Blogs from Spain, Europe - page 1380


Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona June 13th 2005

Hi everyone! We're still in Barcelona and it's been really hot and muggy. On saturday night we all went out to another hostel and hung out with people there, which was a lot of fun. Then we went to a club but it wasn't exactly like the clubs in vancouver at all! It was really neat though, it looked like it used to be a huge theatre or opera house and there were these 3 older ladies dressed up in sequins and singing all of these american tunes. It felt a little like the entertainment you get when you go to an all-inclusive resort in mexico. A bit cheesy, but fun to watch! Our hostel here is not too shabby, it's very quiet though, unlike most of the hostels here. Yesterday we went around and looked ... read more
Graeme, Chester and Ryan in front of some really nice building that we don't know what is in Barcelona
City view of Barcelona, Spain
Ryan, Chester, Jen and Graeme

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid June 12th 2005

This blog is dedicated to Amy! She left me this week….so sad….we had such good times… I am just going to give her a little shout out….feel free to ask……Amy and I will both be happy to tell you all about it… Sangria….Top-less sunbathing…just kidding..hehe, or am I? Salsa Dancing…Romeing Tours….”Amy, Come Here!!!”…pub crawl…. the ruins… “I know there has got to be something big around the corner.”…….the coliseum…the tour guy….12 euro gellato..what? The Spanish steps…Bernini….V fountain… guy in the Trevi fountain…….”But I love you!”….Sistine Chapel…I’m over it…..Morano, Burano….glass blowing..snacks….Kit Kats, Licorice….Vivaldi….The canals… con leche por perdone…..yummy lunches…Spritz…St. Marks Basillica!!!! that a basilica!?.....Viva La France… Moulin Rouge….Music with Brenden….boat ride on the Siene…crepes…NUTELLA!! Bonjour…bonjour….OH my GOD!......Pont Neuf…polis... read more
Amy's last full day in Madrid!
Huertas 21

Europe » Spain » District of Madrid June 12th 2005

I have been here for three weeks now.... and no ...unfortunately I not fluent in Spainish! Its harder than I thought.... But I have adjusted. It still takes me all day sometimes to do little tasks like charge my cell, but for the most part I can confidently go into a grocery store and get what I want. I have moved into my very humble apt. I have my own room and it was absolutely terrible when I first moved took three days to just clean my room not to mention the kitchen.... I have a washing machine and t.v...the only thing I don't have is interent connection in my house. So I have to walk down the street, which is really quite pretty. Its lined with trees on either side and there are plenty ... read more
Katie's boys!
My bed!

Europe » Spain June 12th 2005

English: Hello friends, we are in Sct. Martin de Camino now; in a private refugio where we catched a doubleroom - which is a huge advantage because you can unpack all your stuff from the rucksack and spread it all over the floor, make as much noise with your plasticbags and zippers and go with very little clothes in this heat until reorganizing the rucksack again - all things you can´t do when you are together with up to 100 people in one room with very little space between the bunkbeds. My leg is almost o.k. again after an extra day of rest in Leon and we took it easy by only walking 25 km today. Carina promised her "fans" to write a little bit more about why people go the Camino, so here is the ... read more
Leon impressions - 1
Leon impressions - 2
Leon impressions - 1

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona June 12th 2005

Okay, so yesterday I looked up three or four Gaudi Buildings and decided to try and go and see them today... First walked from the hostel near Vallcarca to La Rambla, quite a long way but at the start it was quite a nice morning, sunny but not too hot, however as I walked along it got more and more cloudy. (But hey, I´m holiday, so can´t really complain.) There were three examples of Gaudi work along the way, Casa Vicens, La Pedera, and the Batlló Building. The first one was in a side street away from the main tourist route so there was no one else taking photos, however the other two were closer to the centre so they had more people about. Took a break from the Gaudi stuff to go and look at ... read more
Casa Milà (La Pedrera)
Batlló Building
Museu Nacional d´Art de Catalunya

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona June 12th 2005

Buenos dias all, here I am in a somewhat overcast Barthelona, where the weather is a little humid but still bearable at 25 degrees. So begins the next postcard I guess, and it´s from Lisbon in Portugal, only I´m sending it from Barthelona. I´m developing a lisp whilst being here, all my C´s are quickly becoming TH´s. I imagine Catalans don´t have too much of an issue with theophilus the thistle sifter tongue twisters. Anyway, Lisbon was like thus: Scene: Me at a food outlet at the biggest shopping centre on the Iberian peninsula. Me (in my non-existent Portuguese): Hola. Sumo Naranja & Atum Tosta se faz favor (This translates roughly to orange juice and a tuna toasted sandwich please). Sandwich lady: Um, do you speak English? Me: uh, yeah. Sandwich lady: Speak to me in ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona June 11th 2005

Went to the Sagrada Familia, via La Rambla and various stops on the Metro. Amazingly ran in to Chris from hostel in Granada, had coffee with him after wandering around the San Josef Market, fish, meat, fruit, vegetables ... heaps of variety. (However, I saw someone serving fish smoking a cigarette, don´t know if this is typical in Spain for people involved in food handling to be smoking over the food, but it puts you off a bit.) Finally got the the Sagrada Familia, 8 Euro to get into what is at a practical level is a construction site, albiet a pretty amazing one. You also get to see a museum about the Cathedral which gives you some idea of Gaudi´s vision, plans, models, etc. Will prettty amazing when it´s finished. (When I was in the ... read more
Sagrada Familia
Sagrada Familia from inside one of the towers.
Ceiling of Sagrada Familia

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona June 11th 2005

Hi everyone! This blog is going to be short but we thought we should let you all know that we left Paris last night and took a 12 hour train ride to Barcelona, where we are now. We slept most of the trip except for when we were woken up by police entering our cabin and wrestling with some guy because he didn't have a passport! They caused quite a commotion at 5am!We're staying at the Gothic Point Hostel which seems pretty cool, but we can't check in for another hour so we're just hanging out in the lobby until then. It's really hot out already and it's still morning! We're really tired from the trip and very hot and sticky, i can't wait to use the shower! Ok, talk to you all later, bye! ~jen ... read more

Europe » Spain » Catalonia » Barcelona June 10th 2005

Well, have arrived in Barcelona after taking a 12 hour overnight train from Granada. (No idea if this is good or bad, the train did stop a few places, might have been less time on a bus, but it still would have been around 900kms by road, I guess it probably would have worked out about the same.) Sorry can´t make any comment on the Spanish countryside as it was dark and/or I was asleep. Arrived in Barcelona at about 10am, took the metro to the station nearest to the hostel, no problems, but the hostel itself was quite hard to find. Was wandering around with a map, and on two separate times two locals came up to me without being asked and pointed me in the right direction. Liking Barcelona already. Parc Güell Went for ... read more
Parc Güell
Parc Güell
Parc Güell

Europe » Spain June 10th 2005

ENGLISH: Hello fans on camino to Leon, we found an Internet-cafe with the right connections and we decided to do our "job" here in the morning, so we have time for sightseeing in Leon instead of searching for the right Internet-cafe. My leg is much better now after treatment with Ibuprofen Gel and tablets. The day after we could walk 27 km and the day after 32.5 km in baking sun both days. Now we know better. Our friend Kaj from Denmark came with the right diagnosis by e-mail "lower leg´s frontbone inflammation" (direct digital translation...) We checked it by NetDoctor over the internet and it seems to be the right diagnosis. We take it more easy now with only 20 km a day. As earlier mentioned, so do we mmet a lot of interesting pilgrims ... read more
Burgos - 2
Inside the cathedral - 1
Inside the cathedral - 2

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