Blogs from Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, United Kingdom, Europe - page 14


Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge June 16th 2008

So its been a while, two weekends ago my parents arrived in the UK for a two-week trip to visit me and some family friends scattered around the country. They came to Cambridge last Friday evening for a quick visit and a meal at the Eagle pub (see my previous entry) and then I drove back with them to the small village of Helpston to visit the Davies family! The visit was a great chance to catch up with everyone, especially since our other family friends the Rinaldis came as well. I had a lot of opportunities to catch up on all of the hot meals I have been missing since coming to Cambridge and to visit with the parents. I arrived back on Sunday, worked for two days and then on Wednesday I flew to ... read more
Photo 2

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge June 12th 2008

Yesterday I went to Cambridge!! It was freezing yesterday (as in it didn't get above 15 degrees apparently) and I was not at all appropriately dressed for such weather.. and because of this it put a damper on (no pun intended) my Cambridge experience. I got in there at around 11 and made my way to the city centre. I went into Kings College Chapel (Kings college was built around the same time as Eton College) and had a look at a few other colleges, all beautiful and very old. I had finished seeing everything I wanted to see by around 1pm though but had to use up over 5 hours as I had bought a train ticket for a 6:30 train... I did lots of window shopping and just walking aroud the town. At about ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge June 3rd 2008

On Sunday I took a "mini-bus" tour to Windsor and Oxford. All day it looked and felt as if it was just about to rain, but luckily it held off until we were safely back on the bus returning to Cambridge. Windsor is an absolutely beautiful town across the river Thames from Eton (home to Eton college--where the Princes went to school). Windsor castle is the oldest inhabited castle in the world and is the Queen's main residence. There is a long (5 km), straight road leading up to the castle gates and while standing by the gates admiring the view into the valley and hills surrounding Windsor, we were instructed to move aside to make way for a small, forest green, typically British hatch-back car. As the car went past, we were all shocked when ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge June 1st 2008

Before I left New Zealand, I had promised my British flatmate Alex that I would pay him a visit in Cambridge while I was over here and his birthday party presented the perfect opportunity to do exactly that. I haven't seen much of England, so this weekend, I was looking forward to seeing what England was like outside London. The train ride was just under an hour from King's Cross, so it was nice and easy to get to, and it was good to see Alex again as I walked out of the train station. After meeting up with his mates and getting a few bits and pieces together from Sainsbury's, we then made our way into town. The first thing I noticed while driving around town was the quietness of the suburban streets - I ... read more
St. John's College
King's College Cathedral
Henry VIII

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge May 31st 2008

I spent the better part of this afternoon wandering around the touristy bits of Cambridge and taking pictures. I found a super cheap USB cable for sale in shop in the city, which means I can upload pictures! Because I have a Cambridge ID, I can get into all of these places for FREE, which makes for a super cheap day out exploring! First, I wandered around inside St. John's college. The grounds of St. John's college are huge, it seems like every time you pass through an archway you encounter an entirely new and huge courtyard. Each courtyard has beautifully maintained, green grass--but, of course, because this is Cambridge, you can't actually walk on or enjoy the grass in any way. The back side of St. John's is also gorgeous with wonderful gardens. St. John's ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge May 26th 2008

After only one week of work, it is a three-day Bank Holiday weekend! Bank Holidays are public holidays akin to Memorial Day and Labor Day in the US, however, they are generally granted with the sole intent of giving everyone a day off and not in celebration of anything in particular. On Saturday, my friend Carolyn Donohue (who is currently on a week-long layover in Norwich on her way to a summer job in Berlin) came down to explore Cambridge with me for the afternoon. Carolyn and I have visited both Cambridge and Norwich together previously on a Church youth group trip that we went on in 2002--so we set off to see the not-so-stereotypical sites that Cambridge has to offer. First, we visited what we thought was the site of the Cavendish laboratories (the site ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge May 24th 2008

Heyyyyyyy ya'll! On Friday night we decided to go with a large group to karaoke about 15 min from Kensington. It was a group of about 20 people. We made our way to the karaoke bar by the tube but had to take at "night bus" on the way back. I will explain why later. Aimee, my roommate, sang Spice Girls Wannabe with our friend Sarah. I was the official picture taker because I am not much of a singer. There is group of guys here from Minnesota that we have become really good friends with and they really let loose and sang Livin' La Vida Loca by Ricky Martin. It was one of the funniest things I have seen. There were some local people at the bar as well and they appeared to be having ... read more
The Market
me punting

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge May 20th 2008

After flight changes, flight delays, exceeding the weight requirement on luggage, and navigating through London and to Cambridge with said luggage in tow, I finally made it to Fitzwilliam College of Cambridge University in tact, though extremely exhausted, last Saturday. The weather has been stereotypically British, not rainy (yet), but cold, dreary and overcast. So to catch you up on what I have been up to so far: -Sunday: lunch with my new boss and his wife. Evensong at Trinity College Chapel. Dinner and a drink with Mog (an old school friend of mine) -Monday: lots of paperwork/safety training/tours of the building and lab I am working in. -Tuesday: more paperwork/getting my computer checked out by the tech guys/rented a bike for the week. In between, there has been lots of sleeping and lots of not ... read more

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge May 12th 2008

We have had a wonderful couple of weeks in the UK - the sun has been shining, temperatures rising, people undressing (not always a good thing) across commmons and parks throughout London and other parts of the UK hit by this "heatwave". The pasty white giving way to the sunburnt and the misty commons are inundated with the mass gathering of humanity soaking up as much Vitamin D as is humanly possible before the dream disappears and it's back to grey, cold and rain. To take advantage of the more clement weather and to share it with friends it was time for a trip to Cambridge with Astrid who I met in India to visit Bruce (yep ... also India). Astrid and I decided to do a day trip so it was off to Kings Cross ... read more
The Plough
View to Kings College
Trinity College

Europe » United Kingdom » England » Cambridgeshire » Cambridge May 6th 2008

The Famous Five are four decidedly upper-class middle aged adventurers with a mongrel Sherpa who go to Philosophy together and take part other similar antics in the city of Cambridge. They want nothing more than to have a great time strolling and biking around the countryside having picnics, discussing the meaning of life, and generally having jolly good fun. Unlike the Secret Seven and the Five Find-Outers, the Famous Five get about a bit—usually to places like The Kingston Pub, Grantchester, Punting, the countryside and the like. The most remarkable thing about them is possibly that they're allowed to go all over the country on their own despite being aged between thirty eight and fifty six!! We like to adopt a theme for our team when cycling and this year we are going to masquerade as ... read more
Julian and George

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