Blogs from Cairns City, Cairns, Queensland, Australia, Oceania - page 10


Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City October 19th 2011

Sorry it's been so long since I updated; the only downside of having an amazing time is trying to find the time to tell people about it! Two weeks ago I went sailing around the Whitsundays, which are a group of 74 islands dotted around the North Queensland coast. Our boat held 22 people plus the crew and so was one of the smaller ones that sails the Whitsundays. We spent the first morning getting to know each other as we sailed out to the islands and I had a great group of people on my boat. It's always the people that make these trips and I was very lucky with my Whitsundays trip. We got to the Blue Pearl Bay and jumped off the boat and snorkled around. The colours were absolutely incredible, and the ... read more
Christmas Tree Worms
Beautiful colours

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City October 8th 2011

Vandaag is het zaterdag 8 oktober, schone zus is jarig! Ik ga vanmiddag om 16 uur vertrekken van Cairns naar Sydney. Daar komt Derek me ophalen en slaap ik daar. Ook de zondag breng ik met hem en Kirsty door, want zondag vertrekt mijn vlucht pas om een uur of 17.30 uur (moet ik nog even precies bekijken). Ik vlieg naar London Heathrow en 1 ½ uur later vlieg ik meteen door naar Amsterdam. Ik kom halverwege de ochtend op maandag aan. Ik kijk er erg naar uit de kinderen te zien. Zij zeggen, dat ze me ook gemist hebben. Hope so! Ik kijk absoluut niet uit naar het weer en het binnen zitten in Nederland. Zal weer moeten acclimatiseren. Maar goed, er is maar 1 manier om dat snel te doen en dat is WERK! ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City October 7th 2011

Hoera, vandaag is Juul jarig! Wat kon er nog mis gaan? Buren!!!!!!!!!! De camping grenst aan een woonwijk. Op zoek naar de camping waren wij er al door heen gereden. Er wonen alleen maar Aboriginals, viel ons op. We staan op een plek 50 mtr bij de omheining vandaan. Dan volgt meteen de woonwijk. Hartstikke rustig, superplek, overdag! ’s Avonds werd het al wat rumoeriger en vanaf 22 uur begon het feest. Harde muziek, af en toe een hele goeie gouwe ouwe ertussendoor (Seven Wonders van Fleetwood Mac, da’s eeuwen geleden), veel meezingen, geschreeuw en gegil, duidelijk van enthousiasme en vrolijkheid. Dat ging door tot heel laat, zeg maar, daglicht! En toch hadden we weer prima geslapen. En zo is er altijd wel wat wat je wakker houdt: vogels, krekels, reptielen, snelweg en vrolijke buren. Maar ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City October 6th 2011

……… en ik deed mijn ogen open, lekker geslapen, maar wat is dat!?!? De hele schone tent onder de groene shit. En niet een beetje, zoals gisteren, maar echt enorm. Hoe kan dat nou? We worden omringd door bomen, maar staan onder geen enkele. Straks wéér in de wasmachine! Het razen van de snelweg viel ’s nachts mee, maar ’s ochtends zwol het lawaai erg aan. Doodzonde, zo’n schitterende plek hier. Sinds we aan de noordelijke oostkust zijn heb ik weer het gevoel continue in de Intratuin te lopen. Echt waar, wat hier allemaal groeit en bloeit (als onkruid) staat bij ons in het tuincentrum te koop. Zo mooi. De parken, de tuinen, de kant van de weg, alles is schitterend. Wat ons opvalt is, dat we weinig bloemen zien. Je zou verwachten, dat je in ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City » Inn The Tropics October 3rd 2011

Darwin, Kakadu nationalpark og Cairns Vi havde efterhånden fløjet en del gange og var blevet vænnet til systemet som de fleste lufthavne har. Men vi var dog ikke forberedt på at blive ført gennem en indonesisk lufthavn. Først skulle man have et bevis på at man skulle flyve den dag, for at blive lukket ind i lufthavnen. Det skulle sikkert forhindre de lokale i at komme ind og irritere de ventende passagerer, men lidt absurd var det dog alligevel. Efter vi var kommet ind, begyndte de ellers på vores baggage. Jeg har ikke rigtig tal på hvor mange gange vores baggage blev checket og hvor mange klistermærker med ”checked” vi havde tilsidst. Men vi kom med flyet mod Darwin og landede kl. 3 om natten og kunne ligesom de sidste 4 flyvninger ikke se hvor vi ... read more
Indgang til Kakadu
Vores guider!

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City August 29th 2011

On Saturday 27th the journey to Cairns was to prove quite an experience. We left quite early because we wanted to call in at Youngaburra in the hope of seeing the elusive platypus. There’s a very good viewing platform – much like a bird hide – at Youngaburra but our attempts yesterday were fruitless because it was the wrong time of day. We were confident that this morning would be different but we hadn’t bargained for one thing – Youngaburra markets! They’re quite famous in these parts and very, very popular. This resulted in vehicles being parked on every conceivable piece of spare ground in and around the town so the chances of parking a car and caravan were NIL! We meandered through the small town very slowly in case an opportunity presented itself but we ... read more
High on the Tablelands with lovely open countryside
Warning of the road ahead
which was narrow, steep and full of sharp bends.

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City August 23rd 2011

Heute Morgen fuhren wir die restlichen Kilometer nach Cairns, da unsere Reise an der Ostküste morgen endet. Hier holten wir und zuerst im Visitor Center eine Townmap und ließen uns den Weg zum Abgabeort unseres Spaceships einzeichnen. Danach entschlossen wir uns einen letzten Berg zu erklimmen, welcher aussah wie eine Pyramide. Mit 922 Metern ist die Walsh Pyramide eine der höchsten natürlichen Pyramiden der Welt. Wie der Zufall es so wollte, trafen wir auch hier wieder 2 deutsche Mädels, die in Australien Work and Travel für 6 Monate machen. Der Wanderweg war mit dem Schwierigkeitsgrad „schwer“ ausgezeichnet und einer Zeit von 5-6 Stunden angegeben. Auch ausreichend Wasser und ein Erste Hilfe Set sollte man mitführen. Um Gewicht zu sparen ;-), ließen wir beides im Auto zurück. Sehr steil ging es von Anfang an bergauf. Über große ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City August 12th 2011

My next Australia blog (aka massive essay..... :9 ) is here! This one is just going to be about my time in the Cairns area, as I have so much to write about Queensland that I could never fit it all into one blog. It would cause me to breakdown! I was shattered when I eventually arrived in Cairns, after having my flights screwed around. Rocked up to my hostel at 9.30am, not having slept at all. I was allowed to dump my stuff but couldn't check into my room until 2pm, so had a whole lot of time to waste when all i really wanted to do was sleep. I headed on down to the Lagoon, which was basically this swimming pool with salt water in it, and found a nice tree to sit under. ... read more
Whale Breeching
Me holding a Koala!
Me and a wombat

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City August 11th 2011

A very quick blog entry today as I'm going out in a minute. Flew up from Melbourne today, where we spent the last couple of days in the Yara valley - lots of vineyards and wineries, so had to do a bit of sampling of course! Also saw some kangaroos hopping about and was woken up by wild cockatoos shouting outside the window. The down side was that it was very cold and raining - just like home in fact! But here in Cairns it's warm and sunny again - 28 degrees, although it's 7.30pm now ( 10 am in England I think) Going to Port Douglas tomorrow and taking a trip to the barrier reef. I have heard briefly about some riots in the UK - saw something on the front of a paper in ... read more

Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Cairns » Cairns City August 7th 2011

Hi everyone, Realised it was forever since I did a blog entry and as it will be a year since I left home in a few days I thought it would be good to do an update. I am now living in a hostel in Cairns working on the reception and travel desk, it is pretty fun as you get to meet lots of new people all the time and to go on trips for free to try them out. Went on a tour of some great waterfalls around the atherton tablelands and rainforest last weekend and going out snorkelling on the great barrier reef for the second time tomorrow on a luxury boat. Also went to the launch new boat on Friday night and got to meet loads of people, free champagne and food and ... read more

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