Blogs from Kangaroo Island, South Australia, Australia, Oceania - page 11


Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Kangaroo Island June 18th 2006

Getting to Kangaroo Island was a pain. Shuttle bus times, ferry schedules, and renting a car plus a crappy pay phone system that I had to use to book everything. I hate Telstra. Every time I made an inquiry, I tour package was touted as the best option. I am happy to say, doing it on my own was only A$50 more than a silly tour which would’ve scheduled my every move. Well worth it. You can only get to Kangaroo Island by ferry. As soon as I got off the boat, I dumped my stuff in my room and headed to the fairy penguin center. I had already seen two on the road while driving from the ferry to the hotel, but this way I got to see the rookery and the penguin burrows. Is ... read more
A better Fairy Penguin shot
A sea-lion pup
A curious sea-lion

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Kangaroo Island June 16th 2006

All this week I've come home covered in soot. i've been very tempted to dance around like an idiot and sing that chimney sweep song from Mary Poppins, but i have refrained for Bob and Lorraine's sake. they'd surely banish me to the caravan for something like that. i suppose i should explain why i come home sooted everyday; man, you people are so demanding. Explanation ready go: Bob has an area of land from the garden to the river covered in scrub (bushes) and dead trees (dead trees). my professional tractor mowing skills (okay really i've knocked over 4 fence posts, a tree Bob wanted to keep, and i've broken the tractor at least twice) took care of most of the scrub, but we can't mow trees (well big ones anyway heh heh....hehhh) and logs ... read more
Kairoo Posing
Suspect Characters
Kangaroo Island at Night

The following day, I visited Paul's Place, an animal sanctuary which had come highly recommended by Pieter and which appealed strongly because of the opportunity to hold a koala bear. Unfortunately it didn't turn out to be quite what I was expecting - I thought you'd be able to just wander around the place seeing what you liked, but in fact it was a tour that included forced audience participation. Shy and retiring chap that I am, I've never been a fan of that sort of thing. Paul himself was very much a stereotypical unreconstructed Aussie male, seemingly on a mission to cause offence or at least discomfort to all. With me being the only non-Aussie on the tour (and, even worse, a Pom), as well as the only solo person there, I was the obvious ... read more
Feeding frenzy 1
Little penguin

Seemed as though my urine smelled of Riesling this morning but I could have been mistaken. The journey to Kangaroo Island involved first a 1.75 hour coach ride to Cape Jervis then a ferry to Penneshawe, which was distinguished purely by an enormous sausage roll and a dolphin sighting on the ferry. The man from Budget car rental was there to meet me, dangling the keys to a Nissan Pulsar, helpfully in white to show up the dust from all the unsealed red ironstone roads I'll be driving on. All the blurb had led me to believe that Kangaroo Island was teeming with animals, but it didn't seem to be exactly jam-packed as I took the road out of Penneshawe under a leaden sky. The extent of human habitation was sufficiently minimal that there were signposts ... read more
The long and slightly deviating road
Sleeping seals

Hello All... Sorry we haven't written lately, we have been living it up. This may end a long one, or I will try to keep it some what short 1st off, Happy Birthday E !!! Can't figure why you wouldn’t answer at 3am your time. April 15th we took the train to Adelaide. Special thanks to Lizzy for, while extremely pregnant, drove in from Avalon to wish us a good trip, but also give us a ride to the Train Station. As our luggage was a little over weight, imagine that… we had to buy a candy stripe bag, in which we filled it we Heathers shoes, medicine kit, toiletries and her make-up. The trip on the Indian Pacific was really great, although it was difficult to take pictures from the train. It was a 24 ... read more

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Kangaroo Island April 27th 2006

Our first school holiday of the year and we decided to head further south. We flew into Adelaide on Easter Sunday and settled ourselves into the Hilton for our first few nights (we can't really afford the Hilton - but you can find really good deals on the net!). Since it was Easter Sunday, everything was really quiet. And the inactivity continued into Easter Monday. No one seems to live in downtown Adelaide, and everything was closed... and then it started to rain. What a wonderful way to spend the day! We did get a nice walk in along the river and through North Adelaide before heading into the museum to spend the afternoon in a dry environment. The following morning, we headed for Cape Jervis and our ferry to Kangaroo Island. Once again, the weather ... read more
Travelling from Penneshaw
Adelaide at sunrise
Looking toward "Remarkable Rocks"

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Kangaroo Island April 25th 2006

Koala is an aboriginal word for "animal that doesn't drink" - they get enough from eucalyptus leaves. If you ever see one drinking it is either because it is really sick or there is a severe drought on and they can't get enough from the leaves. Kangaroos also don't need much water and can survive for months without it. Female kangaroos mate again within days of giving birth but they have a reproductive adaptation called "delayed implantation." The fertilized egg will cease development for a while, apparently controlled by the mother. Depending on the growth of the joey in the pouch or the weather that season, the fertilized egg will begin development again when the mother kangaroo is ready The kangaroo and emu were chosen for the Australian coat of arms as neither animal can walk ... read more
Sea lion Mum & Pup
Cape du Couedic Lighthouse
Seal Bay2

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Kangaroo Island April 19th 2006

to follow up the leaving of Sydney, we visited the opera house and did a tour. the rooms are amazing, especially the orchestra room, you see 100 organ pipes, and there actually like 10,000... Later date, we went to the Ice Bar-Below 5C...just like home...tear... everything was made of ice, including the glasses we drank from. You could only stay in for 1/2 hour, but it was enough. The ice was actually imported from Canadia... Had my Birthday, tried to work a double, they wouldn't let me. Sat and had one.........after Heather had a minor Operation which she is ok. It kept us in Sydney and extra week, and gave us time to say our goodbye to co-workers and Joanne once again. Joanne bought a house. A lovely one in Balmain, and anyone who ... read more

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Kangaroo Island April 10th 2006

I decided to leave Anne and Steve's for a short while and go to Kangaroo Island on a two day camping tour. It was a very early 6:20am start when a small group of us left the city heading down the Fleurieu Peninsula to Cape Jervis, where we then boarded a ferry to take us to Kangaroo Island. The journey was very rocky, with one lady falling into everyone ahaha... On our arrival the weather just kept getting better and better which was wonderful as back in Adelaide it had been quite dreary. We drove to Seal Bay where you can walk down onto the beach with a guide to where all the Australian Sea Lions are. These ones spend three solid days in the sea hunting for food, then 3 solid days sleeping and resting ... read more
The climb...
Just before going surfing...

Oceania » Australia » South Australia » Kangaroo Island March 17th 2006

Querfeldein durchs Aussie Land Hallo ihr Lieben auf der anderen Seite der Kugel! Haengt euch der Schnee schon zum Hals raus???? Nach schoenen 5 Wochen bin ich endlich wieder zu Hause angekommen, und schaue jetzt dem Ernst des Lebens ins Gesicht. Sitze grad bei Cisco (falls das irgendjemanden was sagt) in der Rezeption und wurde mal wieder an meinem ersten Arbeitstag alleine gelassen. Hach ich muss aber auch vertrauenswuerdig aussehen. Nu aber zu den spannenden Dingen des Lebens. Wie ihr alle wisst, ging es ja mal wieder los und 'wenn einer eine Reise tut, dann hat er was zu erzaehlen'! Also so ging es also am 12. Februar los nach Adelaide, um die Deutsche Tourgruppe, meine Mutter und Freund Harald und meinen guten alten Bekannten Andre (sorry hier gibt's auch kein Strich fuers e) zu treffen. ... read more
Wiedersehen mit Mama
Wiedersehen mit Mama
Wildlife Park Kangaroo Island

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