Blogs from Copenhagen, Region Hovedstaden, Denmark, Europe - page 22


Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen September 21st 2011

The next day, we were back at Heathrow again, this time, headed to Copenhagen. The flight wasn’t too long (fortunately, because the seats were SMALL!) and we were soon at the airport. The airport is quite beautiful, with these dark wood floors – how often do you see that at an airport? We got all of our luggage and found a taxi. And that’s when the trouble started. It turned out that there was a huge championship bike race holding their time trials in the center of Copenhagen (why, I don’t know). They’d blocked off most of the center of town…you know, where our hotel was. And with four big bags (hey, we had a lot of conference material!), there was no way we could walk a long distance to the hotel. So we drove. And ... read more
So many beautiful boats!
The infamous cycle trials
I love doorways

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen September 3rd 2011

Today we docked at Copenhagen in Denmark. Mummy and daddy have been here before, and its VERY expensive so we didn't do much in the city. First we took the train (my first ever) into the city centre and webt ti a really cool toy shop - it was huge. Mummy brought me a paddling pool and water toy to use back on the ship. Then we had a quick walk down the high street and after that spent a while at Tivoli. That's an amusement park right in the city centre with some very scary looking rides that I really wanted to go on, but I was too small :-( There was also a really big lake and lots of fish, ducks and geese. I feed them. Mummy is scared of geese and tried to ... read more
Me & daddy at Tivoli

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen August 30th 2011

Bonnie and I went on a little sightseeing in Copenhagen :) We met up at Copenhagen Central Station and went to the Copenhagen Design Center. The Danish Design Centre is Denmark’s knowledge centre for design. They develop and disseminate knowledge about design and work to promote the use of strategic design in Danish companies and public sector institutions with the goal of improving the companies’ competitiveness. The primary basis for Denmark’s design policy – “DesignDanmark” – is to improve Danish companies’ value growth through an increased use of design. The ambition is to bring Denmark back into the international design elite, thus improving Denmark’s competitiveness. The Danish Design Centre plays a key role in implementing the design policy, in part through efforts and activities aimed at Danish companies. We saw an exhibition about what Danish Design ... read more
Copenhagen Design Center
Copenhagen Design Center
Copenhagen Pedestrian

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen August 26th 2011

Bonnie and I met up at the Copenhagen City hall and went out to have a cop a coffee. We took a walk down the pedestrian and came to the area Gråbrødretorv, where we had a ice/chocolate/vanilla coffee at Café Huks Fluks. We were getting to know each other, so we talked and talked, and talked a little bit more :) ... read more

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen August 23rd 2011

Bonnie is the Tasmanian girl, that is going to study at The Copenhagen Hospitality College for the next 3 months. Bonnie will live with the host family, Mads & Helen and all the children in Dragør, until the fall vacation begins. More updates to come - Bonnie is currently settling in at the host family, before she is going to study next week.... read more
Bonnie, Lone & Per

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen August 15th 2011

Bonjour à tous nos chers lecteurs, notre séjour à Copenhague fut trés agréable. À notre arrivée au Danemark le 14 août, la météo était plutot typique ... du temps gris. Par contre, nous avons quand même pu apprécié notre promenade en ville. Nous avons emprunté la promenade Soterdam Dossering qui longe des canaux dans la ville. Nous avons également visité le château Rosenborg Slot, la résidence estivale de Christian IV. Le lendemain, nous avons fait en matinée un tour guidé en bateau dans les canaux. Nous sommes partis du canal Nyvahn bordé de batisses aux fameuses facades colorées. Durant le tour, nous avons pu voir plusieurs attraits de Copenhague comme l'opéra, la statue de la petite sirène (personnage créée par le célèbre écrivain danois de contes pour enfant Hans Christian Andersen), le quartier Christians Havn construit ... read more
Rosenborg Slot
Véro en bateau sur le Nyvahn

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen July 29th 2011

Today is the day we started our 11-day cruise on the Baltic Sea. After eating breakfast in the concierge lounge, the four of us ventured out to explore as much of Copenhagen in 4 hours as we can. Our mission was to visit Christiania, Nyhavn, and the Little Mermaid. The weather today was in the low 60’s and a little drizzle. Jacket weather for us Southern’s. Let me tell you about Christiania. This is considered its own country (it is located within the city limits of Copenhagen) where they pay no taxes, no rental, and smoking pot is legal. Prior to the people of this country took control of this country, it served as a military barracks. At first, we circled part of the perimeter, however we sent the kids in first to explore. After about ... read more
Christiania - Copenhagen
Nyhavn - Copenhagen
Nyhavn - Copenhagen

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen July 28th 2011

Thursday, July 28, 2011 This morning we landed in Amsterdam (AMS) to transfer to our Copenhagen flight. All I can say about the Amsterdam airport is wow. This is airport is mostly retailers and it takes shopping to a new level. Thank goodness I did not shop or I would have been broke before the trip started. The only disappointing part of the airport was there is very little air conditioning and the restrooms are down below the terminal so access is limited to those who can climb stairs. My poor mother-in-law could not use the restroom until we got on the plane. We boarding our flight to Copenhagen flying SAS ( Our first class cabin was like flying Southwest Airlines we the seat shrunk, yuck. Aside from the seat size, we did a get a ... read more
Christainborg Palace - Copenhagen
Christainborg Palace - Copenhagen
Christainborg Palace - Copenhagen

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen July 27th 2011

Today was an exciting day. Our family is traveling to Copenhagen, Denmark for a cruise on Princess Cruises. When booking our trip back in November 2010, it was deciding my wife, her dad, and our two kids would travel separately because following our cruise they would spend three days in Germany visiting family history locations/sites. So my mother-in-law and I would travel separately to the cruise and return the day of the cruise ends. Continental Airlines On Wednesday we flew Continental from Houston (IAH) to Amsterdam (AMS) then on to Copenhagen, 9 hours 45 minutes. I was very fortunate to fly Business Class using mileage. What an experience in Business. The service was like nothing I have ever seen on an airline. From the minute we boarded the flight attendants made an instant connection with each ... read more

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen July 23rd 2011

Things have been somewhat spoiled by consistenly cloudy skies in Luxembourg, Amsterdam, Hamburg, and now Copenhagen. It just won't brighten up, no matter where I go. And the forecast, at least for Copenhagen, suggests I won't be free of it any time soon. Let's start with Luxembourg shall we. It was kind of a last minute decision to go there. After a long winded day at the Eiffel Tower celebrating Bastille Day with the French I had run out of accomodation in Paris but still had a day to kill before I was skeduled to be in Amsterdam. So, Luxembourg it was. I checked in to a HI Hostel, which was fresh and comfy, but booooring, so I spent most of the day on my feet. Took in the local History Museum, which was awesome. The ... read more

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