Blogs from Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 13


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge September 28th 2008

One of my roommates, Krisztina, the Hungarian, has invited me to go with her friends to Cambridge. Krisztina and I left the house at eight this morning, walked to Gyorgyi's house, and she drove us to Hatfield to pick up Heni. So here I am, the only American among three boisterous Hungarian women. And it's a gloriously sunny day! The first thing we do is tour the famous University, which I found out is actually comprised of three smaller universities--St. John's, St. Katherine's, and Trinity. The only one we tour is St. John's, and we aren't permitted to go inside any of them. It's sooo beautiful! The elegance of the architecture, the heavy columns, the intricate stonework, the statues of saints. It feels like we're on the grounds of an ancient castle! The Cam River winds ... read more
St. John's College

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge September 17th 2008

This morning, we met Mr. Davis on base for the flight tower tour. Mark, the person you gave us the tour, was running late from his meeting, so we weren't up in the tower when the first 2 planes took off. Those were F-15E's and they took off at the same time. We were still able to see it from the ground and it was pretty cool. They had the afterburners on, so it was really loud. You could feel the vibrations inside you. When Mark pulled up a few minutes later, he told us that we had to hurry up the tower because they were holding the last two planes for us. We definitely couldn't have gone in the tower without him. After you enter the main door, you have to get permission to open ... read more
Egyptian Astrolabe

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge September 7th 2008

Hi Everyone, On Sunday 7th of September I went to the an Airshow at Duxford Airfield and musuem, celebrating 90 years of the RAF flying from Duxford. I went with a good friend, former flatmate, and ex-MFish colleague, Andrew Benton (a rare aircraft enthusiast). The Airshow featured predominantly World War II aircraft with a few more modern planes thrown in for good measure. Some of the aircraft were extremely rare, including at least one plane that was the only surviving example of its type... It's rare enough for these planes to even exist, let alone for them to be in flying condition, because they use almost entirely original (ie 1940s) parts to maintain their authenticity. The weather on the day was highly variable, but even the periodic torrential downpours couldn't put us off. In between the ... read more
P-51D Mustang
Spitfire I
Spitfire II

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge August 30th 2008

Hi guys! Well, Scotland was wonderful, and being reunited with electronics is awesome. I can't decide which one I like better... nah, just kidding! We travelled for hours and hours but in the end we got to our destination, Edinburgh. But while we were travelling, we passed a town called Carluke. My dads name is Carl Luke. Scary. We stopped to take photos and then travelled on. The first night we got put in the late arrivals. It wasn't that bad though. The next day we all had a bit of a rest day. All exept Albert and Dad. They had gone into town to get Albert's plaster off. It rained and rained. We made a banana cake for them. We waited and waited and finally, they came. Albert's arm looked really skinny. It looked freaky! ... read more
Dad's town.
No plaster!
A wet day.

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge August 20th 2008

Well 1 week to go, Injections are over, Malaria medication bought Visa confirmed Hotel for 1st 2 nights booked (cheers mum and dad, imstaying at the Shangri La (oooh la la!)) Bags packed. Ah.....a snag there. Ive packed far too much Ive got: Toiletries bag, (huge) Mossie net Travel towel (surprisingly small) 8 X tshirts (yes 8) 2X Craghopper trousers 1X Jeans (im going to a tropical climate ffs!) 3X Shorts (oh dear....) 1X Shirt (reasonable) 1X Hoodie (gatecrasher it can get cold in altitude in vietnam) 1X Fenchurch jacket (ok thats not going) 1X Spare Rucksack for day stuff 5X Books 1X MacBook Pro (17 inch elevnty million kilogram ultra theft worthy model) As you can see. ive packed far far too much.... Time to start again. Really frigging excited though!!!!! Planned thailand d ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge August 3rd 2008

So last week I took a few days off of work to take a four-day trip to Ireland! I arrived late Wednesday night in Dublin at probably the best youth hostel I have ever stayed in. My room was clean, new had TWO bathrooms (two!) and a full kitchen--also, there was an amazing FREE full Irish breakfast in the morning! My first day in Ireland, I actually spent on a tour from Dublin Newgrange, a neolithic tomb in the Boyne valley that predates the pyramids by about 1000 years. At dawn of the winter solstice, a beam of light shines directly through a long passageway and into the main chamber shining on to a stone which would have contained the ashes of dead important people symbolically carrying them off to the afterlife. I actually got to ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge August 1st 2008

A Celebration of Music and Dance was a HUGE success! Thank you to everyone who took part, performing and applauding :o) We've raised over £900. Let's see if we can top £1000.... more donations always welcome. Everything is coming together for my departure on Tuesday. The guitar now has a nice sturdy case to survive the hold on the plane. The percussion instruments have been ordered and will hopefully be arriving today. All the jabs are done. So we're nearly all set.... read more
Heather playing Romance by Bruch
Chela Georgian Choir
Layla Egyptian Dancing

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge July 16th 2008

Hello everyone, Ok, so I haven't left quite yet, but preparations are well underway. 'A Celebration of Music and Dance' is happening this Saturday, 19th July, 8pm at St Pauls Church, Hills Road. Looking forward to seeing you there. Watch this space...... soon to appear..... tales of music and dance in Cambodia....... love Heather... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge July 13th 2008

Its been a while, but over the past few weeks I have: --Worked. Everything in the lab is going really well and I really like the people I am working with. --Ely. Ely is a small town about a ten minute train ride from Cambridge with a HUGE and AMAZING cathedral. On the inside its absolutly gorgeous with painted walls and ceiling. It is a bit odd though that such a huge cathedral is in such a small town. --Brighton. Feeling rather homesick for the fourth of july and summer in general, I went to Brighton with my friend Mark to make up for it. The palace is Brighton is just a tad excessive--it looks like the Taj Mahal--and is a bit ridiculous inside. Everything has an oriental theme and its a bit overwhelming. The beach ... read more
Photo 1

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge June 22nd 2008

The next day we went to see my Dad's Mum in Norwich going via Cambridge. When I woke up I decided to watch some TV for about half an hour. Then my Dad got up and we started getting ready. I got together most of the stuff I wanted to take and put it in my bag. When I was ready my Dad went to collect the rental car. About 30 mins into the trip we discovered I had left my coat behind. Then 5 mins later we discovered each of us had left something behind. After a lot of talking, it was decided I was going to get a new coat. At about midday we stopped for lunch at an old, old medieval pub called the Brocket Arms in a village in Hertfordshire called Ayot ... read more
Haunted church
The pub
The garden of the medieval pub

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