Blogs from Nord-Pas de Calais, France, Europe - page 16


Europe » France » Nord-Pas de Calais July 4th 2009

We are further north now in St Omer, about 30 miles from Calais which makes getting across the channel and back to west London pretty easy, assuming the weather continues to hold. It has been warm again today. I really cannot complain, we left the UK at about 2.30pm on 5th June, since then we have not needed wet weather gear. This close to the channel, and on a Saturday, St Omer is rather unsurprisingly full of Brits. It also has a mix of French and UK bikers hanging around the town square. It is quite lively with in my view with rather too much beer being consumed in the afternoon. Part of me wants to turn around and do it all again. I doubt we would still have jobs to return to if we did ... read more

Europe » France » Nord-Pas de Calais » Calais June 25th 2009

we parked up at the same place as last year in calais. as soon as we parked up, an unmarked police car pulled up beside us and decided to search us. they even wanted to know what the metal pole was for. when we told them it was the table leg they said ok. they only decided to search me and made me empty out all my pockets. they asked us if we had any drugs then they told us there was a political stir going on and there were riots in calais that night we seen a gang of people shouting and making loads of noise, walking in the streets. when police arrived they were still shouting and making loads of noise right outside the police car, at the police. we ended up in a ... read more

Europe » France » Nord-Pas de Calais » Boulogne-Sur-Mer June 24th 2009

And here I am at my fourth and last host families house already! this year sure does fly by so quickly!!! The day my parents left from France was the day I switched host families and what a great idea because I think its harder to say goodbye to parents the second time! and so I'm living with two parents who work in the catholic church, 3 host sisters, two who work outside of town and only come a few times per week, and one 17 year old sister, who is awesome! Also I have a host brother who goes to school in another town and one who was in Venezuela for a few years who just came back. So it has been such a change from all my host families and i'm so happy to ... read more

hey everyone..i could have promised i wrote a HUGE blog entree about when my parents came! I spend soo long on it even while my parents were here so i don't know what happened to it but i will try my best to fill everyone in.. Well my parents came to FRANCE for 2 weeks!!!!! this time was filled with emotions.. HAPPY!!! sooo much happiness. I met my parents at the airport and I could not even control myself i ran right into the airport and saw them and ran passed the bars that no one is allowed to go through and hugged my REAL parents. Its weird how much you don't realize you missed someone until you actually see them! So the first day my parents of course were super tired but they made it, ... read more

Europe » France » Nord-Pas de Calais » Calais June 3rd 2009

With our bus trip to London not until late this afternoon, we slept in a bit this morning. It looks like our wifi has been cut off for our departure day, which is a bit of a pain as we could really use it to book some flights that our coming up. After breakfast, we did some mailings of things and then explored the mall a bit more, including a nature store that has become Joshua's favourite. After a lunch at Subway, we picked up our bags from our hotel and walked a short distance to Lille's other train station, where our bus (and the much faster Eurostar train) depart. Though our bus was supposed to leave at 3:30, as the time approached there was no sign of it, despite the fact that our tickets said ... read more
Bus on the train
Leaving our apartment
Joshua climbing

Europe » France » Nord-Pas de Calais » Vimy June 2nd 2009

With the skylight windows of our room open, we were woken a bit earlier this morning by the sound of the traffic. It was just as well as we needed to get an earlier start for our trip to the WW1 memorial at Vimy Ridge. After a quick breakfast at the trains station McDonalds (I feel guilty - we should have been eating more croissants !) we walked across the street to the car rental company and picked up our car. Having not driven in Europe before and it being a while since I drove standard, it was a bit of a challenge to navigate our way out of Lille in the morning traffic. We had thought there wouldn't be much traffic as we were timing our trip for mid-morning, but the highway was packed with ... read more
Another view
Renting a car

Europe » France » Nord-Pas de Calais » Lille June 1st 2009

We got an earlier start today packing and cleaning up the apartment. At 10:45 the father of the apartment owner showed up and we gave him the keys. We were taking the metro again to the train station, but fortunately it was not too busy on account of today's holiday (the French seem to have a ton of holidays). Despite our attempts to plan this route today, the metro stations seem to have few elevators and escalators. It means for a lot of hauling around of suitcases. We end up arriving at the station a good hour and twenty minutes early, so we have time to look around in the souvenir stores beforehand. Security at this train station is quite tight with machine gun toting guards patrolling the platforms. It sort of reminds me of the ... read more
Waiting for our landlord
Almost 300 km/hr
Playing games on  the train

Hey everyone… as always I have been only the busiest person on the planet! Where do I even begin? Well, for starters I swam in the English channel, Easter morning..And just for the record it was freezing! But totally worth it. Next day I started my Euro Trip! First day Paris! About 60 exchange students met up in one of the train stations in Paris and took all of our HUGE suitcases down like 9 sets of stairs and ended up breaking suitcases before we even could get started..just imagine walking down the street in Paris and seeing about 30 kids in a line trying to run through traffic with their suitcases, I’m sure it was a site to see =0 So we make it to the bus and realize just how much fun this trip ... read more

Europe » France » Nord-Pas de Calais » Vimy May 10th 2009

Hello, Some pictures from our visit to the Canadian Memorial in Vimy, between the cities of Lens and Arras Hallo, Een paar prentjes van onze uitstap naar het Canadees gedenkteken te Vimy tussen Lens en Arras Marijke en Luc... read more
Vimy 002
Vimy 003
Vimy 004

hey everyone! I'm back, well sort of..I know it has been ages since i have written and for that i'm sorry..but i'm having sooo much fun!!! and soo busy! I havent been to school in like a month what with vacation time plus my bus trip plus my REAL parents being here! I've been busy busy busy! I know you all love to hear whats going on and i sure do have a lot to fill you in on. of the moment we are making last minute plans for Paris in the morning just me and my mom and the responisible one this time! and so i will write this fast because im running out of time..well, BUS/ EURO Trip was the best thing ever! Italy,Germany,Austria,Monaco, can anything get better!? And now my ... read more

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