Blogs from New Hampshire, United States, North America - page 14


North America » United States » New Hampshire » Durham November 4th 2010

THE BASICS We arrived home on Oct. 27, and it just occurred to me that I had not sent a final blah-blah-blog. We spent five days in Phoenix preparing Harvey the RV for its respite from us, and visiting with my brother and his wife. It has been nice to be back in NH while some of the leaves are still crimson. THE FLUFF A quick-witted friend quipped when we said we had left the RV in Phoenix that maybe we should consult a professional about memory loss, because that it is a pretty big thing to forget. It wasn't a whole lot of fun prepping Harvey. We had lots of checklists, and of course forgot some of the things we should have brought home. We did about a B+ job, but it was annoying. Harvey ... read more

North America » United States » New Hampshire » Portsmouth October 17th 2010

Hey everyone! Well, its Sunday evening and Korina just came over to pack up the car! Taking off for our first stop (NYC) at 10am tomorrow! It doesn't feel real...I don't think it will feel real until we leave New England! Its been a sad week saying goodbye to all of our friends and family, but we consider it "see ya later" as opposed to a a real goodbye. Hopefully we will be back on Christmas and be able to see all of you. We will keep you updated on our travels with entries and pictures so keep checking our blog! Love you all. -Jenn... read more

North America » United States » New Hampshire » Manchester October 12th 2010

It it 2:35 AM and sleep will not come. Good news! My backpack isn't that heavy! Hurrah! I am very proud of myself for packing everything I need into one single backpack and a purse. It is a big effing backpack, though. Will have to take a picture of that and post it from Justin's before we leave! Only a few things left on my to do list tomorrow morning, which is good. The most daunting is the "add playlists to my Ipod" bullet. I can never decide. Top of the list for right now is sleep. Wish me luck! P.S. Check out the map!... read more

North America » United States » New Hampshire » Durham October 7th 2010

A wise man once told me that to pack for a backpacking trip, "you must place all that you think you require on the floor and then take about half away in order to be able to fit everything." Alright, perhaps this was just my friend Tosha, and at the time I chose to nod my head in agreement while secretly doubting his wisdom. Surely, I thought, this was a drastic overstatement. As I have spent the last few days packing, or more precisely, begrudgingly removing my cherished travel "necessities", I feel it only adequate to admit my ignorance within this public forum and concede defeat. I suppose my downfall derives from being a teacher. We all like to search out a variety of sources in order to cross-reference to gain greater understanding. I took ... read more

Travel, like life, rarely goes exactly as planned. On this trip, I got something quite different than expected, initially worse but ultimately far better. This weekend, I planned to hike the White Mountains in October foliage for the first time in several years. The hiking time to a vista and back nearly matches the amount of daylight available this time of year, so I need to camp out the night before. Lots of other people have the same idea, so spots must be reserved months in advance. That means taking a risk with the notorious White Mountain weather;the range sits where three weather systems collide and has some of the worst weather in the world. On the drive up, it appeared I had rolled snake eyes. Rain was falling in sheets, from a wave of thunderstorms ... read more
Little Haystack Mountain
Cannon Mountain
Walker Cascades

North America » United States » New Hampshire » Gorham September 18th 2010

We arrived here on Friday after traveling a grueling 57 miles from St. Johnsbury, VT. I know, I know, we are turning into ODF's but the states are so small that if we travel too far we miss a state or two. We found a nice little park to stay and then went back into town to check things out. We found the Walmart and stocked up on groceries, ate some dinner and called it a day. On Saturday we took the advice of the camp owner and did a scenic loop which turned out to be really nice. The leaves are starting to turn but beyond that the scenery here is beautiful. We are in the Whiteface Mountains and we ran into some people while we were in Michigan who told us to make sure ... read more
Balsam Hotel NH
Balsam Hotel Entrance
Balsam Hotel

North America » United States » New Hampshire » Dover September 15th 2010

Day 13: We awoke to thunderstorms with lightning and buckets of rain, so a perfect day to trudge down to Bar Harbor and stand shivering while waiting for a table at Jeannie's worth the damp wait! I am now addicted to Boston Baked Beans and eggs, with ham, oatmeal bread, strawberry and rhubarb jam, and buttermilk pancakes with blueberry sauce.....You know, the guy who said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day had it totally don't need to eat for about 8 hours after a "Maine Breakfast." John wouldn't know this since he had a sensible Blueberry pancakes and eggs breakfast. Next time I am sure he will know better. With full tummies to sustain us we went into the wilds of Wayne, Maine to hunt up my ancestors who were ... read more
Maine to New Hampshire
Camp Androscogin
Wayne, Maine

Hello to our Fellow Travelers, It's so nice to have your comments on the blog and on emails to keep us company. Today was a quieter day, and in Vermont and New Hampshire that is partlly because everything that one would want to take a side trip to see is closed on Sunday. So, we left Bulington to take a turn on Highway 2--a two lane highway from Vermont to Gorham, New Hampshire. We are in a lovely court motel, but upstairs, overlooking Mt. Washington in the White Mountains. John decided that he wanted to stay upstairs before he had been travelling for 11 days and carrying our luggage almost single arm does not hurt quite as much, but lets me know if I am using all. We are under cloudy skies and low ... read more
Eating in a Bank Vault
The beginning of Day 11
Montpelier, VT

The Kancamagus (the Kan is pronounced like kangaroo and the rest is pronounced ka-may-gus) Highway is reputed to be one of the most majestic byways in America. This obscenely popular area of New Hampshire is surrounded by over-hyped pay to play tourist attractions such as Ziplines, Moose Tours, Monkey Trunks, and Storyland. We decided to take the more natural route of enjoying the scenic area by spending our two weekdays off of work to do some camping and hiking. We thoroughly researched and then chose to stay at the Hancock State Park Campground, on the West side of the pass, but found that the campground required at least a 50’ walk from the parking lot to the campsites, so we opted for the lethargic car style camping offered at Big Rock Campground just across the street. ... read more
Mt. Bond Summit
Kancamagus Pass
Church Pond Loop

North America » United States » New Hampshire » Laconia August 17th 2010

When we left the Adriondaks, we headed to new Hampshire, via the white mountains. We wanted to stop and visit our friends from Florida that live there in the summer. Our first stop was right on the shore of Lake Champlaign. We enjoyed the night breeze off the lake, but it did get chilly later in the evening. The campfire felt really good. We crossed Vermont quickly. I have a hard time getting used to states you can cross in a couple hours. We managed to stop at a really great farm stand where we got real maple syrup, sweet corn, green beans and some really great tomatoes. We visited Rob and Marion for three days, Marion is a good cook, and we ate there two nights, One day the girls went to an art and ... read more

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