Blogs from Southwest, Iceland, Europe - page 25


Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Reykjavík August 29th 2014

Iceland was somewhere I’d wanted to visit for a long time, but the cost had always put me off. A pint of beer for twelve pounds, a puffin fillet for thirty quid – Iceland was one of the most expensive places to visit in the world. Then something happened to change this outlook: the Icelandic krona took a nose dive and, overnight, Iceland became an affordable destination. The Icelandair Boeing 757 delivered me punctually into Keflavik airport and I was soon aboard the Flybus heading into the city centre. The driver was a buxom blonde with rosy red cheeks. If she had been wearing animal hides, she could’ve passed as a Viking wife. The countryside was rocky, hostile and mossy. Later I learned the rocks were lava deposits, a legacy from the island’s volcanic heritage. The ... read more

Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Reykjavík August 19th 2014

I remember reading a story about a man who climbed Everest........he said when he finally got to the top he looked around and because of exhaustion and lack of oxygen he had the mental capacity of a mentally challenged third grader. There was no celebration, or feeling of achievement, he just thought "wow, I'm here". I guess I felt similar when we finally landed after flying all night. I was wanting a 'Walter Mitty' moment, but The reality was greasy hair, an upset stomach from bad airplane food, and a sour disposition (mean as a snake). We made friends with a nice older man who was traveling solo, so we invited him to the Blue Lagoon and offered him a ride to the big city ( don't make me type what I can't pronounce). We picked ... read more

Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Reykjavík August 17th 2014

I'm not actually there yet.....just getting the ball rolling. I'm still in Oklahoma City about to take off to the airport. I'm full of nerves, and I'm seeing that this gets harder as I get older. I have reservations, I have money, my dad is going with me, nothing to be afraid of. It's hard to believe I took off 10 years ago to Europe for 4 months with a budget of $20 dollars per day to eat and SLEEP on. I had one reservation for the first night. Just one. My lot in life is much better now. And the reason for Iceland, I have to admit, is because I watched the movie 'Secret Life of Walter Mitty' one really late night.....and the hair trigger that I have for inspiration got pulled, and there's no ... read more

Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Reykjavík August 8th 2014

Well our last full day in Iceland: this morning we drove to Reykjavik, but most of the route was over ground we had already travelled so there is not a lot to say about the journey. After dropping off our bags and finding somewhere to park we have spent the rest of the day looking around the city, which by UK standards is more like a town. About one third of Icelanders live in Reykjavik, but that is only about 121,500, just 1.4% of the population of London. We made our way to the beautiful Hallgrímskirja (church), which has a beautiful tower. By taking the lift to the eighth floor then a short staircase to a viewing platform at the top, you can see the extent of the entire city. The church is also famous for ... read more
Inside Hallgrímskirja
Window behind clockface at Hallgrímskirja
Leifur Eiricksson

Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Reykjavík July 9th 2014

Départ ce matin avec l'Heklà dans la brume. On remonte vers le désert et les hautes terres probablement pour la dernière fois. On arrive à la route 35 et on voit Geyser au loin. On file vers le nord et on prend la piste F338. Un peu décevant, elle est sous une ligne de transmission électrique. Le paysage est tout de même beau avec le glacier Langjökull juste au nord mais sans plus. On prend ensuite une piste vers le sud. La F337 qui redescend vers Geysir. Notre idée est d'aller rejoindre un piste secondaire sans numéro qui redescend vers Thingvellir. La piste est magnifique et nous plonge encore une fois dans des paysages différents de tout ce qu'on vu jusqu'à maintenant. Les laves basiques laissent ici leur place à des laves acides qui ont coulées ... read more

Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Selfoss July 8th 2014

Le Vatnajökull est recouvert d'un manteau de brume ce matin et on ne le voit pas. Après avoir joué du coude avec des allemandes pas de classe au déjeuner et s'être faufilés entre un groupe de mannequins voyageant avec support à vêtement sur roues et bigoudis dans les cheveux, on prend enfin la route. On doit rouler vers l'ouest pour environ 330 km. On ne fait que trois petits arrêts. On regarde les icebergs à Jökulsarlon, on arrête au mémorial du pont emporté par la crue suite à une éruption en 1996 et on fait un changement de pilote dans le coin de Vik. En rallentissant devant Skogafoss bondé de touristes on s'est fait demander un lift jusqu'à Reykjavik par une touriste britannique qui attendaient l'autobus. Désolé, mais on n'y va pas aujourd'hui.... On devait terminer ... read more

Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Reykjavík July 7th 2014

The Beginnings The 2pm meeting time at Seattle Tacoma International Airport came quickly, too quickly for some parents and exchange students who struggled to say goodbye. It seems like just yesterday that we were in the very infancy of planning for this event. At that point, and for many subsequent months to follow, it didn't truly seem real. Posing for the group pictures and making our way through the security line with parents continuing to snap copious amounts of pictures, it really sunk in. We are departing on a defining moment in the young lives of our students. An experience that will serve to challenge, enrich, and inspire them for sure. It's going to be an incredible three weeks with an incredible group of kids! As I type this portion of the entry, we are somewhere ... read more
Over Greenland
Reykjavik Church
Lunch Crew

Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Reykjavík July 5th 2014

Day 4 In the morning, we got up early in the beautiful sunshine and clear skies, and drove to Þingvellir national park, where the ancient outdoor parliament was founded in 930. This area is also very interesting from a geological point of view, since it’s situated on top of the mid-Atlantic ridge, where two earth crust plates (American & Eurasian) slowly drift apart, 3mm annually. Therefore, there are many fissures in the soil at Þingvellir. Over 10,000 years there has been a 70 metre divergence of the 2 plates and the valley floor has subsided by 40 m. It is a myth that you can stand with one leg on each plate as they are too far away - great tourist sales pitch though. Iceland's largest lake is Lake Þingvellir which is 84 km2 in area, ... read more
Blue Lagoon thermal pools near Grindavik 48 kms SW of Reykjavik (29)
Blue Lagoon thermal pools near Grindavik 48 kms SW of Reykjavik (13)
Mid-Atlantic Ridge - junction of American & Eurasian tectonic plates - Pingvellir Park (26)

Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Selfoss July 5th 2014

Day 3 in Iceland When we woke, the sky was partly blue - a great sign, but it could also mean anything. Just before we left the lovely lady who managed the camping park warned us that the wind was going to be a real problem and she stressed to us to drive very carefully. There were going to be 70 kph winds plus gusts. We found this to be so as soon as we left. Tome drove and sometimes into a head wind (which really tested Mollie and the fuel consumption went way up). The sideway gusts of winds, especially when we were driving along the shore, really moved the motor home. It was a little worrying despite all this, all went well. We drove a short distance west and visited the Skógar folk museum. ... read more
Check out the tyres on these 4x4 (1)
Geysir at spouting spring Strokkur (10)
Geysir at spouting spring Strokkur (3)

Europe » Iceland » Southwest » Landmannalaugar July 5th 2014

Hier matin encore, la F26 nommée Sprendgisandleid ou route des voleurs, où les islandais honnêtes n'ont pas oser s'aventurer avant 1850 par crainte de se faire attaquer, était fermée et ne devait pas ouvrir avant lundi prochain. Paul et moi étions donc résignés à descendre vers le sud ouest par la route asphaltée avec tous les autobus de touristes. Dernière vérification tard hier soir de l'état des routes pour s'informer sur ce qui nous attends dans deux jours dans le sud. Surprise! Je constate que la F26 est ouverte. Paul ne me crois pas et je dois lui montrer beaucoup d'écran pour le convaincre. Départ d'Akureyri ce matin. Il pleut comme vache qui pisse, il vente à renverser les autobus et le mercure affiche un timide 2 degré Celsius. Nous sommes au niveau de la mer ... read more

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