Blogs from Central America Caribbean - page 2142


Central America Caribbean » Honduras April 28th 2005

So here i am in sleepy little Omoa, with the carribean sun and sea (and plenty of mozzies to keep me company). Roli is his usual grumpy self, even though the hostel is packed. Got loads to write but the day is hot and the sea is calling.... ... read more
Bonifacio and Family

Hola Amigos! Apologies for the lack of diaries lately- I will blame it all on the terrible Internet access.....(which is a fact). So I've already been in my new town for almost two weeks.....liking it so far, although it's probably been the toughest moment of my trip, because I'm in a very remote town, very simple living quarters and in a job where I sometimes feel very helpless. But at the same time, I'm loving the experience, I think it's helping me grow as a person. Listen to me, I'm almost as floaty and new age as about 90% of the people in this town (mostly Americans who are really "out there" :) ) So, to describe where I'm living at the moment.....I'm living with Senora Cecilia (a fabulous cook) and Don ChiChi, a lovely couple. ... read more

"Pura Vida" or "pure life," that´s what you see and hear everywhere in Costa Rica. And I can understand why.... I have never seen a country with such concentrated natural beauty. Painted green with rainforests and fringed with white-sand beaches.... In a word, it´s gorgeous! Costa Rica is very different from the rest of the places I´ve visited in Central America. First, it caters more to tourists, hence it is filled with many more tourists and more Americans than I´ve seen anywhere else. Second, poverty is not as strong or as evident. Third, there is more care and conservation of natural resources, less littering, etc. Fourth, so many people speak English, they are actually surprised when I speak Spanish! Lastly... Probably because of all the tourism, Costa Rica feels more diverse, but almost lacking in a ... read more

I am "sick as a dog" today! I think it's a combination of the sun, booze, and local food that's getting to me! So, I spent most of the day in bed praying that I would feel better - and it somewhat worked! (well, it could've been the gallon of water I drank and rest). But, my day didn't start off so bad. I did manage to wake around 5:30 so I could be up for sunrise. Since our room is facing north west I headed down to the beach in the dark (still in my pj's) so I could get a better vantage point, but I was disappointed to find that the sun was still blocked by a point of land down at the end of the beach, so I grabbed a coffee at the ... read more

We're finally here! And it's a blast! Started off kinda rocky at the airport in St. John's...why?...well, I was a little over on my baggage weight allowance...try $70 worth! So, I quickly decided that I didn't need that small suitcase afterall! Kerri and Julie had to "streamline" their suitcases as well, and Kerri's mom took what we couldn't fit in - God love her...if she wasn't there we would have had to pay! Anyway, so after a few tense minutes of wondering what to do, we finally go everything checked in...and justin the nick of time, because the place started filling up quickly - and Jenelle was the one who said we were going way too early! Grabbed some Tim's (cookies and juice), and headed upstairs to go through security - I got on through without ... read more

Tja mijn beroving in Guatemala, ik wist dat het een keer zou gebeuren alleen nog niet wanneer, nou afgelopen zondag is de ellende begonnen. Zaterdag ben ik samen met Sophie, een nederlandse griet die werkt voor een rechtenorganisatie, naar het meer gegaan. Aldaar wederom een heerlijk weekend gehad. Zondag hebben we in de middag de bus terug genomen. Uiteraard een chickenbus, echter deze bus zat enorm maar dan ook enorm vol. Op alle twe persoons bankjes zaten drie mensen en tevens stond het hele gangpad al vol, toen Sophie en ik er nog bij in moesten. Via de achterdeur werden we dan ook letterlijk naar binnen geduwd! Ik kon gewoon niet recht staan en moest mijn rugzak boven mijn hoofd houden. Vervolgens begon de buschauffeur ook nog als een gek te rijden. Echt het leek wel ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Honduras April 25th 2005

When I left you last time we had walked 9km from the Jungle River Lodge at Pico Bonito to the highway. We jumped onto the first chicken bus passing by on our way to the Garifuna village of Sambo Creek. Even though Triumfo de la Cruz is touted as being the second biggest of these villages (next to Limon), Sambo Creek seemed like it was more alive and hopping than any of the villages we saw near Tela. We stayed at the Hotel Avila which is conveniently at the very end of the bus line in Sambo. Just get off and keep walking forward. The restaurant on your right is the place. The double cost us 100L and came with a fan. The bathrooms are clean and it's right across the little road from the beach, ... read more

Okay - so, my TravelBlog account is approved and up-and-running, and I'm pretty much packed and ready to go...BUT, I still have to study for one more exam that I have tomorrow morning! Thankfully, it's my last exam EVER! (And, I'm going to need this vacation, believe me!) So, with that said, I will get back to my studying and say my prayers that I'll ace the exam in the morning. All I have to do then is to wait for Jenelle to get off work, pack our bags into the car, drive to St.John's, and hopefully get a nap before heading to the airport around 2:30/3:00 a.m. Oh, and hope that I will be able to access computers at the resort! Wish me luck! Ciao! ... read more

Central America Caribbean April 24th 2005

Just in case you're wondering where I'm headed, here is a map of my proposed route. Update: will write about trip below.... read more
streets of San José
hot springs Orosi
cocoa fruit

Well, it's still 5 LONG days until I'll be sitting on the beach at SuperClubs Breezes sipping on daiquiris and soaking up the warm Caribbean sun, so I decided to get a start on my TravelBlog...bear with me, I'm new at this! ... read more

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