Blogs from Western Norway, Norway, Europe - page 15


Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Sogndal June 28th 2018

This post includes a 2.5 hour ferry trip on a fjord, train ride up high and drive from Aurland to Solvern. All this in one post, while Preikestolen alone consumed two posts. Does that give you any sense of the quality of the scenery between them? Oh well, Waterfalls have become a bit old hat and the fjord cruise had one, two or even three around every turn. With that said this is the most beautiful country we have visited. Fjords with the mountains reaching down to the water's edge, waterfalls of all sizes, grassy slopes with sheep sometimes and other times villages hanging on the hillsides. Often running streams with crystal clear water with an occasional person fishing. We think Will and Joe Hulsey would like to fish here.... read more
Pastorial Setting
Okay, Okay but We had to Send This One

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Sogndal June 28th 2018

Friday. There's a short ferry crossing this morning as we head to Geiranger, we arrived just as it was loading, good timing again. Then a short drive to the Ornevegen (Eagles Way), a super spectacular 7km section of road that drops down through 11 hairpin bends giving impressive views of the narrow fjord which is a UNESCO world heritage site.There is a viewing platform halfway down where we parked and took some photos, we're lucky this morning as the sun is shinning. The views along the fjord are amazing and nestled at one end is Geiranger, complete with another cruise liner, a German one this time and slightly smaller then yesterday's. We dropped down towards the village and again good timing, we drove straight onto the ferry that is classed as the most scenic in Norway. ... read more
The Hurtigruten passing on by on Geirangerfjord

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen June 28th 2018

Hello Everyone We have had a eventful day,picking up the Flåm Railway journey from Flåm. The Railway took 4 yrs to build in the 1920s and runs all year round,it is 20 km long with an ascent/descent of 865 m through 20 tunnels,which were hand dug.It is one of the steepest non rack railways in Europe on a gradient of 1.18. Also there is amazing views on both sides of train,also a fantastic waterfall. In the afternoon we left Flåm and boarded the express boat to Bergen,it takes 5hrs we went along The Sognefjord which is the longest Fjord in Norway on the UNESCO world heritage list,it was a fun trip and great views,arrived at 9pm in Bergen. We are here for 2nights Thanks again for travelling with us KS... read more

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Preikestolen June 26th 2018

Not much to say about the pictures that follow except this place took our breath away. The flat rock rises a little under 2,000 feet straight up-have the picture to prove it. Yes, that is a very long way. Looking at the rock with no guard rails you may wonder how many people accidently fell off, well either one or none. There was a double suicide and another person that authorities think was a suicide rather than an accident. Surprised us. Hope you enjoy these as much as we still do. There are many pictures, which we are sure comes as a surprise.... read more
Still Flat
Sister Rock

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Flåm June 26th 2018

Here we have our drive from Bergen to Aurland, and a couple of pictures around our guesthouse. The day is simply beautiful, at least after we leave the fully overcast skies of Bergen (remember, they only have one in six sunny days). Our route, of course, follows the fjords with innumerable tunnels-the longest seven miles. Building roads here is not cheap and many incorporate a toll. They are very efficient in collecting tolls; simply register your tag with their toll website and it occurs automatically, even painlessly...until the credit card bill comes due. Our drive passes a number of waterfalls; we are sure we missed many more, but we will send the ones we liked the most. Hope you like them as well. The fjords have waterfalls around most every corner. Finally, we have a very ... read more
Knute Rockne
Roadside Waterfall
Waterfall and...

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Bergen June 25th 2018

Mother nature obtained some revenge for the nice to perfect weather we have been experiencing. While not a total wash out, yet close, Bergen is marred by light, and fairly constant drizzle. This comes as no surprise to us as Bergen averages a maximum of sixty sunny days per year. After the very long day at the Pulpit Rock we had reduced our itinerary here, which became even more truncated with the rain. While disappointing, we are thrilled this did not occur yesterday at The Rock. And the rain did not preclude our planned lunch at the fish marked. We are sending this post out of order as Prekestolen will be much longer, and we are simply savoring the pictures. Soon, so can you. Bergen is a very cute city with a long and powerful history. ... read more
Doozer's legs
Hanseatic League Center

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Preikestolen June 25th 2018

So, as we suggested we elect to separate the journey up to the Pulpit Rock from the actual tabletop rock itself. Here we go-departure from our fjord-side apartment occurs a bit after 9am with temperature in the 50's and overcast skies. We lament a bit the weather, yet later will be quite pleased it is neither warm nor sunny. Bird confirms the trek begins at 9:23 as we observe essentially everyone wearing coats, warm hats etc. Are we missing something, the high should be sixty or so (at least at a coastal town two hours to the west), and we are attired in summer weight pants and short sleeve shirts. We do have light raincoats tucked away in a backpack. Undaunted, we confidently strike out. The grade quickly becomes rather steep but even, and our pace ... read more
Boggy Meadow
Gentle Steps

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Molde June 24th 2018

Bonjour, à tous Ici j’ai fait le constat que pas besoin de partir tôt, pour arriver avant la nuit. Il n’y a pratiquement plus de nuit noire. Cette nuit à 2h c’était encore en clarté, la chambre n’avait pas de rideaux occultants. Et je plus je vais avancer, plus cette clarté va s’accentuer. En fait c’est que je vais chercher le soleil de minuit. Je me rends ce soir à Molde à 335km par la route et seulement 170 à vol d’oiseau. Durée du trajet 7h. Cette journée à été semblable à toutes celles que javais eu lors de ma première traversée du Canada, avec mes 60 et quelques jours de pluie. A part la première heure, sur les 7, qui n’était déjà pas formidable, le reste de la journée à été sous une pluie battante. ... read more
glacier Brikdalsbreen

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Førde June 23rd 2018

Bonjour à tous, Je vous avait dit hier au soir que je parlerais un peu de Bergen. Bergen est la deuxième ville de Norvège avec 275 000 habitant, c’est une ville portuaire, egalement deuxième port de Suède, où tous les Bateaux de croisière qui font les fjords fond escale, plus de 150 000 passagers y débarquent chaque année. C’est le port d'attache du Statsraad Lehmkuhl, l’un des plus grands trois-mâts du monde. (voir photo). Le marché au poisson est le point central de la ville où l’on peux trouver des sandwiches au crabe ou à la baleine. Je me suis contenté de goûter un bout de saucisson à la baleine, pas mauvais du tout, sans en acheter, pour ne pas encourager cette chasse. C’est ici que nous avons mangé hier au soir. Du flétan pour Marianne, ... read more
col Fresvikbreen

Europe » Norway » Western Norway » Odda June 23rd 2018

As this is being written we've been at Jorpeland (a few miles north of the Pulpit Rock) a couple of hours following our 575 km trek from Oslo. So yeah that number of km only transfers to 357 miles, so about a five or six hour drive, right? Well no, it was a little under eleven. We left Oslo on a limited access four lane and made great time-Google maps must be wrong with the time we concluded. About an hour later the fun began, only two or even one lane roads with the one laners intended to carry traffic both ways. Shades of Lake Como Batman! Yes Gary and Lu, you too will experience the fun of Como roads. Some of the most difficult driving was crossing the highest points (top of Norway). Folks stop ... read more
Lake Country

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