Blogs from Colorado, United States, North America - page 201


North America » United States » Colorado May 26th 2006

So what happend to hikes 1 & 2? Well, I didn't have my digital camera for those trips, so there's no photographic record I'm afraid. Anyway, this hike represented my first of several trips to the Indian Peaks Wilderness Area (just south of Rocky Mountain National Park and northwest of Boulder). So far, I've tried this hike twice, and both times I haven't been able to make it to the end. The first time I attempted it, I got caught in a down-pour and decided to turn back. This time, there was simply too much snow still on the trail, and I didn't come properly equiped for the conditions. Regardless, this is still one of my favorite hikes thanks to the impressive mountain valley vistas and the ever-present ethereal sound of the wind blowing through the ... read more
from the trail
from the trail
from the trail

The big question of Day 3 - will a butter rum muffin make me fail a breathalyzer? I figured no, enjoyed the tasty treat, said my goodbyes and headed on to what I expected to be one of the top 3 most boring drives of the trip - Kansas. I really hope it's in the top 3, b/c I don't think I can handle more than 3 of these!! It didn't start out too bad. Actually, it reminded me a bit of the southern English countryside, except way more expansive. A lot of green, rolling hills with the occasional scattered rocks. Then I drove into a bit of a storm. After the storm I realized I wasn't in Kansas anymore. Well, I was...but not the version I had been in before! It got all flat and ... read more
Kansas Rain
Kansas - after
Ellis, Kansas

North America » United States » Colorado May 25th 2006

Day 22 - Cimarron to Sargents Total Miles: 77.1 (1501mi total) ~probably about by the time we get to Sargents Today isn't over yet. Trying to update the blog a bit during a midday break in Gunnison (ranking on my list of favorite towns). Another early start, another climb, another descent and another lunch break. This morning we left just as the sheep where coming our of their shelter and beginning to graze in the fields. Farm animals are ridiculously startled by us, it's pretty funny. As we approached every single sheep turned its black head toward us and perked up its ears. They stared at us for about 5 minutes, then the ones who were already out in the pasture (the others were patiently waiting in line to get out there but couldn't move because ... read more

North America » United States » Colorado » Denver May 24th 2006

Denver…. From Houston we travelled north to the ‘mile high’ city of Denver where we were staying with my Aunt Dorothy’s brother Joe and (soon to be wife!) Melissa along with nine month old Ava who was so sweet! The greyhound journey took us through Amarillo which was so cool…although I have no idea why Tony Christie would want to be shown the way there especially as there didn’t seem to be loads to do but then again I did only see the bus station so I cant really comment! It cheered me up a bit because the 23 hr journey was starting to grate. They actually lived just south of Denver in a really great house with some fantastic views of the mountains, saw an awesome sunset. They met us at the nearest greyhound station ... read more
Me and a frog
Ava and Melissa

North America » United States » Colorado May 24th 2006

Day 21: Placerville, CO to Cimarron, CO Total Miles: 75.0 (1423.9 total) What a fantastic morning we had. It started off really cold so the climb out of Placerville was very manageable. As we approached the summit we were faced with the crazily spectacular view of three of Colorados most impressive fourteeners - El Diente Peak, Mt Wilson and Wilson Peak. We enjoyed quite a ride down to the town of Ridgeway - we ended up spending quite some time there. Arthur ordered a loaf of Jalepeno Cheese Bread (his favorite) - the lady in the store somehow convinced him that the three pound frozen solid block would surely be defrosted quickly. A half hour later she brings out the loaf smiling and says it's all set - Arthur takes it in his hands and can ... read more

May 23 Day 9 Durango to Silverton to Teluride to Grand Junction, Co. Durango 9:30 and out the door ready for our next adventure. I take highway 550, the San Juan Skyway which mostly follows the Animas river up the canyon. We climb about 3,000 feet and reach the Molas Pass at 11,000 feet. These ancient mountains were created by a huge volcano. When the volcano exploded it sent huge amounts of rocks into the air. The vacated and sunken area is called a caldera and is a huge valley surrounded by majestic mountain soaring 13,000 feet above us, the rim of the old volcano. I get out of the car and find out the outside temperature is 43 degrees. Duhh, the snow should have been a clue. I exchange my flip flops for shoes and ... read more
Silverado Mountains
Silverado Mountains

The California Zephyr is the 2,422-mile train line that connects Chicago and San Francisco it is the most picturesque rail journey in the States and is marked by contrast. Travelling out of the suburbs of Chicago it heads through the Great Plains and then winds its way into the Rocky Mountains in the heart of Colorado before finally heading out to the Pacific coast. The journey takes some 53 hours in total and there is only one train per day. To break the journey up and to provide ourselves with a fabulous opportunity to explore some of these remote yet beautiful landscapes, we planned to stop at Fraser-Winter Park, a ski resort village high up in the Rockies, and Salt Lake City, our gateway to Yellowstone Park, Deadwood and Mount Rushmore. We boarded the train at ... read more
The Mississippi river
Double decker trains
The Journey to the Rockies

North America » United States » Colorado May 23rd 2006

Day 20: Dolores, CO to Telluride, CO Total Miles: 81.1 (1348.9 mi total) I'm sitting here in an library in Telluride, one of the most beautiful towns ever, contemplating whether we'll continue on this evening - we'll either bivy here in the park or truck on out to Placerville to ease the miles for tomorrow (we've been riding short days lately, we get the brunt of it done by 1 or 2 then we take a long break - and sometimes fail to continue - eating makes us tired and stuffing our faces seems to be inevitable while off the saddle). We awoke refreshed from our hotel stay and flew up Lizard Head pass. I believe this may be the highest elevation we've hit so far, about 10,500 or so feet. The ride was beautiful, winding ... read more

North America » United States » Colorado May 23rd 2006

Hope this works everyone...I'm having trouble with pictures...if this does not work I will try something else later. Cheers, Arthur P.S. We are in Dolores, CO The link to the pictures...maybe.... read more

North America » United States » Colorado » Durango May 22nd 2006

May 22 Day 8 Durango Silverton RRy To my brother Chuck - please read below. Man, did I sleep. I think I didn't wake up once all night. When I finall awakened and pulled out my ear plugs I realized that M was awake and it was 7am. We needed to get going because we wanted to be at the train station by 8:30am. Train Station you ask? Yes this is the day we take the Durango Silverton Narrow Gauge Rail Way from Durango to Silverton. I remember making the reservations about 2 months ago. M and I had a discussion (?) about reserving an OUTSIDE car vs. an INSIDE car. The discussion went this way: Me: Maybe we should sidt outside. M: No, I want to sit inside. Discussion ended. We had reservations for an ... read more

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