Blogs from Central America Caribbean - page 1953


So I was sad to leave such an amazing place as Honduras. There are many places where I fell in love with the scenery. But move on I must fro my scouting trip has come to a close and I have yet more to see in Fabulous Guatemala. So I entered Guatemala with 2 British boys from Abersoch, a girl from Ont. and a pirate from North Carolina, Capt. Jack. It was a very long haul on a tight sweaty bus from Copan HN to Antigua GA. We had planned to stay at a place called the Black Cat and had asked for rooms ahead of time but they base vacancy on first come first served. So by 7pm we were SOL, we lugged out bags down the list of refered hostels and ran into the ... read more
Entering guatemala
What are we waiting for again?
Thumbing a ride.

The internet is crap in Esteli. I have already wasted 18 minutes on a shitty connection. So this will be brief. Esteli is in the northern part of Nica. There were a lot of sandanistas here compared to Granada. Granada is more conservative (in our terminology - liberal in theirs, its complicated). Esteli is poorer and definately not as hip. But it is very interesting. The streets are lined with black and red sandanista flags. We stopped in the FSLN (Sandanista Frente) headquarters yesterday and got some of the black and red flags. they were gratis - free. today is the 17th year anniversary of the revolution. this morning we saw bus load after busload of people on their way to Managua for the celebration. Thjere is a big party/parade/etc in the main square there. we ... read more

So I'm going to write three blogs at once, just because thematically it makes mor sense and you'll get to see more pics. Plus, I'm tired and would much rather sit at a computer than get on a bus. Although, I pretty much have to. So Sunday I got up, ate, davenned, packed, and caught the boat to Panajachel, where I wrote my last blog entry. I then took a *Bus to Solela *Bus to Las Encuentras *Mini-bus to Chichicastenago *Mini-bus to El Quiche *Mini-bus Sacapulos Ah, travel the cheap way. I like the local flavor so much I'm willing to squeeze onto a seat meant for two 6th graders packed with 3 Guatemalans, two children, and a gringo with a mochillo/tik/tarmil/backpack in his lap. I took forever and it was uncomfortable and by the ... read more
The View along the roue

Hello everyone! I am going to keep this message short because there are others waiting to get online. I just wanted share a few photos so look in that section. We went on an 8 km hike today through Grenville the nearest city here and down to the beach. There were kids with their moms playing cricket with scraps of wood and a tennis ball, goats tied near houses every where. Mangos, breadfruit, pears and coconuts hanging from most of the trees. It is hard to see that this land was very much devastated by Hurricane Ivan only a few years ago. There are definitely houses in a wreck but the people have worked hard on the rebuilding but the evidence still remains which testifies to the times. At the beach we met a little boy ... read more
Friends-Fran, Landy and Verna
Flexing our muscles at the beach

Attempted to visit the rainforest but got rained out. Here are only a few pictures. ... read more

... BETTER REMEMBER THIS ... You'd better remember this. Because people will ask you. Whether you want them to or not, they'll ask you how El Salvador was. And though you won't know where to start, you're going to have to have something to tell them. A shrug of the shoulders and "Good" won't be enough. So you'd better remember this. Open the parts of your mind you need, and work them over until you've gotten them just right. Then put what you know in a place that will be easy to get to. Deep, but not too deep. Just enough so that even though no one else can see it, you know it's there, and you can see it and feel it, and you know it makes up a part of who you are now, ... read more
My Daily Sunset
Jujutla -Dec 2005
Usultuan, El Salvador

Although neither of our stomachs were feeling 100%, we decided to head out and take the boat tour. First stop was the dolphin bay where we watched dolphins follow our boat, playing and leaping out of the water. The next stop was snorkelling at Cayo Crawl - although the snorkelling was not the most amazing, it was refreshing to get in the water. We had lunch at a little restaurant out on stilts in the middle of nowhere. From there, we visited Red Frog beach, which is one of those postcard perfect Caribbean beaches - white sand, palm trees, clear water. We played in the surf and lounged on the beach. Our last stop-off was Hospital point, a snorkelling spot near the old hospital where they used to put people with malaria and yellow fever. It ... read more

hola amigos! i just logged on to post some pictures. hope you enjoy them. sunday we had a "school trip" to chichicastenango for the native mayan market. it is one of the largest markets in the mayan area. for more info visit: it was a bit crazy...lots of people...lots of energy....lots of textiles and crafts. i enjoyed it, but i tend to get a bit suffocated in large crowds. it was a chilly day in chichi, so a few of us took a break from the crowd and sat in an open air coffee shop with warm beverages. i enjoyed the view of the market from this perspective. we were cozy and spacious in the coffee shop, yet the energy of the market was surrounding us. later on sunday night we played pub trivia...our group ... read more
enjoying our warm drinks in cafe
view of market from cafe
pub trivia

Hi, It´s my last day in Antigua. I have gotten used to it here and I am not getting lost anymore. I feel more at home and comfortable. Guatemalan´s know me now and greet me when they see me. They are really friendly people. Brian made it here and we are having fun together. It´s fun to introduce him and show him around town. I took 5 salsa lessons over the last few days. I don´t know if I´m getting any better though, but they have been fun. My teacher was quite a flirt. The stereotypical Latino. Tonight I´m going out salsa dancing. We´ll see if I can keep up with the Guatemalans. I have to go. I´ll write more later. ... read more

Le volcan aujourd;hui c;etait vraiment beau. 3 super bus hight class pour y aller, non sans farce. Dans une westfalia arrange, on rentre facile 21-22 personnes... Dans l;autre qui etait un petit peu plus grosse est etait 28.. Le toit, lui, etait bourre de pneu. La derniere etait normal... 18 personnes, mais le chemin de terre pour s;y rendre meritait une attention particuliere. On a du monter par la cours arriere, pcq, il n;avait que des paysans, des cochons, des chevaux et des poules. La vue en montant est vraiment splendide, le lac en haut est presque vierge, il y a une maison non loin et une pompe pour prendre un peu d;eau. Ils ont installe un petit amphitheatre, des table a l;ombre, un semblant de terrain de volley et puis j;ai l;impression qu;ils ont abandonne, ... read more
Région de AquaBlanca
Région de AquaBlanca
Lac Volcanique de Ipala

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