Blogs from Copenhagen, Region Hovedstaden, Denmark, Europe - page 21


Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen January 23rd 2012

I have felt this urge to write about my deepest feelings, my fears, my hopes, all those overwhelming emotions that spill all over around me. Coincidental enough, the trip that brought me to Denmark has abandoned me with the only choice of documenting my experience in a second language, adding to the challenge of expressing powerful emotions and endless meditation. For a Latin American communist, proud of the courage of Eugenio Maria de Hostos, Fidel Castro Ruz and Ernesto "El Che" Guevara, living in the United States is plagued with contradictions, conflict, and constant introspection. When you decide to embrace the eclectic views of multiple philosophies and cultures, you find yourself lonely, but free of polluting values and moral codes. This is my close encounter with the soul of Denmark. Friday 23th… I went to visit ... read more

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen January 20th 2012

Med under 1 uge til take-off, er de sidste ting ved at være på plads... Eller er de? Hvis ikke, har vi alle lige 6 dage endnu til vi skal sidde ombord Singapore Airlines mod Singapore som bliver det første stop. :) Til de nysgerrige der vil følge med, er her en cirka plan over, hvor og hvornår vi er de forskellige steder: Afrejse København den 27. januar 2012. Singapore: 27.-28. jan. Christchurch: 29.-30. jan. Lake Takepo: 30.-31. jan. Wanaka: 31. jan - 2. feb. Franz Josef: 2. feb. - 5. feb. Et sted på vestkysten: 5.feb - 6.feb Pohara Beach: 6. feb. - 9. feb. Picton: 9. feb. - 11. feb. (Morten flyver til Cook Øerne fra den 10. feb til 14. feb) Steder på den sydlige del af nordøen: 11. feb - 14. feb. ... read more

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen January 12th 2012

Im sitting at the airport at starbucks and just got my kindle to work. Mom managed to say goodbye and leave without making a "cheese-window" as she calls it, and im just about ready to get this trip goin. I wonder whats goin to happen :)... read more

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen November 25th 2011

I board a Cross Air flight in Zurich for my final destination, Copenhagen. It is a short flight, so I am not expecting epiphany. The crew is lined up and seems to harbor a secret by their smiles. Well the secret was wide bodied leather seats with a doily for your head to rest and what they said would be a "snack". The snack turned out to be smoked salmon, cucumber salad, a decent roll, Hagen-Daz ice cream and that great coffee you are served all over Scandinavia. Oh and champagne as well, gratis. All served with real china and silverware. Surprisingly I am not too jet lagged, must have been the alcohol (since I’ve had some I seemed to rally.) On our first night we walk about 1 mile into town, Tivoli Gardens area. And ... read more
The Center of Copenhagen
The Little Mermaid
Royal Residence

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen November 12th 2011

For my final European trip (for now), Clay, Kim, Meg and I headed off for a short weekend away in Copenhagen, or as Kim preferred to call it, (use the Borat voice) Copen High Five! Yes, she is South African. It's not her fault. Our trip started with an ultra red eye flight on the Saturday morning. Yes, we planned it this way as we knew we would all have been out partying on the Friday night to the early hours of the morning. We turned up to the airport half delirious with lack of sleep and over the weekend we only got worse! We landed in Copenhagen and just managed to avoid the wrong train that would have taken us to Sweden. Thankfully we eventually made it into the centre via a fantastic bakery and ... read more
Fairy Tale Street
Tivoli Gardens #1
Tivoli Gardens #2

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen October 31st 2011

Trick or treat! Hope you are all enjoying Hallowe'en! So I've been quite busy this weekend. Last Thursday I decided to go with my housemates to Copenhagen for the weekend, and so, incredibly last minute, we booked a hotel for Saturday night and overnight coaches for Friday and Sunday night. After my all day class ended on Friday I came home for a few hours and then took the train to Hamburg to catch the coach to Copenhagen - after a 2 hour delay in Hamburg we finally left and after crossing the Baltic Sea by ferry, we arrived in the Danish capital. As the hotel was booked for Saturday night we could not check in until 3pm, meaning when we arrived at 7am we had 8 hours to amuse ourselves. Being Kevin, I of cause ... read more
Danish Royal Guards
Malmö Castle

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen October 8th 2011

So the day where I finally left Copenhagen had arrived, now I was on my way to Tasmania Hobart :) My flight was 14.55 pm, so we were in the airport around noon. Everything went perfectly well and after my goodbyes, I was on my way! To send me off at the airport was my parents, Henrik and Jannie, my boyfriend, Kristian, my good friends, Ajaja, Anders, Sofia, the Australian girl, Bonnie, and Lone and Per, from the SKÅL Club Copenhagen :) ... read more

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen September 24th 2011

The next morning definitely dawned too early – as in, my dad had to text me when I was supposed to already be downstairs to see if I was okay. And I was still asleep. Good thing I had a few minutes! We had another good morning session, and again headed off to lunch – this time at Tivoli gardens. I’d read about Tivoli in a murder mystery several years ago that took place in Copenhagen, and looked forward to seeing it. It’s supposed to be one of the most famous landmarks in the city. We took a short coach ride, and walked a short distance to get to the entrance and our restaurant, Groften, was close by. The group filed in, and we were in a private room overlooking the rest of the restaurant. The ... read more
Photo 3
Photo 4
Photo 5

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen September 23rd 2011

Friday morning dawned EARLY. Despite being back in my room at a very reasonable time, I have trouble settling my brain when I’m out with a group of people until late at night. So I puttered around for a while, uploaded the photos I had taken of the group and posted them to various places, and played a computer game. I was well and truly exhausted, and finally fell asleep, but it felt like my alarm went off far too early the next morning. We had a very productive morning session, with my favorite part being the “speed-dating.” Since we have a networking group, we like to encourage different ways for them to get to know each other. So we set up the room like a speed dating session, and had the delegates sit in pairs ... read more
Pretty lovely, huh?
Kanalen Restaurant
We ate in this annex

Europe » Denmark » Region Hovedstaden » Copenhagen September 22nd 2011

Thursday morning was fortunately a bit quiet to start, as I still had a migraine. I finally heard from my hotel contact (she gets to work around 10, and definitely leaves before 4). We agreed to meet at 11, and ultimately did. I was satisfied with our conversation, although she didn’t have sufficient answers to some of my questions, and I was hopeful that the guests wouldn’t experience the same kind of hoopla as we had. Not so much the case though – we later heard from one of our directors that he’d been told upon check in that we had paid for his room (not the case), and when he requested a bathrobe, he was told that only people on the 6th floor got bathrobes unless he wanted to purchase one. It was so very ... read more
Enjoying the welcome reception
After a lovely dinner

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