Blogs from Capital Region, Guatemala, Central America Caribbean - page 105


Brennende Kerzen, kreisfoermig angeordnet auf einem geschwaerzten Opferstein; darum verstreut Bluetenblaetter. Ein Schamane schwenkt brennenden Weihrauch, der Geruch verbreitet sich ueber den Platz. Dazu gemurmelte Worte in Kakquichel, waehrend verschiedene Riten ausgefuehrt werden. Neben dem Schamanen, der ein buntes Tuch um den Kopf geschlungen hat, steht ein weiterer Indigena. Er traegt eine blaue New York Rangers-Jacke und blickt in unsere Richtung. Sein Daumen und Zeigefinger machen eine typische, reibende Bewegung: Geld! Denn wir sind Touristen, die Fotos von dieser heiligen Zeremonie machen moechten. Wenn es denn eine waere- denn ausser uns ist noch ein Kamerateam vor Ort mit einem offiziellen Fuehrer der INGUAT, der guatemaltekischen Touristen-Info. Der Platz des Rituals, Pascual Abaj, liegt nahe dem Bergdorf Chichicastenango. Er ist tatsaechlich eine schon seit Zeiten der May... read more
Bluetenverkaeuferin auf den Kirchenstufen in Chichi
"Chicken Bus"

Hostel Black Cat De foerste dage i Antiqua tilbragte jeg sammen med Veronica - blev vist rundt og super shopping da Veronica har boet i Antigua foer..;) Moedtes ogsaa med Lea (ven hjemmefra) og fik mit nye kamera plus slik og en masse mp3 musik!!! NICE!!!... read more

Just last year, I made a decision to sponsor a young child from a Third World country. I went online through Compassion International ( to make my selection. At first, I was not even sure in which country to begin my search. I thought back to my father's recent travels in Guatemala, in which he accompanied Vine International. He had told me so many good things about the country that I decided to narrow my search there. After several minutes of scrolling through the children's pictures, I came across the cutest little girl that I instantly knew was the one. Gresly Yessia Ordonez is her name and she lives with her mother, father, and 3 siblings in Zunilito Suchitepequez, Guatemala. This small village is located just North of Mazatenango in the Western Highland region of the ... read more
My New Little Buddy
Me with the Family
Little Sisters

Happy Easter! Well things certainly picked up since my little experience with theiving fingers last Thursday. In retrospect losing $100 was not bad at all considering I bumped into a girl from London who had just had EVERYTHING stolen, leaving her with only $0.50 in her pocket, and her friends were held at gunpoint and robbed the other night (something that I hear has started to happen quite often in Antigua). ANYWAY, I´m really enjoying the town. It´s absolutely gorgeous. I´ve spent my days wandering the cobbled-stone streets visiting beautiful churches as well as ruins caused by earthquakes over the last 400 years. My favourite was the Church of San Fransisco - the oldest church in the town built in the 1500s. Inside one of the rooms was the tomb of Hermano Pedro (founder of the ... read more
kids at semana santa
Roman on a Horse
Street procession

Dad’s time in Central America is coming to a close as we spend Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Antigua, along with everyone else in the country. This is the busiest week of the year for Latin America and Antigua is the heart of the action. The town is alive with hundreds of people dressed in purple robes, massive parades, floats depicting Christ’s Crucifixion, clouds of incense, and beautiful carpets of colored sawdust and flower petals (Alfombras). Processions and other events actually take place every weekend through Lent (The 40-day period prior to Holy Week), but the ones during Holy Week can't even be compared. Good Friday is the peak of the festival with enactments of the Crucifixion in the Parque Central, floats of Jesus bearing the cross, the Virgin Mary, and numerous Roman soldiers on foot ... read more
The True Meaning of Easter
The Float of Jesus and His Cross
Colorful Alfombras Line the Streets

Well, if you are making a fairly simple ' alfombra' or carpet for the Semana Santa procession you spread long pine needles. Yesterday I was able to help a family make their carpet. Actually, it was neighborhood project which made the carpet about 200 meters long. Each family did their own designs which took hundreds of flowers. Nothing is wasted. The stems are hacked up into small pieces using a lethal looking machete and spread along the edges to make a lovely green frame. On a piece of paper someone had drawn a design which we more or less followed. Lines had to be continually straightened, more and more roses had to be peeled to provide lovely deep red petals, finishing touches were added to make crosses or other more intricate pictures. We worked for a ... read more

Though there were surprises, my trips from Xela to here and from here to Tikal and back went well. Internet is more expensive here so I´ll keep this brief. At Tikal I toured the Mayan ruins as planned and spent the night at the Tikal Inn, the classiest there it turns out, even with a nice swimming pool (but only electricity in the morning and evening for a few hours). I missed taking a ride on a cable (like a zip line on the level for abvout 2 km due to a shortage of cash and the lack of any banking machines at Tikal. There weren´t any banks or machines at Flores either, but it turns out that across on the mainland there are lots in Santo Helena). and I bought more souvenirs after a shopkeeper ... read more

Yes people, I was robbed! Assholes! Right in front of the San Fransisco cathedral where the Semana Santa procession was taking off...right in front of Jesus bearing the cross. And they say they love Jesus, yet they pickpocket a poor innocent traveller. Hypocrits! Did I mention how pissed off I am? Luckily I divided my credit cards and left all my precious possession in a safety deposit box, so all they took was my beloved elephant wallet I got in Thailand 10 years ago (cry), my Visa debit card and 800 Quetzales (60 quid) I had just taken out to last me the week. ASSHOLES!! I went straight to the phone and cancelled my card then filled out a police report. On the way I slipped on a slippery (like ice) cobble stone, did a back ... read more
Guatemalan Chicken Bus
View of Antigua and Agua Volcano
The famous cloister

Back home again in Antigua after 10 days in the Lake Atitlan/ Panajachel area. Antigua is gearing up for the full court press of processions, alfombras, and probably a million people visiting a very small city. The pickpockets have most likely moved in and the police and militars are out enforce on just about every street. Tonight is a chidlren's procession. It is deligthful to see the (mostly boys) dressed in their purple robes and flowing white headresses running down the street sometimes eating an ice cream cone. Some are as young as 2 years old. All have a name and placement tag dangling from the front of their gowns. The processions are run like miltary manuvers. Each participant has to know where he will stand, when the carriers will shift, and at what corner he ... read more

This is a really long entry with 4 days worth of impressions, so bear with me. Endured an uneventful & boring 23+ hrs plane trip via LA & Miami. Travelling on a foreign passport guarantees you will be thoroughly checked in the US. Don't they know JH & GWB are bosom buddies? Best not to crack any jokes; this is no laughing matter. Just have to be patient & bear it. Strangely fascinating though watching my iPod, camera & boots getting tested for explosives residue. After an overnighter in Miami, I was starving not having eaten for 18 hrs. Rocked up to the free continental brekky comprising all-you-can-eat waffles, eggs, sausages, porridge, plus the usual fruits & cereals & breads. You have to hand it to the Yanks, they know how to eat! Another 2.5 hrs ... read more
Catedral San Jose
Convento De Las Capuchinas
Parque Central

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