Blogs from Capital Region, Guatemala, Central America Caribbean - page 108


Hola mis amigos! And if you expect this to all be in spansih, well im flattered that you think i am that smart... for those of my colleagues reading this, or friends form university,k well you know that aint the case! Firstly thanks to evryone for the great comments, they always make us laugh! Life here has been pretty good the last couple weeks... we are now in our second week of language school... Amanda is progressing very well in her studies and i have a new teacher... no hes not a wrestling fan, but is a good guy... i{m even doing homewrok now... scary stuff... I know I never gave any... geez... Some more random thoughts about guatemala... the greatest invention they could ever incorporate into their life here? Yes its the vaunted E- test ... read more
Amazing view from the Earth Lodge
Cliff Swing
Avacodo Trees

With my girlfriend finally granted some time off work we somehow decided upon doing a mad trip to Antigua, Volcan Pacaya and Guatemala City: all in the one day. We had to start early, and early in this case meant rising at 2:30am for the 3am Chicken bus. This bounced along uneven roads for a couple of hours as I drifted in and out of conciousness. We changed buses...somewhere... to get to Antigua (Maggie was doing the navigating). Feeling fairly nautious and exhausted the prospect of climbing a Volcanoe wasn't seeming as exciting as it did the previous day. The attractive streets of Antigua woke me up somewhat despite seeing them through my contact lense-less eyes. A cup of tea helped. Being 7am in the morning we had arrived a tad too early to gather any ... read more
Sliding down the side

Hei alle sammen! Hvordan gaar det med dere der hjemme? Savner dere - og savner oppdateringer paa dagliglivet deres! Lov aa sende mail og lov aa legge inn kommentarer :) Fredag var siste dag paa skolen. Vi var mildt sagt litt lei av skolen og var villige til aa gjore mye for aa slippe aa ha undervisning. Torsdag ble det kalt sammen til raad ved Trudes bord i hjornet av hagen paa skolen og snart var alle elever og laerere samlet der. Det foregikk selvsagt paa spansk og var i det hele tatt gaske moro! Etter litt frem og tilbake var handlelisten klar: Fredag skulle det grilles! Grillmat i Guatemala skulle vise seg aa vaere guacamole, salsa, kjott, poteter og brod (eller tortillas som laererne sverget til) Litt norsk touch maatte vi ogsaa ha, saa Helene ... read more

We have begun learning to speak the language... We arrived in Antiuga last Thursday and got ourselves situated, found our language school and host family, which are at complete opposite ends of town. Jeff and I are actually thankful for that, the walk is much appreciated after the meals we are fed. This morning alone I was served 2 banannas, 3 pieces of pinapple, a piece of papaya, 1 piece of melon, 2 pieces of bread all on one plate! plus a coffee and an orange juice. After we stuff our faces full of fruit, while our host family mother Dora watches us like a hawk, we make our way down to the spanish school about 15 min away. From 8 til 12 we have one-on-one lessons with a spanish teacher, by 12 I am unable ... read more

Javel, ikkje saa flink aa oppdatere, men her komer det en liten en: naa sitter jeg her i guatemala aa slapper av paa la fuente. jeg vil tro at det er ca 30 grader ute og klokka er halv elleve. Det gaar veldig greit paa skolen, masse verb og boyinger aa huske paa men det er veldig kjekt. vi har vaert saa heldige aa truffet sinnsykt mange hyggelige mennesker, nesten alle her er fra belgia, saa det gaar mye i fransk. I helgaa har vi vaert i monterrico, som ligger ved stillehavskysten, aa slikket sol. Jeg ble en del rod i gaar for aa si det saan. men det var en deilig tur! vi traff noen norske mennesker, og reiste med en gal-gal shuttle buss! ellers saa har det vel ikke skjedd saa veldig mye nevneverdig, ... read more

Sakaric, nan! (at least I think that is hello in K'iche, the local language, so say the kids next to me playing grand theft auto) so this will be my first ever blog, or open journal, or whatever you want to call it. It has been about a week here in Guatemala, though it feels like a month. As some of you might be wondering, and others already know, I was supposed to have left two weeks ago, but didn't. Embarrasingly enough it was because I had misplaced my wallet the day I was supposed to leave. I ended up finding it in Yael´s car that night. But nonetheless a week later, minus $200, my adventure began, and everything was well, minus one ipod. Another embarrasing and costly story. All I'll say is that you should ... read more

I dag har Trude bursdag! Hurra! Trude feiret 5 aars jubileum for 18-aars dagen - moro! Dagen har blitt feiret med aa spise kake paa cafe condesa - nammenam! Som dere kanskje ser av bildet, saa skal vi ikke klage! Det er Helene sin da... Og for herligheten betalte vi rundt 35 kroner! Paa tirsdag har Helene bursdag - og for de glemsomme saa er det mindre enn tre uker til min (18 dager for aa vaere noyaktig). Saa det blir mye feiring fremover! Paa Helene sin bursdag har vi planer om aa gaa ut og spise fin middag, skikkelig biffmiddag frister veldig. Vi har tenkt aa bruke mer enn 100 kroner paa mat, saa da holder det med en felles bursdagsmiddag! Jesus her nede er en ganske populaer. I bussene er det rene altere fremme ... read more
Jesus elsker alle barna....
Sjokoladedrom og iskaffe!

Vi er glidd inn i Guatemalamodus her nede, det vil si at vi egentlig ikke gjor saa veldig mye! Stort sett bestaar dagene av aa vaere paa skolen, spise lunch, dusje de dagene vi har vann, dra til Antigua og henge paa La Fuente, for vi tar en overfyllt buss tilbake til San Juan, spiser middag, gjor litt lekser og slukner rundt ni. Har aldri sovet saa mye som her nede, sover fra cirka ni til halv syv hver dag, det er ni-ti timer det - det gjor jeg sjelden ellers altsaa! Familien min omtaler februar som "un poco loco" - litt gal. Det det handler om er at det er pokker saa kaldt om natten og morgenen (er ikke meningen aa banne, men det er kaldt!) og kjempevarmt paa dagen! I natt sov jeg med ... read more
Snoopysokkene fra Ingrid
Helene og jeg

Hi all Have had a lovely two weeks in Antigua.. whoever thought cramming Spanish for 6 hours a day could be such fun?! Slowly but surely am dragging it back from the depths of my subconscious! Antigua, Guatemala is a very chilled, very lovely city with loads of ruins and cafes and places to visit. The climate is perfect, warm sunny days but cool evenings. And compared to the rest of centroamerica I think it is probably pretty luxurious too. We even had hot showers. I've spent the time living with a family and socialising with students from the US, UK, Oz, Germany and the Netherlands. We attended a lecture one evening on the world press view of guatemala which is for the most part horribly incorrect and, at the very least, totally negative. Have attempted ... read more
The Gang at Reds

Hello Everyone! I made it to Guatemala with no problems and the immersion process is now in full effect. My first day in Central America was very long with a big dose of excitement and culture shock all thrown together. I started the day off at 3:30am with only two hours of sleep due to anticipation and a late night call from my buddy Tam (appreciate it). The first leg to Miami was great. The guy sitting beside me on the plane was a 17 year old kid from Chile. His name was Jose Antonio Droso Merino Kypreos aka Pepe (No Joke) and he happily tutored me in Spanish the entire two hour flight. Next came a 4 hour lay over and then a 3 hour flight to Guatemala City. Looking out of the plane at ... read more
Pepe de Chile
Leaving Guatemala City
Arrival in Antigua

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