Blogs from St John's, Newfoundland & Labrador, Canada, North America - page 7


Everyone always plans for travel; where they will go, what they will do and how they will get there, but the thing you never think of (or I never thought of) was what happens when you come home. I returned to Canada nearly a year ago from a 7 month trip - see previous posts- yet it has taken this long to see how much it has altered my perspective on things. I am writing this post from my desk, in my post graduate school in St John's Newfoundland where I am writing my Masters degree on Children's Right to Play - a topic, by the way, that I decided on while travelling Thailand. (Impact one of travelling- picking a masters topic I had never even given a second thought too) While I watch the spring ... read more

North America » Canada » Newfoundland & Labrador » St John's September 16th 2010

Hello all, from Newfoundland, a province that now owns a little piece of both of mine and Rene's hearts. Where does one start to talk about such a wonderful island: Here I am writing again from yet another ferry. Seems to be a good place to write, think and do some remininsing. This time the ferry is the Argentia Ferry. This ferry is taking us from Newfoundland back to Sydney Nova Scotia. This ferry ride is kinda sad for us. We have been in Newfoundland now for 2 weeks. We have seen some amazing sights, smelled some interesting and some not so pleasant smells. We have heard some beautiful and some funny music. But most of all we have met some wonderful people. I left off in my last blog about catching the ferry from North ... read more

Saint-John’s, 8 août - Plus d’une semaine que je suis ici et la ville me réserve encore de belles surprises! Un décor unique avec la rade et Signal Hill, un centre-ville qui bouillonne d’activités (le Folk Fest bat son plein et la musique est tout simplement irrésistible), les pubs où l’ambiance frise parfois le délire (le cliché des bars fréquentés par les vieux loups de mer et une jeunesse qui ne laisse pas sa place pour ce qui est de festoyer…), les petites maisons colorées, les parcs magnifiques, cette capitale est sans contredit la plus agréable des Maritimes. Les gens ici sont souriants, gentils et ravis de discuter avec les visiteurs. J’ai, grâce à mon guide Natalie, rencontré pas mal de monde et j’ai une bien meilleure idée maintenant de la réalité terre-neuvienne. La province émerge ... read more
Fort Amherst
Le port
Cabot Tower

Saint-John's, 31 juillet - Apres les merveilles naturelles de la cote ouest de l'ile, je decouvre maintenant la region de la capitale terre-neuvienne. Un mot tout de meme sur ma derniere journee a Gros Morne, ou les splendeurs du parc national m'ont encore une fois emerveille. Le sentier des Green Gardens nous amene sur un littoral escarpe marque par l'activite volcanique qui s'est manifeste ici autrefois. Les bulles de lave et les eperons basaltiques sculptent un paysage rugueux d'une grande beaute qui m'a fortement rappele la cote de l'Oregon. Mais le clou du spectacle, c'est la croisiere dans le fjord du Western Brook Pond, ou les glaciers ont decoupe le Long Range pour forger des parois verticales d'ou jaillissent des cascades qui nourrissent un magnifique lac d'une quizaine de kilometres de long. Vraiment impressionnant comme paysage ... read more
Rocky Harbour
Green Gardens
Green Gardens

North America » Canada » Newfoundland & Labrador » St John's February 27th 2010

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog. This is the first time that I have done one so please excuse any rambling and lack of expertise. Today is the day before me and five of my best girlfriends head out for amazing tour of Greece and Egypt. The trip will consist of four weeks of five star hotels, low end hostels, backpacking, bus tours and cruises. It will be epic and will be remembered by us and the locals for a long time. LOL. Anyways all I have bags to pack and booze to drink. I hope to update this as much as possible. Love ya All !!!!!... read more

North America » Canada » Newfoundland & Labrador » St John's November 13th 2009

Good morning everyone it's Friday the 13th and we are in Clarenville NL.It's about 7am local time so that's 5:30 am our time Wendy is sleeping so I though I would put a little note in. We left St Johns NL. last night after spending the day making sure the equipment truck was loaded right so it will go well Tomorrow when we do our first setup for the public. St Johns was a little cool the hotel was OK. We never got a chance to see much of the city and last night driving to Clarenville was dark so the only thing we have been able to see of Newfoundland was from the plane but today we should get to see a bit more of it. After the Celebration tomorrow we have to drive 400 ... read more
Rod's Fish and Chips
Nite Life in Clarenville!

North America » Canada » Newfoundland & Labrador » St John's November 10th 2009

Hier noch einige Eindrueck aus St. John's und Umgebung. Eingeschlossen ist der oestlichste Punkt Nordamerikas: Cape Spear! Naeher werd ich Deutschland bis April wohl nich mehr kommen :/ Hab aber auf jeden Fall beschlossen, dass ich unbedingt nochmal zurueck muss in diese wundervolle Provinz!!!... read more
Auf nach Kiddy Widdy
Auf nach Kiddy Widdy
Auf nach Kiddy Widdy

St. John’s port was canceled due to severe weather. Lunch with Judy & Diana in the dining room. Great hamburgers. Went and saw “The Proposal” again - it is a great movie with Sandra Bullock and very funny. Be sure and see it. ... read more

North America » Canada » Newfoundland & Labrador » St John's September 18th 2009

I sit here, with a giant pile of adorable long-hair, domestic mop of a Freya on my right lap, I'd like to recall some details my flight and arrival into St. John's, though there wasn't too much to report about it. The flight wasn't very long, though it was long enough to make good use of the individual screens on the back of each seats to watch a full length feature film. I chose "Night at the Museum 2" since I'd seen the first one and hadn't gotten around to watch the second for lack of interest, I suppose. It was cute, like the first one. Entertaining, but only really worth it if there's not much better to watch, or if you're hanging around a bunch of kids. We landed in St. John's quite late and ... read more

It was a dark and stormy night. Sunday, August 30, 2009 to be exact. We drove back from Notre Dame Bay to Manuels, Newfoundland (my hometown). We quickly changed and and washed off the bog to accept a gracious dinner invitation from our friends Geoff and Jennifer Pearcey. We were delighted Geoff's brother Jason and his wife Kathy were also there. It was a pleasure catching up them as I had not seen Jason and Kathy for a few years, and Eva had never met them before. It was almost 10 pm when we arrived. Kindly, Geoff and Jennifer stayed up until well past midnight, talking to us about our trip and pretending they were not tired. I hope no employees at Diesel Injection paid the price the next morning. The next day, we saw some ... read more
Fred & Sarah
At Quidi Vidi

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