Blogs from Capital Region, Guatemala, Central America Caribbean - page 106


Antigua, Guatemala is in the throes of preparing for Semana Santa. It is as if the entire city is planning one HUGE surprise party for about a million visitors who are expected to attend. The pre- Holy week processions have already begun. Alfombras are being made in the streets. These are either very simple arrangements made out of pine needles and flowers or in one case pine needles and hundreds of thousands of tiny pieces of foil from used potato chip and snack food bags. Or elaborately planned and executed paintings made from colored sawdust that stretch for a hunded feet. It doesn't seem to make any difference how big the WOW! factor is. Everyone just seems to appreciate the effort. Plans for the carpets are kept secret and neer repeated from oe year to the ... read more

Our first weekend in Guatemala we hiked up a volcano named Pacaya with Tim (another student from Bethel doing CASAS). It was spouting lava at the top and the sulfur gases were terrible! ... read more
Kim and Tim
At the Top
The Lava

Hola Chicas y Chicos, Today was moving day. Val and I left our lovely little Hotel Aurora in Antigua( highly recommended for price, location and great breakfasts!). We moved into the home of Senora Consuelo Lopez. Her home is located just behind the La Merced Church which is one of the most beautiful old buildings in Antigua. It is part of our week of Spanish study at Casa de Lenguas. Well, actually, we opted to do it. It is not for everyone as you have to share a bathroom and fit into the routine of a family. But it gives you an intimate glimpse into how people live in other countries. It also is an incredibly inexpensive way to travel. I have done this now in Oaxaca, Mexico, Seville, Spain, Monteverde and San Joaguin de Flores ... read more

This has been a busy week! Over the last weekend, we went to a great perfomance of Talking With..., a contemporary play performed in English by local expat women. We had little time to get to the play from dinner, so decided to take a TukTuk, small vehicles imported from India that function as taxis in small cities here. Our driver promptly got a flat tire... and the next one we flagged down got caught in traffic, but we still made it on time.. On Sunday, we walked several minutes down a road out of town, to see the carpets being made for the procession. These were made of colored sawdust, and most were being created by teens listening to rap or loud pop music! Later we visted a few more ruins, and ate out since ... read more
Carpets for the Procession
Carpets for the Procession
At the Merced convent ruins next to our school

In the culture of 'machisimo', women are taking control of their destiny. In Chile, they just elected the first woman President. It was with a twist of irony as her father had been killed by Pinochet in the CIA planned and funded 'coup' that overthrew their democratically elected goverment and replaced it with a cruel dictator. In the tiny agricultural village of Santiago Zamora, which sits on the outskirts of Antigua, a group of 30 women took economic matters into thir own hands about 12 years ago. They formed an association called Ixoqui Ye Samej, which means Women Workers of Kaqchikel. The women are all weavers. true artisans. But they had to sell their work to a middle-man for only a few quetzals( the local currency) more than what the raw materials cost. The buyer would ... read more

hei hei alle sammen naa gir eg offisielt opp denne travel bloggen! e ikkje heilt mi greia.. har ikkje nok struktur i livet t aa oppdatere.. men en glad melding er at anja e veldig flinke aa holda sin blogg oppdaterte... saa viss dokk trenge sladder om livet her saa anbefale eg det: read more

Monday morning, and my friends returned around noon from their lake visit to Panajachel. I asked how it went, but all they wanted to know was what I had been doing, and how the wedding was! A few of us went and had lunch at the sports bar Reds, where we watched Man City lose to West Ham. Then Internet, and just some more walking around the beautiful cobbled streets of the City. Later that night I was discussing with my friend John, who is semi retired. He has seen a lot of the world, and of the places we had visited on our trip so far, he too was impressed by Antigua, its authenticity, and nice relaxed culture, and preffered it to other towns and Cities we have crossed so far. And I agree, its ... read more

It was our first night in the Hotel Aurora in Antigua, Guatemala. It fits in perfectly with Hollywood's picture of an old colonial hacienda. Lovely, high ceilinged rooms surrounding a flower filled courtyard with a flowing fountain in the center. We were going out for dinner and right in front of the hotel were at least 5 tow trucks lined up doing what they do best. It was a first for me to even see these beasts of evil in Central or So. America. And they were doing the devil's work with diligence. Car after car was being hauled away to who knows where. Crowds were gathered just to watch them destroy the owner's day. Of course they were warned. There were signs clearly posted on every lamp post saying it was a procession route and ... read more

Friday night and St Patricks day. We had dinner, and then made our way to the Irish bar Reillys, to take in the party atmosphere. The bar was packed out, and they were charging to get in! No way, so we made our way in to the main square, and found a really busy bar, packed with locals and a few gringos. In the bar I met a beautiful local girl! She was from Guatemala City, and was with friends from Antigua. Sher was going to a wedding the next day in Antigua, and she invited me to come with her! We were all supposed to be travelling to Panajachel the next morning for two days, to see the lake and markets. I took me two seconds to make my mind up whether to go with ... read more
Cold As Ice
The Newlyweds
Here comes the Bride

We finished our second week of Spanish classes yesterday...we have decided to take one more week of classes before moving on. We keep finding that we love where we are at each stop and hate to leave..and then find the next place even better! Since the last blog, we have taken a weekend trip out of Antigua to Lago Atitlan and a day trip with the Spanish school to Monterico on the Pacific coast. We have met some wonderful people, visited an education project next to the Guatemala city dump and even learned some Spanish! We are both loving the complexity that this kind of unscheduled travel has allowed us. We are able to combine study, sightseeing, involvement in social programs, and just hanging out in a new culture. We have been able to move between ... read more
Lago Atitlan trip

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