Immunised against every disease known to man

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February 9th 2007
Published: February 15th 2007
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I have now finally finished the thorough course of vaccinations required for my trip. Once the number of needles going into my arms hit double figures, I stopped counting. The cholera one was, bizarrely, a fizzy strawberry / cleaning chemical flavoured drink, in two doses. I am glad to say I am now protected against Hepatitis A, Typhoid, Polio, Tetanus, Diptheria, Tuberculosis, Rabies (sort of), Japanese B Encephalitis, Hepatitis B and Meningitis (strains A, C, W & Y). A course of endless tablets (two per day of one sort and two per week of another sort, from one week before departure until four weeks after return) will keep Malaria at bay too, although I'm hoping that the industrial strength insect repellent and the wedge-shaped mosquito net will help in that regard too. The pills make me feel sick and I'm hopeless at swallowing them.


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