Blogs from Nova Scotia, Canada, North America - page 42


North America » Canada » Nova Scotia September 14th 2008

Saturday, Sept 13 We headed out after breakfast at the cottage and my morning walk down Silver Point Road. We were going to take the ferry at Riverpoint. On the way we saw signs posted for a Cranberry Farm, so we drove out Blue Rocks Road and followed the signs down some side roads until we reached the farm. The gate was open, but there was no one around. We parked the truck and realized that the plants enclosed within earthen banks were cranberries, covered in fruit that was in the process of turning from white to red. They had a pond for flooding the bogs and a hose for sucking up the berries. They had lots of crates to be filled. It would have been much more interesting if we had someone to explain the ... read more

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Cape Breton » Baddeck September 14th 2008

Saturday, September 6 When we started out on Saturday morning, everything was wet from showers in the night - the first bands of rain going out ahead of tropical storm Hannah. We ate breakfast at a Perkins just across the line into New Jersey. In New York, we drove through the Bear Mountain State Park. The clouds were sitting on top of the mountain, so the road to the lookout was closed. We took the Bear Mountain bridge across the Hudson River. For a while we drove through the countryside - with forest and large lakes. In Carmel, NY, we stopped for lunch and ran our errands - an optician to put the lens back into Mother’s glasses, a Radio Shack for an electrical adapter, and an A&P for Mother’s grocery store fix. Most of the ... read more

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia September 13th 2008

No continental breakfast for us. This motel didn't even have a coffee maker so being the caffeine fiends that we are we were up, dressed and packed in record time. We went into downtown Inverness and found a local restaurant where we had breakfast...good old fashioned eggs, bacon, toast with not a muffin or bagel or a continental anything in sight. We drove up and down the main street of this tiny town and then set off for the coast road to Cape Breton Highlands National Park along the Cabot Trail. Our destination is Baddeck, home of Alexander Graham Bell. We will be driving the west coast which is the St. Lawrence Gulf, over the top of the park and then on the easten shore of the Atlantic. My understanding is that the interior of the ... read more
Am I Cool or What?

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia September 13th 2008

Ten days with no place to call home. What better way to spend it than a road trip? We only had 10 days, but we had 10 big days, including the Gaspé peninsula, parts of New Brunswick, and Cape Breton and the Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia. Highlights included some amazing camping spots, moose-signs and footprints (but no moose sightings), cute fishing villages, lighthouses, friendly people, crazy drivers and some very large piles of wood (must get cold in winter!) We picked up our rental car the morning of September 1st, and decided that renting cars is a great way to test-drive a vehicle. Our experiences have convinced us to stay away from the go-kart engines of Hyundai's, but that's what we had for our trip! It loved the hills...really (just the drivers behind hated ... read more
Forillon National Park
Le Rocher Percé
Sculptures by the Sea

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax September 1st 2008

We arrived in Halifax late Tuesday night. This time the weather has not cooperated and it has rained every day so we have not been able to do a lot of outside things. Thursday we took the boys to an indoor glow in the dark mini golf. On Saturday we went to a friend of Jeremy's farm and picked blueberries. On the way home we stopped at Murphy's in Truro for some fish. YUM! Rich preach on Sunday AM and we visited with friends at night. Today it is still raining and it doesn't look like it will let up until the end of the week. Here are a few pictures for you to enjoy.... read more
Taking a Nap with Papa
Ready for Church
Riding to the field

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax August 29th 2008

Less than a week to go and my mind turns to what I leave behind. I spent the summer in this quiet part of the world. I am lucky to live here, I know. Now the birds are gathering on the telephone wires, getting ready to fly south. People are energetic with the cooler air. Neighbours are chopping wood for winter. Schools will soon open. Everything around me begins the autumn dance yet I pack and clean house and empty my life as much as I can so I am free to travel. A turtle, that is what I am mimicking, as I stuff clothing into a backpack. How will I get by with only this pile of clothes and shoes on my back? How do I make room for the alarm clock, sleeping bag, toiletries ... read more
August bounty

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Cape Breton » Baddeck August 29th 2008

Alice and I are in Baddeck right now waiting until 5 or so to head back onto the road towards our campgrounds. She says if you check in after 6pm, you don't have to pay for the day's fees so we figure we'll laze around Baddeck for the time being. One of the gift shops have the cutest mugs! They are 'Buddha' mugs that are easy to cradle. I like!... read more

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax August 24th 2008

Today is the day that I should have a reaction to the Yellow Fever needle I got ten days ago. Hmmmmm, do I feel different? or am I thinking myself into some body aches? Not sure... I wonder if some infected mosquito will bite me in Peru and die because I have this serum in my body? I hope so. ha ha ha I like this site; good tip about travel insurance. I get lost reading other blogs and looking at the photos. Pressure is off, to get that perfect shot at all the places that I want to see, because hundreds of people have already been there and taken good pictures. Why, I could hide out in my house and never leave, and make up a travel journal by cutting and pasting these fine ... read more

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax August 23rd 2008

O.K. This looks like a great place for a travel journal. I fly out on the 4th of September, with a one way ticket to London. In less than two weeks, the adventure begins.... read more

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia August 23rd 2008

Hi! In September, we will be hitting the road again - heading to Nova Scotia. The sense of anticipation is getting stronger as the date approaches with lots of adventures, great & small, to be shared. I'll be sending blogs once we start out on September 3.... read more

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