Blogs from Nova Scotia, Canada, North America - page 41


North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Cape Breton October 18th 2008

An hour long ferry ride took us off Prince Edward Island to Nova Scotia. Our destination was Sydney, Nova Scotia. The drive itself was very pretty, once again the fall colours being the highlight. Arriving in Sydney, we found ourselves a cheap B&B, in fact it was only $45 for the night. Before the day was out we quickly took off for Louisbourg to check out the fortress, which was key in the battle for control of Canada between the British and the French. The fortress has been preserved to show the living conditions for the soldiers in the 1700’s. Unfortunately by the time we got there the last tour bus from the visitor centre had already left. We were still able to see the fort from a distance and it was quite large and ... read more
Cape Breton Island (7)
Cape Breton Island - Cabot Trail (11)
Cape Breton Island - Cabot Trail (27)

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax October 16th 2008

Halifax is the home of Canada’s best beer, Alexander Keith’s and also home of man’s largest explosion prior to the atomic bomb. This occurred when two boats collided, one of the boats had a full cargo of ammunition. We had originally planned on staying with a friend from Jasper but when she was no longer available we put out an emergency host request on couchsurfing hoping that someone was feeling charitable. Luckily for us Wayne took us in. Undoubtedly Wayne was one of our most memorable hosts, very unique (but in a good way), very frank and highly comicable! One evening we paid a visit to the Maritime Musuem of the Atlantic which housed an excellent collection of real sailing boats and a good Titanic exhibit. We followed that by a tour of the Alexander Kieth’s ... read more
Halifax Citadel
Alexander Keiths Brewery
Peggy's Cove

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax October 13th 2008

In order to work for NCL, it is a requirement to complete a basic safety course. Included in the course is first aid, firefighting, lifeboat/liferaft training, emergency procedures, etc. We started our training last week, have more this week, and then we finish with us having to flip a liferaft over in the water once we get to warmer waters (Bermuda). Lucky for us, having Halifax as a port meant that we got the opportunity to go to some special training facility to FIGHT FIRES! When Lisa and Katelyn did their safety training, they simply got to crawl through the crew bar that was filled with dry ice as smoke. Lucky us got to fight a real fire. Well… a controlled propane fire. Nonetheless, it was fantastic. We broke into two groups and our group got ... read more
Nicole and Steph
No Neck
Victor and I

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Annapolis Valley October 7th 2008

Most of our time in Nova Scotia was spent on Mike's Mum and Dad's farm. Janet, Mike's Mum had surgery whilst we were there so it was perfect timing in that we got to spend some time with her beforehand and then visited her in hospital afterwards. The hospital was in Kentville, about and hour and a half from Halifax - on the West side of Nova Scotia. We managed to fit in a couple of visits. We stayed overnight at Annie and Deke's, Aunt and Uncle. On the way home from their house in St. Margaret's Bay, we stopped at Peggy's Cove. However, it was swarming with people and we back tracked just further along the road and got a great view of the lighthouse from across the water. After three attempts, we finally got ... read more
A yummy coffee
Lighthouse with an army of ants around it
Mike doing some honest work!!!

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia September 20th 2008

Wednesday, September 17, 2008 The dining room at the Inn was full for breakfast, so we invited a couple from Maryland to eat breakfast at our table. Lots of French speaking folk were eating in the room with us. It was a morning for running errands. We stopped at the Dollar Store to get a basket for the center console. Every time I put on brakes something comes sliding off the collection in the top depression. We found a basket and double stick adhesive and a lot of other things before we left there. Next stop was at the bank to exchange dollars. Then we drove to the north side of town to take a few pictures and to get some gas. One of the main stops for the day was at the Three Gables ... read more

Sunday, September 14, 2008 We packed up and left Martin’s River fairly early on our way to Baddeck on Cape Breton Island. Our first stop was in the Halifax area to see the Northwest Arm of the Halifax harbor. According to legend, that is where our great, great, great, great grandfather, Heinrich Strum, was ice fishing when a blizzard blew in and he froze to death in January of 1783. We made a short stop at the Aviation Museum near the airport. In Antigonish, we visited St. Ninian Cathedral. The regular service had already ended, but a special baptism for 5 infants was taking place. We went in and stayed for a part of the service. The paintings on the ceiling were luminescent pictures of Christ. We crossed the Canso Causeway onto Cape Breton Island and ... read more

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Peggy's Cove September 17th 2008

On the way out of P.E.I we picked up a bag of P.E.I. irish potatoes-yum....and went back over that long-long bridge. Nova Scotia wasn't that that far, just a few minutes through New brunswick and your there. First thoughts was no one lives here. After the visitor Center there are miles of just hill and trees. we drove south to a campground northwest of Halifax and stayed the night. Next morning we drove noth west to Windsor (I think the 5th we have driven through on this trip) to see the south side of the bay of Fundy. From there we went south west and found a u-pick apple farm and we picked about 12lbs of 2 types of apple.....again yummy. We drove south from there to the historical fishing village of Lunenburg and then north ... read more
At our camground
a pond at the campground
picking apples

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia September 16th 2008

As I am journaling I've found that the map module on travelblog is no longer working. Every time I try to access a map or make a new one the whole website crashes. Grrrrrrrr. I'm hoping this will be fixed soon because I keep forgetting where I am without the map. We had breakfast with another couple from the US. They were from New Jersey and had also traveled to CBI and Baddeck to look into purchasing a summer home there. I'm jealous. Today we will head west to Digby. As much as I wanted to go around the southern part of Nova Scotia I have to admit I lost that battle and without that much of a fight. I think I'm getting a little toured out and am starting to set my sights on home..... ... read more
Getting Ready to Board
Our Guide
Lighthouse on the Point

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia » Halifax September 15th 2008

We are heading for Halifax this morning. Ordinarially we've avoided big cities but there were a couple of things that I found in the guide books that sounded interesting and since it is on our way to Peggy's Cove (supposedly another must see place) it seemed like a good idea. First we did our laundry. There was a laundromat in downtown Truro. It took us about an hour to get it all washed and dried. It was nice to have clean clothes again. We got in to Halifax at about 10:30 or so. Both of the places we wanted to visit were right on the waterfront about 3 blocks away from each other which made it convenient. The first place was a glass blowing factory that was highly recommended. They blow glass right on the premises ... read more
Our B & B
River Reflections
Our room at River Reflections B & B

North America » Canada » Nova Scotia September 14th 2008

A little about Baddeck. Both Cal and I loved this area. Baddeck is on a lake called Bras d'Or (pronounced roughly "bra-door") which is French for arm of gold. It is a large lake right in the center of CBI that is actually an arm of the Atlantic and so salty. There is lobster and commercial fishing. Baddeck is home to many recreational boaters and there were several marinas in the area. Many of the cottages are vacation homes for people living in Sydney and Halifax. It is a very pretty little village. We have considered retiring here although I'd like to see a winter before I make a decision like that. We had a nice conversation with our fellow B & B residents during breakfast and then it was off to the Bell Museum. The ... read more
Lighthouse on the point in Baddeck
Phone Booths at the Bell Museum
Demented Squirrel

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