Blogs from Northern Highlands, Nicaragua, Central America Caribbean - page 15


Not much going on. Got back from all of my travels. And am now in the community until the second week of June when I go help out with some training days. Went to the baseball game on Sunday. Moropoto has a team - mostly middle aged men from our town with some kids from the surrounding communities.... I love going to hometown games where everyone knows all the players... like little league! The whole Moropoto side was off its rocker - mostly guys and teenagers - very few women. Most of the women were selling things. Like tajadas - or bags of fried banana chips with a bit of tomato and cabbage salad in the bag, too, with salt and chili... for 2 cords... or 10 cents. Or cigaretts. Or big slices of watermelon. Or ... read more

I am back in Estelí. For the night. Maybe for tomorrow night, too. So I just got back from a 4 days of IST.. or In Service Training, for all Ag volunteers. We went to this farm in the department of Masaya, south of Managua. We started with chores every morning from 6-9. I worked in the rabbit cages the first morning. They have a lot of rabbits. Like a lot. I watered all of them for an hour. While others fed them. Then we learned all about how the farm runs and how they keep track of all of them and where they sell the meat and how much a rabbit costs to buy and the different breeds. Interesting. A grown rabbit costs between 120-400 cords, or $6-$20 USD depending on the breed. Yesterday I ... read more

Okay, so I´m not much into politics. And it´s hard to keep in touch with them when you´re in a foreign country. I will say that I have become slightly more republican since being abroad from the good ol´USofA. And a helluva lot more patriotic and defensive about my country, tis of thee. Okay, maybe not more repuuuublican... maybe just less of a liberal democrat. Or fiscally republican and socially democrat? Quien sabe. Anyway, the point is that I honestly don´t keep up with politics. But that doesn´t stop me from having an opinion. This morning at breakfast the older volunteer couple - they´re in their 60´s and live in a site without electricity - and I and another young volunteer were eating breakfast.... And they brought up the apparent event that Obama released the memos ... read more

And I´m back! Back from Mexico and back from a week in the REAL wilds of Nicaragua with Lenin and his family. Hopefully photos will upload. Leave again tomorrow, Monday, for ANOTHER WEEK ... this time with Peace Corps... this computer is soooo slooooow! i have uploaded 11 photos of like 40 from mexico and my week arriba. but now i have to go. and catch the bus. hopefully more laaaaater. to EVERYONE who has emailed me recently... i love you and will hopefully be able to respond this week! i know, i know, that timeframe sucks. believe you me, i´d just as soon stay in my site. visit the post office for the first time this month. blog about life and everything there in. after this week there´s nothing for a while. and i ... read more
we had to hike a long way at 6am
it´s shake n bake and i helped!
lenin attempting to milk the cow

Over grensa bar det og rett inn i ein ny buss. Ein ska alli bli forstokt over kva slag folk som vi selge eller tilby ein ting paa bussturar. Matselgarar, menn me vatn, brus og ol og gamle kaaner med heimelaga boller hoyrer til det meir vanlege. Pa denne bussturen fann ogsaa ein pengevekslar ell to og ein predikant med paaskekollekt og preken paa spansk vegen inn i midtganga. Lurt aa spare tid: Halde preken medan du likevel skal fraa A til B med bussen:) Ellers er paaskefeiring i latinamerika ganske keisamt. ALT er stort sett stengt, inkludert barar og restaurantar, og i to dagar levde eg difor paa drikkeyoughurt og appelsinjuice. Eg kan ikkje sei anna enn at eg var ganske glad daa langfredagen var over og busstransport endeleg var mogleg igjen, og endaa ein ... read more
Paaskeparade i Nicaragua

Well. Here I am. Monday. I got home yesterday afternoon at about 2.30. Immediately dropped my bag and hugged Lenin. It was a long week. And I missed him. So the language workshop ended Thursday night and then we stayed in Managua Thursday and were supposed to go home Friday morning. Except. That Thursday afternoon I came up with some kind of allergy. Started with a rash around my neck and my feet. By Friday morning it was EVERYWHERE. So clearly I went to the PC med office - PCMO - and they said, yup, it´s an allergy to something. Perhaps the other component of the amoxicilin? ... that you´ve been taking for 10 days.... we don´t know. Go to the hospital and see this dermatologist. So I did. And she said, yup, it´s an allergy. ... read more

Okay, I am sick. Like sinus infection, muscle aches, slept all last night without moving, sick. Mostly because the day before yesterday I was pissed the hell off all day and ended up crying... and the only other time that that has happened to such an extent, I also got sick right afterward. Apparently my body cannot handle stress like that here. Even though I take vitamins every day. So. I cancelled English class and came to Somoto to get some damn antibiotics and get over this before it really gets underway. But that´s not why I´m writing. I´m writing a post so that I can post photos of my trip to the cañón de Somoto with Lenin and Ozmancito. So, without further ado, here they are... ps mail shoutouts to my mom, for the newspaper ... read more
me and the boy
my little brother
hiking down with our campesino guide

It´s late as far as mornings go, seeing as how it´s 8.45. But we were out late last night and I guess my body needed sleep. Now I am slightly hungover and hungry and waiting for the others to get themselves showered and dressed so we can go get breakfast. But first! I THINK I MIGHT BE GOING TO MEXICO CITY FOR SEMANA SANTA!!!! TO VISIT ARIELLE!!!!!!! eeeeeek! Details not finalized yet, but hell yes I am going! But Abeyta´s not onliiiine right now to discuss! Okay, I´m hungry. More later perhaps. Taking the 11.45am expresso back home. Dear god this is the longest time I´ve been away from site, I think. Left Tuesday.... ALSO! Will, one of my crackhead awesome roomies from China just emailed and he´s heading through Central America and dear god it ... read more

things i love... The Green Market in Estelí on Friday mornings. It is the best place for breakfast. I had a bag of fruit. A bag of mixed potato-malanga-banana chips with salad and salsa. And two papusas, or little buns filled with fried cheese and chicken that rock my world with salad and salsa. And I bought vegetables for Moncha. Oh, and I had a queso tamale, too. This internet place next to the park and the boy who works here. He is cute and nice and plays good music. Carne asada in the park. Meat in general. Street food. Love it. Miss it. Practically all I survived on in the China. Estelí. It is still my city. Yeah, Somoto is there. But Estelí is where it´s at. Bold Kreative Photography. Things I don´t love... ... read more

Things that happen here that I forget to mention. Nicaraguans iron every piece of clothing. All the time. Their holey old work shirt. Oh, it´s got creases. Seriously. Women spend hours every night ironing everyone´s clothes from the baby´s shorts to the men´s dress pants to their own shirts to the handkerchiefs that everyone carries all the time. Thus, I am dressed more poorly than the Nicans because I refuse to iron every piece of clothing. Gringos also have the reputation of generally being dirty. Perhaps because we don´t iron. Despite the fact that I shower EVERY MORNING as soon as I get up, usually between 5.30-6.30am, and he damn well knows it, Lenin asks me every day if I´ve bathed. I´ve started acting like I don´t even hear the qustion. Just because it´s an asshole ... read more

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