Blogs from Canada, North America - page 14


North America » Canada » Ontario » Niagara Falls September 5th 2022

This morning I got dressed and headed across the street to a bakery….The Red Ganache. They had just taken fresh croissants and cranberry orange muffins out of the oven. The smell simply filled the air. I enjoyed talking with the owner and staff. Of course I bought the croissants, muffins, plus chocolate eclairs, and a couple pastries for us to try. We divided everything by 4 and each had a taste of everything I brought home. It was great with morning coffee!! It was raining, but we took a chance and drive down by the falls. We found a parking place, but it was a long walk to the falls, plus it was $30 and we weren’t going to be there that long!! So we just drive by and took pictures, hoping the weather would be ... read more

North America » Canada » Ontario September 4th 2022

THE BASICS We left Perce and drove north to the St. Lawrence River, then headed west along the rest of the not good highways of the Gaspe Peninsula. After a night at a campground/motel, on to Rimouski, which is a town we really like. The highlight of our stay there was a muscle car show! A KOA near Quebec City came next. We did our usual favorite thing in the city, walking around, gazing into shop windows and looking at people. On to Montreal and another pleasant KOA. Our highlight there was a visit to the Botanic Gardens. The weather was not as nice as previously, so we skipped hanging out in other parts of the city, where we have visited several times. After unsuccessful attempts to interact with our Google Maps feature, we at last ... read more

North America » Canada » Newfoundland & Labrador » Red Bay September 1st 2022

Labrador The 5:00am wakeup call to catch an early ferry made us feel right at home. Hurry up and wait. The trip to the ferry was uneventful and the ferry was very similar to BC Ferries Salish class ships. The first difference we noticed was that the ramps at our ferry terminals drop down to the ferry from the dock whereas the ferry here had ramps on both ends that dropped down onto the ferry dock. The interiors were slightly different, but ferries are ferries, and we had a nice crossing back to the Canadian mainland. Landing at Blanc-Sablon in La Belle Provence, we headed north to our first destination, the lighthouse at Point Amour. Yes, another lighthouse. It’s amazing how many there are, and they all have something unique to offer. This one is the ... read more
Different ramp system
Welcome to Newfoundland and Labrador
Point Amour Lighthouse

OK, I am back…. It’s been quite a trip so far. WiFi and even cell access has not been great in the north end of the island and the part of Labrador we have been visiting. But that has been the only disappointing thing so far. I spoke too soon. I discovered while checking the photos that the date and time on our phones and iPad changed automatically but the camera didn’t which makes sorting the pictures tricky. Back to the beginning of the trip… After a long day in the Montreal airport, the flight to Deer Lake was uneventful. It even landed on time! The Tour Company representative met us and made sure we got off to Corner Brook without any trouble. Much to our (very pleasant) surprise, our bags showed up! The hotel was ... read more
Corner Brook paper mill
Same view without the mill
The road ahead

Well, it’s finally happening! We’re taking our first major trip since our last blogged adventure, the Hawaii Herniated Disk debacle. That one started with a 54 hour journey from snowy Victoria to sunny and warm Maui and ended with stops in a couple of emergency rooms. But I digress. We are heading out on another adventure to a distant island, this time Newfoundland (and Labrador). We begin with a reunion in Victoria of St. Andrew’s Elementary staff. Dianne was teacher, vice-principal and principal there for the 15 years before we moved to Chemainus in 2004. Should be fun! The trip passes through Toronto which isn’t a highlight given the recent problems at the airport. We are taking a red-eye from Victoria and this gets us into Deer Lake in the afternoon instead of the middle of ... read more
View from our deck
A visitor
Back on the water

Newfoundland gives one a sense of calmness and serenity. The easternmost Canadian province has soft winding roads with one stunning vista after another. Even though we had studied what we might find once we arrived, we were surprised by the number of lakes, streams and rivers. We’d call it "the land of 10,000 lakes" but Minnesota already has taken that name. Acres of trees landscape your drive, so many in fact that we decided to look up the abundant varieties in these dense green forested areas. They include many birch trees along with black spruce, white spruce, junipers, white pine and balsam firs. Seems the white pines were heavily harvested for use as sawlogs and ship masts at the turn of the 20th century. This and an infestation wreaked havoc with the species, but they are ... read more
Terra Nova River
We love puffins!
Long Point Lighthouse

North America » Canada » Ontario » Collingwood August 27th 2022

Wasaga Beach, à ne pas confondre avec Nottawasaga qui,comme son nom l’indique, n’est pas à Wasaga. Ni avec Collingwood, tel qu'indiqué sur la map du blog. Semble-t-il que pour Travelblog, Wasaga beach n'existe pas... On arrive à notre Airbnb et il me semble que je me reconnais … Turns out que notre maison est sur la même rue que le chalet qu’on avait loué avec des amis il y a 6 ans (laquelle rue fait à peu près 300 mètres). Si on peut ne pas entendre de Nazgul de la semaine, ça sera déjà une grande amélioration (pour la petite histoire, quand on était venu il y a 6 ans, Romy avait 4 mois et a percé 2 dents pendant la semaine. Elle a pleuré toute la semaine, jours et nuits, en émettant un son identique ... read more
La piscine dans laquelle périrent les 3 poissons
Les ribs de la honte (J'ai mis une pièce de 1$ à droite pour la perspective...)
Les filles devant leur film avec popcorn

North America » Canada » Ontario » Niagara Falls August 22nd 2022

2e épisode des avances hautes-canadiennes. Alors. Départ de Belleville, direction Royal Botanical Garden. Geneviève a fait ses devoirs. Il y a plusieurs restos autour dudit jardin. Pas besoin de se faire de lunch. On se tape un s***load de trafic en chemin alors quand on arrive, les filles sont affamées. Surtout qu’on a gossé pour trouver la bonne entrée et qu’on a dû arrêter dans un parking parce-que Delphine avait trop envie (On a trainé le petit pot alors c’est pas trop compliqué) On se dépêche, on paye les billets et on demande le chemin pour le resto. Arrivés devant le resto…. C’est fermé. Pas la fin du monde, il y a aussi un café. Également fermé. Je retourne à l’accueil pour m’informer des options bouffe et demander au dude ce qu’il pensait que je voulais ... read more
Les poulets devant les chutes.
La fraude de Behind the falls... Et c'est pas mon appareil qui est poche...
Les chutes... encore...

North America » Canada » Ontario » Belleville August 18th 2022

Alors voilà! C'est le retour des 5 poulets en vacances! Pour ceux qui auraient manqué le blog de l'an dernier, Sylvie, la mère à Geneviève, est notre plus récente recrue. Plutôt défensive, c'est une fabricante de jeu (au sens propre) hors pair et elle a vraiment pris Romy et Delphine sous ses ailes. Pour ceux qui seraient encore plus en retard sur les nouvelles, on a eu une 2e fille, Delphine, en novembre 2019, à l'époque ou le concept de bulle référait à des sphères de savon et où les masques se portaient juste à Halloween. S'il y en a qui ne savaient pas que j'avais eu une fille également en 2016 (Romy), je ne suis pas trop sûr de ce que vous faites sur mon blog... Enfin. Nous avons autre nouvelle recrue cette année. Sprune. ... read more
A la recherche des os perdus
Un fort imprenable
La grosse chaise a beaucoup amusé les enfants

North America » Canada » Quebec » Dolbeau-Mistassini August 14th 2022

(NB: I have no clue where Dolbeau-Mistassini is, but can't seem to manage to delete it.) THE BASICS The second day in Perce, we explored the alternate route to the top of the hill entering Perce from the north: the 17% grade would have put a real strain on the RV! On our third day, we drove an hour north to Gaspe (another two-syllable pronunciation) and east from there to the Forillon National Park. We found a nice spot back in Gaspe for a late lunch. A long day’s drive to The Pirate Motel campground in Cap Chat. I will say a lot about the roads in the next part of this blog. Then another drive, to Rimouski, which we remembered fondly from our last trip here eight years ago. It was John’s birthday, and we ... read more

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