Blogs from Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States, North America - page 10


Pour notre deuxième nuit, nous sommes allés dans un parc naturel d'Etat (celui-ci en l'occurence dépendant du Colorado). Nous avons eu la chance de prendre le dernier emplacement disponible pour notre taille. Royal : emplacements espacés les uns des autres en pleine nature, sanitaires vastes et impeccablement tenus (douche à 25c la minute), laundry. Et bien sur, des chemins de randonnée. Nous en avons pris un pour rejoindre le Visitor Center à 3 miles de notre emplacement. Nous nous attendions à nous retrouver nez à nez avec un Black Bear local, mais nous n'avons heureusement rien vu. Les consignes en cas de rencontre sont rappellées partout : en gros, lui parler gentiment, ne pas croiser son regard et reculer sans courir. Coins de ciels bleus et ensoleillés, nuages noirs, lumières changeantes et... gouttes d'eau qui nous ... read more
notre emplacement
notre voisin

Le 28 juillet, nous avons campé dans le Mueller State Park. 9600 ft d'altitude et non 6000 comme dit précédemment. Emplacement royal, mais pas de wifi. (les ours ne sont pas connectés) Hier le 29, nous avons dormi sur le parking du Colorado State Fairground, à Pueblo. Connexion wifi à $10 la journée, on s'est dit que vous pourriez attendre un peu. Aujourd'hui 30 juillet, nous sommes au Tourist Visitor Center à l'entrée de l'état du Nouveau Mexique et c'était marqué en gros sur le bord de l'Interstate 25 : Free Internet Access, alors on se rattrape. Ecrit le 28 juillet : Ici, il fait un temps bizzare, beau soleil, pluie, beau soleil, pluie... Et meme qu'à un moment il y a eu des GROS grêlons et beaucoup d'orage!! Mais sinon c'est marrant on ne roule ... read more
La mine d'or
La mine d'or
La mine d'or

Lundi matin : réveil à l'aurore (on s'est couchés hier soir vers 20h, heure locale, ce qui fait 4 h du mat en France ! dure journée !). RDV à 9h avec notre loueur de RV pour 3h d'explications. Première impression : il est énorme, et je me demande comment on va pouvoir circuler dans un engin pareil... Et comment on va se souvenir de toutes les précautions à prendre pour remplir de fuel, de gaz, d'eau, vider les réservoirs, sortir l'extension, recharger les batteries ... Ensuite départ avec le monstre et premières frayeurs à bord dans la circulation de Denver...Mais Jerome prend vite la mesure de son véhicule et se débrouille très vite très bien. A nous l'Amérique !! Nathalie Aujourd'hui, nous avons fait notre première incursions dans les Rocheuses. C'était la première fois que ... read more
roadbear RV
I25 south vers colorado springs
lucile blogue

I've been to Colorado Springs twice. The first time I went was over Labor Day in 2004 for a 4 day weekend. This year, it was more to go visit my sister and her family, but I did manage to squeeze in a couple of excursions on the side. The first 2 days of our visit was indoors, it was constantly raining in Colorado Springs. My first visit to Colorado, we went rafting down the Arkansas River. It had been my 2nd experience rafting, the Arkansas River was pretty tame in comparison to the rafting that I had done in Costa Rica. Nonetheless, I had a blast! The water was cold, but refreshing. I was the only woman on the raft - LUCKY ME! It was pretty awesome to be rafting and look up to see ... read more
Top of Pikes Peak
View from Pikes Peak
Pikes Peak

We woke up early today to go experience the Pike's Peak Cog Railway. When we got there the ticket lady told us that they were discounting the tickets because it would not be possible to go all the way to the summit today. In fact, the tour guide on the train said that they had not been able to summit for three weeks now. Snow drifts from higher up the mountain were breaking and falling onto the tracks, so we only went up to 12,129 feet elevation - to Windy Point section house. As we got closer to our stopping point, the snow got so deep! One of the photos shows it all the way up to the top of the windows on the train car - the guide said that was 10 feet deep! We ... read more
Snow-covered Cog Tracks
Passing Cog Train
View from Inspiration Point

045 - USA - Colorado 03/20/09 - 03/23/09 Brother Levi in Colorado Springs Coming back to the States after 13 months of global travel injected some serious patriotism back in us (especially Hannah!). Waiting for our luggage at LAX I saw an older Hispanic lady struggling with her jumbo-bags. Speaking in Spanish, I offered her a hand... then I thought, wait a minute, I bet she speaks English! In fact, everyone here speaks English! I can read the road signs, order food from a menu without being lost with 40% of the choices, and bus numbers aren't in Arabic! Woo-hoo, it's good to be back! It's not just the language, we have things pretty good here. Things have set prices, the roads are the easiest to drive in the world, and we've got less corruption than ... read more
In front of Levi and Mandy's house
At the top with Levi
Garden of the Gods

Although Kansas may be the state known for it's winds, the winds really started to hit me as I crossed into Colorado the night before. Driving across the plains on Colorado's eastern edge in the dark, my heart leapt out of my chest as a brown object came flying across the road in my cars path! Luckily I missed it, but soon another followed, this time, I was a bit more alert and identified it as a tumble weed, but it hit me. Luckily, the tumbleweed lost that battle quite significantly. In the next few minutes, I counted ten tumbleweeds flying across my path, three of which hit me. Then, I found the herd, and I swear about thirty of the things came flying by! It was a sight to see. Soon though, I was in ... read more
Towards the Rockies!
Icy thanks!
Roadside View of Castle

North America » United States » Colorado » Colorado Springs February 28th 2009

Its official the great Swedish flu pandemic of 2009 started with Tom. If you could be in the Center for Disease Control command center right now I’m sure there is an analyst tracking the course of the great pandemic and its overlays perfectly with our route of travel. I now am the third known confirmed victim of the Swedish flu, I hope I survive, I think Tom carries the anti-bodies hope I don’t have to kill him to make the vaccine. Well we left our hotel and ventured down the river road to grab some pics of the petroglyphs, one of my favorite things about Moab. Although we had eaten breakfast it appears the Swedes appetite has rubbed off on me and after only 2 hours I suggested getting sandwiches. So we ventured into town and ... read more

North America » United States » Colorado » Colorado Springs December 15th 2008

Seventh stop: Colorado Springs, Colorado Dodgy rating: 0/10 Crazy Count: A few mad cows (hep, hep) Stay: 21st November - 16th December "Oh how one wishes sometimes to escape from the meaningless dullness of human eloquence, from all those sublime phrases, to take refuge in nature, apparently so inarticulate, or in the wordlessness of long, grueling labor, of sound sleep, of true music, or of human understanding rendered speechless by emotion" Dr Zhivago It’s my penultimate day at the ranch and as I drive to work for the final time in the beaten old F50 Dodge Ram I have been given for my duration here, I drink in the interminable prairie lands, sprinkled with snow and attempt to take a mental picture of this magical scene. I have been at the ranch for a month now, ... read more

North America » United States » Colorado » Colorado Springs November 17th 2008

Yesterday was our final show. Last one for this run. Wow. Honesty, it was a bit anticlimactic. If Albuquerque, as a whole, was anything, it was slow. Food was slow, load in was slow (though the ME and sound guy were on top of life!), service anywhere we went was slow. The day was sort of drawn out, all of us wanted it to be over, but no one wanted it to end. It was sort of weird because the chaperons are all staying together and staying with the kids, and just the 5 of us (Kyle, Jenn, Sarah, Craig, me) were leaving. Sarah will be back with them in a few weeks, and Craig as well, but we had to deport both Jenn and Kyle. Kyle will be back in 2 months or so, but ... read more
Joshua B
Mirembe and Claudio

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