the arrow over what you want enhanced... if you don't like em too bad... read more

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne March 8th 2006

Yes we have finally found them and got photos to prove it! We are now in Melbourne after Tasmania we went back to the Central Coast where we enjoyed the wedding, the bride was beautiful, the groom was handsome and we all ate, drank, and danced. We had time to meet all the bride & grooms family & friends who treated us as if they were our friends and welcomed us into their homes and cars and showed us the sights and told us stories. In Gosford we went to the Reptile Park for our 1st roo experience. The kangaroos are in a fenced area called free range area that has picnic tables BBQ and kangaroos Then in Melbourne we went to Gumbya Park that had bigger roos that we fed and got the well ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney March 8th 2006

Having bade Anne, my helpful Quantas stewardess (possibly the best stewardess in the world) farewell I cleared customs quickly and easily, and jumped on a Train to the city centre. I arrived at my hostel "wake up!" and checked in, dumping my bag in the dorm where a number of comatose bodies lay. I immediately headed of to have a walk around the city. I started off walking along Darling Harbour and then inland a little. As I did this I noticed the sky turn a forboding colour of grey, and then as I feared they would the heavens opened. At least this time unlike in Japan the rain was warm, but it was also very heavy, and suprisingly wet. I ducked into a cafe for shelter, but the $5.50 for a bacon and egg sandwich ... read more
Teddy Bears
Sydney Harbour Bridge

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Picton March 8th 2006

Three weeks on New Zealand is not much. So we gave back or little car in Wellington, got the ferry to the South Island, to Picton and picked up a new car over there. This deal with the rental company allowed us to save the fee for the car on the ferry. The crossing was good, a long trip through the sounds at the north coast of South Island. Picton is a pretty small fishing harbour, which just gets tourists because of the ferry connection.... read more
Ufos above Picton

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Fraser Island March 8th 2006

Day 1~ Got up early (which is getting very hard) as we were being picked up at 8.30 for our Fraser Island tour! The bus was similiar to our Kakadu tour so we grabbed the back seats this time thinking we were clever as the last time the front ones got sooo hot...well turned out the back ones were the hottest as the air-con had broken-that'll teach us! Got talking to a couple on the bus-Mel & Andy, they were from Essex and really nice! Stopped at the service station on the way and Mark (the guide) took the van to get the air-con fixed as we were all giving him abit of grief about it...1 1/2 hrs later (thinking he'd forgotten about us) he returned, still with the broken van but he said we were ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney » Surrey Hills March 8th 2006

Took a train then a bus to the Koala Park Sanctuary in West Pennant Hills. A nice little place set in forest canopy which houses a good variety of Australian wildlife, with free-roaming koalas, birds and kangaroos. Stroked a koala, fed red/grey kangaroos, took photos of echidnas, emus, cocateels, wombats, flying foxes, cassowaries and sheep! Well worth a visit if you can't get to see all the animals in the wild. Later we had wine with our South Korean roomie called Min. His first sip of wine (not popular in Korea) and he didn't much like it, though it was cheap dry white wine from a box. A discussion followed explaining the properties of wine such as sweetness or dryness, and how very different English accents can be.... read more
Sleeping Wombat

Oceania » New Zealand » North Island » Waitomo Caves March 8th 2006

Check me out in the very beautiful black water rafting gear we wore for caving in Waitomo caves. This was amazing: floating through water filled underground caves in a car inner tube (!); jumping over waterfalls and laying back and watching glow worms on the ceiling of the cavernous caves.... read more
Rock hard

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Queenstown March 8th 2006

We were a bit calculated about planning our trip, so to avoid any bad weather and only visit areas during the best seasons. All seemed well on paper, but it is just a reminder that nature does not like to cooperate, nor be dependable. at least not where i come from (new enland) and now i am learning, not in queenstown. while the little town is charming, packed with outdoor trips of fun, majestic lake and mountain views, it is also in the path of dasterdly southerly (read antarctica) winds! we have been told that it is an odd occurrence, but the southerlys have been whipping thru the area with no mercy for we travellors. It has brought with it rain, possible sleet, an snow to the mountaintop, below treeline. we are getting ready to sacrifice ... read more
Queenstown Sunset

Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne March 8th 2006

hello everyone! ive decided to set this site up (inspired by tom, thanks cuz! haha) to document mine and stus melbourne experiences, it seems easier to keep up to date than the group email thing, and it allows you to choose whether or not to read it! ill try and attach photos when relevant as i know they are always more interesting than words, but basically i'll try to keep you all up to date with life in melbourne throughout the course of the year! well the first week is over, we arrived with the sole goal of finding a house. our budget was originally $200-250 p/week, which after about 2 days we discovered was totally unrealistic after walking through a couple of dark, dingey houses which were just plain depressing. so after getting the calculator ... read more

Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Manly March 8th 2006

Not really a lot to say about the last couple of days because having discovered that Sydney has real beaches we’ve spent them, well, laying on one of them topping up the tans. A good beach as it happens, called Shelly Beach not because they can’t spell the poets name but on account of it being composed of broken.....shells. It’s in the Cabbage Tree Bay conservation area (don’t even ask) of Manly and is about a 20 minute walk out of town. Consequently it doesn’t get too crowded. It’s also the only west facing beach around so the sun stays on it longer. There’s an exhibition of some United Nations sponsored bear sculptures on the harbourside, one for every country represented, which arrived today so there’s a couple of pics of those, for no other reason ... read more
Shelly Beach
This one's for Steve

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