Blogs from United Kingdom, Europe - page 2545


Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Argyll » Isle of Mull February 9th 2007

Well the forest rally has come and gone... seemed to be quite a good weekend. Although Dave and I didn't get to see much of it since we were working the whole time... kind of a trend starting I think. We haven't been that busy this month, a wee bit boring actually. And work is a bit unsure at the moment, since it seems the staff are all about to cut and run. We both really like Nick and Debbie so hopefully things work out, we'll just have to wait and see. The island is quite secluded and it would be easier if we had a car (you know me always picking the most difficult places to live ;) But in general it is such a wonderful place, the summer is going to be so different ... read more
Mull Forest Rally contd.
Tobermory Lighthouse
View from the ferry

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Peterborough February 9th 2007

I have now finally finished the thorough course of vaccinations required for my trip. Once the number of needles going into my arms hit double figures, I stopped counting. The cholera one was, bizarrely, a fizzy strawberry / cleaning chemical flavoured drink, in two doses. I am glad to say I am now protected against Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Polio, Tetanus, Diptheria, Tuberculosis, Rabies (sort of), Japanese B Encephalitis, Hepatitis B and Meningitis (strains A, C, W & Y). A course of endless tablets (two per day of one sort and two per week of another sort, from one week before departure until four weeks after return) will keep Malaria at bay too, although I'm hoping that the industrial strength insect repellent and the wedge-shaped mosquito net will help in that regard too. The pills make me ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cornwall » Falmouth February 9th 2007

Bored with looking at the back of Colin's head and watching Alistair's beard grow even greyer I decided I needed a break. Whilst no one was looking, I snuck out and got myself a lift on a milk lorry. The driver, Trevor, understood my boredom. He'd been an office clerk once and he'd found it very boring. We travelled south for a couple of hours and I had to change to another lorry at Watford Gap services. This driver, Reg', was going all the way to Cornwall so I decided to stick with him. We arrived in St Austell and I immediately fell in love with the place. You can see a picture of me at the Eden project. It's kind of an indoor jungle with so many beautiful tropical plants and flowers. It was very ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » Wales » Cardiff February 9th 2007

What an amazing experience for this little south african! On wednesday night we had so much snow that only 3 of the 9 OT's were able to make it into work - and 2 of those live on the property - one being me! 31 of the surgery staff called in to say it was taking them 3 hours to get into work, so they werent bothering and were just going to go home! Friday was just the same and driving was hysterical! Bit like bumper cars - you go straight, and when trying to turn a corner, just keep going straight... i've never been great on corners, but at least this time it wasnt my fault! Bit like driving on an ice rink! Everything was so beautiful - covered in white, and thick snow which ... read more
trying to find the road
bedroom window

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Surrey » Esher February 8th 2007

alas we are still travelling. travelling around mainly between our parents houses in search of food and shelter. ... read more
then so can I!
Rich's solo effort

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Oxfordshire » Oxford February 8th 2007

This is your Emergency Blog Broadcast Network At 1am this morning an enormous front began to make it's way across the south-east of England. When I got up at 5:30, there was 3 inches of snow outside our front door. Now, when I'm writing this at 8:50, it's still snowing and getting heavier. According to ITV news at 6:00 this morning, some parts of Wales had already had 8 inches dumped on them. So I was going to bike to work and take lots of pictures, but well, have a look at my bike. Work is pretty funny - there are only about 40 of the 150 staff from our building in the office. Hardly surprising. We're all just winding up for the snowball fight at lunchtime and then leaving the office early. It's going ... read more
Maple Ave
Out back
Our House

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Greater London » Bloomsbury February 8th 2007

Sorry France, nothing personal, but I think I would rather be on team rosbif. This trip to London was even better than the first time, and it was already my favorite city in Europe! We accomplished our goal of going back to the British Museum (aka the best museum ever, in my mind). I had my first fish and chips, and actually enjoyed our traditional English breakfasts. One of the best highlights was going to see The Mousetrap. We stumbled upon St. Martin's theatre about five minutes before it started on Saturday night, and managed to still get good tickets. I had always wanted to see it, being an Agatha Christie play, and the longest running play in history. We made it to St James Square, where Dustin saw the Rio Tinto Headquarters. What a wonderful ... read more
Me with the Mummies
The Reading Room
In the Enlightenment room

Europe » United Kingdom » Scotland » Midlothian » Edinburgh February 8th 2007

Surprisingly, I awoke to snow on the rooftops and in the park nearby. Of course it apparently only rains, snows, sleets, etc. in the night, or only it has when I've been here. Well, today I enjoy a full day off. Luckily for me, i found out yesterday that I will not be having classes on Thursdays or Fridays. Hooray for long weekends!!! However this just means that every other week will be hectic for me as tutorial (review/discussion classes) will occur more often.Today is uneventful so far. This morning I went to the Bank of Scotland and sort of set up an account. I basically filled out an application which then gets sent in, with possible mailings of confirmation within a week or so. I spent the rest of the day going to ASDA, aka ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cheshire February 8th 2007

Well, after all the years of 'shall we... maybe....i'm not sure...what if?' we finally have our visa for Australia ... and now I am scared! We have visited Oz 4 times in the past 6 years and fell in love with the place a little more each time. Over the years we have travelled all over but really felt at home in Australia. So in 2004 decided that we should migrate over to Perth and we finally got the visa on 26th January 2007 (weirdly enough Australia Day!). So now begins the trauma of selling houses, giving up jobs, arranging for our 2 dogs to be sent over and quarantined ... along with saying goodbye to family and friends - it all doesn't seem real at the moment. I have decided that life is too short ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » West Midlands » Coventry February 8th 2007

Welcome to our first Blog entry! We are planning on updating this every couple of weeks (internet connections permitting). If you subscribe to our Blog, you'll get an email notification whenever there is a new entry on our site. You can also leave comments on our posts (please bear in mind the wide scope of family and friends viewing the Blogs if you leave a comment - hockey people!!) To subscribe to our Blog, click on the "subscribe" button at the bottom of this page, and enter your info. Anyway.. Here are a few pictures of us in our snazzy hiking gear, from earlier in the week when we tried it all out. As with all the pictures that will appear on this site, you can click on the picture to view an enlarged slideshow version! ... read more
Setting off
Bex in the shadows
In the wild outdoors of Bubbenhall!

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