Blogs from Nevada, United States, North America - page 10


North America » United States » Nevada November 5th 2017

THE BASICS We traveled only from Reno to Sacramento during our last week plus, and spent much energy getting the RV ready to sit in Sacramento until late January. But we did treat ourselves to a couple of forays into Reno. During the first, we walked past a bunch of casinos downtown and also on the riverwalk, along the Truckee River. The next day, we watched a Susan G. Komen walk along the riverwalk, and later indulged in a massive buffet dinner at a casino. We moved on to Truckee, CA, which we used as a base for our drive around Lake Tahoe the next day. And then, finally, to Sacramento. Highlights included a visit with our former minister, who left our church in July to resettle in California, and a lunch at a Mexican restaurant ... read more

North America » United States » Nevada » Las Vegas October 18th 2017

Nu sitter vi i bilen på väg mot Grand Canyon. Eftersom vi nu skaffat ett amerikanskt simkort kan vi blogga medan vi kör. Detta har hänt sedan vi lämnade Sverige: Efter en lång flygresa kom vi fram till LA. Vi sov en natt vid flygplatsen och på morgonen hämtade vi ut vår bil. Antingen hade vi bara otur eller så kanske vi valde fel uthyrningsbolag. Vi fick nämligen byta bil två gånger innan vi kom iväg, pga slut på olja i den ena och fel på bromsljusen i den andra. Det blev till sist en Houndai som nu tar oss runt på vår road trip. Den rullar på bra hittills. Det gick förvånadsvärt bra att köra i LA och efter ca fem timmar var vi framme i Las Vegas. Vi slappade en stund vid poolen på ... read more

North America » United States » Nevada » Boulder City October 15th 2017

blog 10-15-17 Hoover Dam Today we wanted to get up and out early. We wanted to take the Dam tour and I read that the tickets sell out early and you can only buy them in person. So we were up at 6:30 and out of here by 8:35 am. The dam was not far from our campground and as we drove just one mile we could see Lake Mead but a little longer to go til we got to the dam. We parked and went to the tour desk and Ginnie and I were the last 2 tickets sold for the 9:30 tour. We were ushered in to see a 10 min movie on the building of the dam then whisked away to a waiting elevator that took us 52 floors down in 90 seconds. ... read more
bush in the campground
purple cactus
 saguaro cactus

North America » United States » Nevada » Boulder City October 14th 2017

Blog 10-14-17 Red Rock Canyon It was supposed to be a lazy morning with all of us sleeping in but somebody forgot to tell the rest of the world. It started with the dogs waking up before 7 wanting to go out. Then Watson wouldn't go back to bed and I was awake for the day. I went outside to make a phone call not to disturb Ginnie and Watson heard me talking so he started barking. I got him outside with me then Ginnie got a phone call, we were not to have a late sleep. We moved around slowly, had coffee outside for the first time on our trip. It has been too cold in the morning or too hot or something but it never happened. There was a brisk breeze but it was ... read more
Watson having a ball
Alfy with ears straight up
Watson at full stride

North America » United States » Nevada October 14th 2017

THE BASICS In Portland, we visited Powell's Books, The International Rose Test Gardens, Japanese Gardens, and had an informative walking tour of downtown, as well as a very enjoyable visit from Monika and Dick Parker's son Peter. We spent a few lazy days in the "boonies" then on to Astoria, at the head of the Columbia River, one of our favorite locales. With bright sunny weather, the view from the Astoria Column was spectacular. On down the Oregon coast, with drives through a few of the beachy resorts, some touristy, some artsy. Coast is stunning, with cliffs, huge driftwood piles. We camped in Tillamook and then in Newport, both times in places we had stayed previously. Decided to head inland, and spent some time in the attractive college town of Corvallis before moving on to Eugene. ... read more

North America » United States » Nevada » Boulder City October 13th 2017

Blog 10-13-17 Fresno, CA to Boulder City, NV We were up and moving at the crack of dawn, well 7:00 am. The clutter was put away, the fence was stowed, the water, sewer and electric lines were all disconnected and put in their compartments and we were ready to hit the road by 8:20. We still hadn't walked the dogs and disposed of the garbage but all that was done by 8:50. After the car was connected we pulled out of the campground by 9 am, a new record. We did have to get gas and that was an ordeal but we were finally on the road by 9:20 am. We traveled south on 41 then picked up 99 South and were on our way for a long ride. The goal was to get to Boulder ... read more
California Freeway
field of cotton
increasing in elevation

North America » United States » Nevada » Virginia City October 3rd 2017

For those who haven’t read my last blog and are interested in continuity, I would suggest you read that blog, Lassen Volcanic National Park, Air Race Championships and a Major Oops in Reno NV, to get the background necessary to make sense of this blog. Briefly, I departed Bonanza Terrace RV Park in Reno NV on Tuesday, September 19, 2017 for what turned out to be a two-week stay at Camp N Town in Carson City NV. My entire two weeks were interspersed with eye clinic appointments in Reno to treat my corneal abrasion and electronic negotiations with the owner of Bonanza Terrace RV Park to reach an agreement over damage and losses caused by a power surge that struck my Bighorn Fifth Wheel. After eye clinic appointments, I made stops at two Reno attractions – ... read more
Bowling Is a Family Activity, Any Questions?
Reading the Plaque Inscriptions Is, To Be Kind, Difficult
Although 360-Degree Views Are Not Offered, The Exhibits Are Spacious and Nicely Done

North America » United States » Nevada » Reno September 19th 2017

In some extremely remote, rural parts of the U.S., there is one outstanding feature that makes an area worthy of a visit, i.e., Grand Canyon National Park. In other areas, the cumulative effect of numerous worthy attractions justifies a visit, i.e., the abundant Revolutionary War-era historical sites in New England. In some areas, there is not a single attraction nor a cumulative effect from numerous attractions that causes an area to be added to the “let’s go visit” list. Such is the case with the inland areas of northern California. Had I been making a pass through this zip code a year ago and been pulling with my old Ram, I probably would have made the trip a Point A to Point B journey, but the diesel has given me the confidence to electively tackle hills ... read more
A Walk on Lily Pond Nature Trail Unveils Some Interesting Scenery
Yes, Boys and Girls, That Is a Mighty Big Hill
The Disturbed Surface Is the Only Hint of the Boiling and Bubbling Present in the Mudpot that One Can See in a Still Photograph

North America » United States » Nevada » Las Vegas September 17th 2017

PARTE I - Irma VS Las Vegas El miércoles 6 de septiembre, después de mucho pensarlo, decidimos emprender el viaje que teníamos planeado desde hace un par de meses. No fue una decisión fácil de tomar pues esto implicaba dejar nuestras pertenencias y sobre todo a nuestra familia y amigos a la merced de IRMA; el huracán más fuerte del Atlántico hasta ahora registrado. Y sí, escribiendo estas líneas vuelvo a sentir la angustia de aquellos días, se me pone la piel de gallina y siento una tristeza profunda por quienes lo perdieron todo... más aún de quienes perdieron a un ser querido. Definitivamente, contra la fuerza de la naturaleza no puede nadie! Ahora la tan anhelada vista al mar de nuestro apartamento se convertía en una amenaza y el parqueadero espacioso en el sotano, en ... read more
Tito Missing us
Lets gamble

North America » United States » Nevada » Las Vegas September 1st 2017

I spent the morning with Arya, and then went clothes shopping. It was lovely. I never do this- just relax. =) Around 2pm, I headed towards Chris' work, picked us up coffee on the way. It was 100F outside. I was fairly certain it was hotter in California than it was in Nevada and Arizona. Go figure. Most people were like, "WHY are you going to the Grand Canyon in this heat?!" I dunno, maybe leaving the heat by walking right into damn furnace made some sense? You can't feel a third degree burn because you've fried your nerve endings. We got caught in little bits of rush hour traffic on our way to the Oakland Airport. In short order, we were off. Flight left on time, and it was an easy hour and a half ... read more
Mmmm- Time to Eat!
Pickled Veggies
Oxtail Chili Cheese Fries

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