Blogs from Panama, Central America Caribbean - page 13


Central America Caribbean » Panama » Colón January 20th 2017

Our first official port was Cartagena, Columbia. Out waitlisted tour came through and we drove to the National Avery. On the way our guide Sergio told us about the history of the revolutionary movement. The FARC started out as a protest by villages that were being shortchanged by the cities and the National government. Unfortunately the movement joined with the drug cartels to get money to buy weapons. The conflict went on for sixty years and a peace treaty is currently being negotiated, the first one was rejected by the people. We drove through an industrial area where oil refineries and chemical plants pollute the air and ground. Although the soil was once very fertile, nothing grows there now. The Aviary is a national treasure. We wandered the trails for three hours and saw all kinds ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá January 14th 2017

Geo: 8.99427, -79.5188Today's the day! Today we go through the Panama Canal. I'm pretty excited and not at all surprise that when I wake up at 7 Jeff is already out on the balcony.We know it is going to be at least an hour before the big event, but we want to find a good viewing spot. We head up to the Horizon Court Buffet to get some breakfast. The buffet is at the front of the ship so it is not surprising that the tables at the front windows are occupied. It looks like people have staked out their spots. We definitely don't want to be here because all of the photos would be shot through the windows...dirty windows.We grab a quick bite and head up and out to an upper deck in the front ... read more
Culebra Cut - reinforced with steel rods
See the directional arrow?
Miraflores Locks

28. Dezember. 2016 Booze Cruise Day Nach einem leckeren Frühstück im leo's clan ging es zu unserem Party Boot. Bis zum späten Nachmittag fuhren wir in der Bucht von Potosi in einem Boot wo wir unlimitiert gratis Caipirinhas bekamen. Drei Stops zum schwimmen, Lunch Stop und eine einzigartige Landschaft erwarteten uns. Nach diesem Bootstrip ging es noch zum Strand ein bisschen chillen bevor wir uns leicht angeheitert in die Stadt zum Abendessen begaben. 29. Dezember. 2016 Chilltag Ausschlafen war angesagt! Am Tagesprogramm stand den Strand genießen und bummeln gehen. Ein sehr relaxter Tag. Bevor wir unsere letzte Fahrt in Tortuga (der Name unseres Dragoman Trucks) antraten. 30. Dezember.2016 Letzter Tag in Tortuga Um halb 9 hieß es zum letzten mal "Bag locker". Wir verstauten unser Gepäck und los ging die lange Fahrt nach Rio de ... read more

Season’s Greetings! We shipped out for Christmas. That is, we boarded the Silver Whisper on December 20 in Ft Lauderdale and we’re retracing our September cruise back through the Panama Canal to San Francisco then continuing on to the South Pacific ending in New Zealand on January 27. We are renting a car in Auckland visiting family and friends for a few weeks before flying back to California to see more family and friends. The day we left our home in Rotonda West it was a balmy 91 degrees -- a record breaker for the Sunshine State. Meanwhile the Plains and Midwest were shivering in way below zero weather. Brrrrrrrrrr! At one point, there was a temperature differential of 104 degrees between my birth state of South Dakota and Florida. That polar vortex is a pretty ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama Canal December 24th 2016

THE PANAMA CANAL When I started my trip this year, I wondered where I would dive, and what I would see. I started in Costa Rica…now where to??? Right on down the map was Panama. On the water so I can go diving. And I haven’t seen the Panama Canal, that I knew was a massive engineering feat. I knew it was a waterway that used locks like those in Seattle but far bigger and grander. I knew it connected the Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean. I knew it was a shortcut so boats didn’t have to go around the tip of South America. That was about the extent of my knowledge. I don’t intend to give much statistical information. I did look up a few facts…the Canal is 48 miles long. It is considered ... read more

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Colón December 10th 2016

Panama Canal This was the highlight of the trip and it had certainly been hyped up into ‘The Canal Experience’! We had had a lecture every day, on sea days, by Bill Fall, who was excellent and certainly knew his stuff. I never knew a Canal could be so complicated!! Basically it was started by the French in 1880 – 26,000 of them died due to Malaria and the project was then abandoned. America took it on again in 1903, removing over 200 million cubic metres of material and it was completed in 1914, so is now 102 years old. Amazing feat of engineering all those years ago when you think that they didn’t have any vehicles or machinery. It is 48 miles, or 80 kms long and strangely the Atlantic Ocean is 9” lower than ... read more
Pedro Miguel locks
storm across Miraflores Lake
Gatun Locks (2)

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Kuna Yala October 12th 2016

Le 12 octobre 2016, Aujourd'hui, on se paie une petite folie, un tour aux îles San Blas, dans la Comarca de Guna Yala, un territoire indigène faisant parti du Panama mais indépendant et autogéré par la communauté. La communauté guna compte environ 300 000 personnes réparties dans la région. Il s'agit d'un véritable modèle de préservation de la culture indigène ancestrale, l'une des mieux préservée en Amérique. Dans la Comarca, aucun étranger ne peut posséder de terre ni exploiter une entreprise. Les gunas sont rois et maitres de leur région et il faut montrer patte blanche, son passeport et un billet de 20$ US pour obtenir l'autorisation de pénétrer dans leur territoire. Ici, ce sont les touristes qui s'adaptent à leur mode de vie et à leurs normes, et non eux qui s'adaptent aux attentes du ... read more
Faut imaginer le tout avec du soleil...
Une femme guna, croquée à Panama City

Central America Caribbean » Panama » Panamá » Panama City October 10th 2016

Le 10 octobre 2016, Au revoir joli petit paradis de Roatan, on quitte ce matin pour Panama City, un changement de rythme complet... Du tourisme balnéaire, on passe au city trip! Je profite de mes dernière heures sur Roatan au maximum. Il est à peine 6:20 que je suis déjà dans la mer, sur mon quai flottant préféré! À 9:30, une navette vient nous chercher et nous amène à l'aéroport. Un court vol nous ramène sur le continent, à San Pedro Sula, au Honduras. On en profite pour visiter un autre petit lounge d'aéroport où l'on se fait servir sushis, paninis, boissons et grignotines par toute une équipe de serveurs, et ce, sans avoir à lever le petit doigt ni à débourser un sou... vraiment, le travel hacking et ses avantages, je vais y prendre goût! ... read more
Surprenant comme skyline!
Les écluses
Le canal

Central America Caribbean » Panama September 27th 2016

Panama city We flew into Panama city and coming from Cuba the city seems like a different world. A large, busy, modern airport and skyscrapers galore. The difference in wealth between Panama and Cuba is striking. We setup camp in the old town of Panama which is part crumbling and part superbly renovated, home to the president and several wealthy Panamanians and yet situated only metres away from a very poor community and dodgy "don't go ther after dark" neighbourhood. Up until recently this was not a desireable location and most of the buildings were in ruins. Then someone discovered that tourists like old colonial towns and started to renovate. Now the whole place is either renovated, being renovated or waiting to be renovated. It will be quite beautiful in the near future. There are many ... read more
Its banana time
Hiking in Boquete
TV room in our hostel in Boquete

Since leaving Mexico we have traveled through Central America by chicken bus, at least 50 buses. And on only a couple of them have we seen backpackers. I am so proud of us as this is no easy feat when you don't speak Spanish. We haven't felt threatened or scared and people always smiling and ready to help. Glen always helping the people with their produce ie bags of rice, and heavy loads. And so we have loved the experience and it's been incredibly cheap way to travel. But to meet the ordinary people has been the most rewarding. At each different country border controls, we have dodged the tourist buses. The guys that tell you that theirs no local busses, to get you on expensive tour busses we followed the locals and have researched different ... read more
El Salvadore
El Salvadore
El Salvadore

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