Blogs from Te Anau, South Island, New Zealand, Oceania - page 3


Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Te Anau March 10th 2014

Tuesday 4th The promised bad weather has arrived as we wake to a cold, wet and very windy day. We drive off and stop soon afterwards at Bushy Beach to look at the yellow eyed penquins. Putting on every coat we have we go to the look out. There’s none to be seen and we,re not surprised as the surf crashes onto the beach. We take the “scenic” coastal drive and see great beaches and coast line through the driving rain ! Eventually we reach Moeraki and stop to see the boulders on the beach. They’re strange completely spherical boulders sitting on the sand. Soon afterwards we drive off to Shag Point to see the seals., penguins and shags. There are only seals around, the others have gone off to find calmer spots ! We drive ... read more
Larnach Castle
Taieri Gorge

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Te Anau March 5th 2014

Dinsdag 25 Februari 2014: Deze nacht viel het lawaai buiten mee maar binnen in de kamer maakte het aanwezige koppeltje zich wel héél gezellig. 's ochtends maak ik me zo snel mogelijk uit de voeten. Ik merk dat men achterband precies wat lucht verloren heeft dus even bijpompen en later onderzoeken. Ik ga direct naar de Butterfli Lodge om te informeren of hun tentplek vrij is en jawel! De eigenares is Nederlangs en woont al 3 jaar hier en het bevalt haar goed. Ik kan nog niet inchecken maar ik kan wel wat bagage achterlaten. Ik ontdek dat er een clips van men ortliebtas om het punt van breken staat. Het eerst wat ik in het centrum is een hersteldienst zoeken. Die vind ik in het winkelcentrum en om 16u zou het klaar zijn. Voor de ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Te Anau February 20th 2014

12 fév Je me lève du dortoir de la chambre 7 du Top10 de Queenstown et, sans même ouvrir les yeux, je me retrouve sous l'eau tiède de la douche communautaire. C'est que c'est un départ rapide encore une fois ce matin. On prend donc place dans notre Mitsubishi Lancer louée, mes yeux endormis derrière le volant, et on s'accroche au Highway vers Te Anau dans le Fiordland. Notre regard passe des plaines dorées aux collines verdoyantes, et des pâturages herbacés aux montagnes perdues dans les nuages laineux à l'horizon. Les lieux semblent totalement vidés de ses habitants. Il n'y a de vivant que les bêtes qui nous ignorent dans les champs. En Nouvelle-Zélande, il y a 22 moutons pour 1 être humain. Donc, comme il y a au moins 3 personnes aux alentours (nous)... il ... read more
L'avion dans les nuages
Mirror lake
Derriere le bateau de croisiere

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Te Anau February 18th 2014

Time for the first time in a long... er time to be a tourist in my own country again. Armed with a car, an iPod and an overly sensitive accelerator pedal I set off in haste from Dunedin to get down to Te Anau... sadly haste was nowhere to be seen at first as I (along with many others) got stuck behind the slowest moving campervan you could imagine. The driver was doing 80km/h on the open road, and at first I was thinking "oh well, it's nice that they're keeping to the speed limit and not letting us peer pressure them into going faster than they can manage in that big old thing" as soon as we hit a passing lane however and there is a chance that we can all get in front of ... read more
Te Anau evening
Te Anau

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Te Anau December 3rd 2013

Tuesday 3rd December, 2013. Te Anau Wildlife Centre and Te Anau Glowworm Caves Today we had a lie in. We decided to take a stroll around Te Anau Lake which is the 2nd largest lake in New Zealand. It was a beautiful, sunny and clear day and the lake was like a millpond. We strolled along the waterfront until we reached the Te Anau Visitor Centre. We spent about 45 minutes in the centre looking at the exhibits on Maori Culture and a big exhibit on the efforts to stop the extinction of New Zealand's rarest birds. After leaving the visitor centre we continued strolling along the lake. We saw some Canada Geese and also a Kowhai Plant in flower. The Kowhai is largely recognized as the National Plant of New Zealand. We reached Te Anau ... read more
12. M at Lake Te Anau
19. Takahe
32. M feeding the Kea

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Te Anau April 5th 2013

Hallo allemaal, deze keer eens wat anders, i.p.v een verhaal zeggen beelden meer dan duizend woorden....veel plezier met kijken! p.s. De HD versie proberen we snel te uploaden zodra we wat snellere beter wifi hebben, maar op deze manier krijg je ook wel een indruk.... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Te Anau March 11th 2013

Good lay in, but back in the dorm room last night so up and around by 8am. Today I have decided to change hostel – my bus to Queenstown leaves outside a hostel which is the other end of town at 7am tomorrow morning, and as I wasn’t going to stay tonight originally, I hadn’t booked into the YHA, and they only have expensive rooms left, so I have booked tonight at the hostel where the bus comes from for ease in the morning. So I check out of the YHA in the morning but make the most of the YHA facilities, having breakfast and using the internet etc until lunch time. I then trudge all my stuff to the other hostel, not as nice as the YHA but still nice. Chat to some of the ... read more

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Te Anau March 10th 2013

So despite Milford Sound being the most famous fiord (as it’s the only one accessible by road for people to visit), Doubtful Sound is supposed to be even more spectacular, and a lot less crowded as only one company runs trips there. So as much as I don’t like taking touristy trips, I have decided that as I am here, I should see doubtful sound, and as it isn’t accessible by road, the only way I can reach it is by an organised day trip. So after an amazing sleep in my private room and double bed I am up early and waiting for the bus at 7am. It is a short coach journey to Manapouri (where I cycled to the other week) to get on the boat. It is then a 40min boat ride across ... read more
Doubtful Sound (3)
Doubtful Sound (5)
Doubtful Sound (7)

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Te Anau March 9th 2013

Fiona and Susan want to finish early so they can head off to Queenstown late morning, so it is an early start for us at 6am, and my alarm clock wakes me as I am in such a deep sleep. My bag is packed and ready to go, so again dressing with only a torch is tricky but I am soon downstairs eating my breakfast, with what must be the best breakfast scenery I have ever seen. The hut is above the clouds and the sun is rising with the mountains across the lake (Murcherson mountains) as the back drop – beyond stunning. When the other two are ready we set off, and quite a fast pace to start, I am almost jogging to keep up, ignoring the pain from my feet! We settle into a ... read more
Kelper to finish sunrise (2)
Kelper to finish pana
Kelper to finish FULL CIRCUIT POINT

Oceania » New Zealand » South Island » Te Anau March 8th 2013

As today was going to be a mega day, Motuora to Luxemore hut - 30.8km, with a considerable amount of steep up sections I wanted an early start so I wouldn’t feel under pressure to walk fast or rush any sections. The lights downstairs came on at 6am (but there are no lights in the dorm room), so I quietly dragged my prepacked bag, sleeping bag and pillow case with the clothes for todays walk, outside onto the stairs as not to wake people when I packed up my sleeping bag etc, and then headeds to the toilets to dress and get ready for the day – all a bit tricky by torchlight, but I survived. I utilised my cooking pan and spork again to eat my breakfast of museli with a small carton of uht ... read more
Kepler Map
Kepler to Luxemore - breakfast
Kelper to Luxemore (2)

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