Blogs from Antigua, Capital Region, Guatemala, Central America Caribbean - page 13


I have been in Antigua Guatemala for six days and it feels like I have lived here my whole life. I’m figuring out my way around this beautiful country step by step. And with a little help from my new friends I will be able to walk the streets blind folded soon. This weekend it the independents of Guatemala. So there are parades and food everywhere! Every time I turn a corner I swear there is a different parade going on. The parades consist of all the Antiguan schools, daycares, clubs etc… each school has their own marching band and they all have their own costumes. Like when I was in the parade in Duenes there was a day care that was all dressed up like smurfs! They are all very creative and very cute. I ... read more
Don't forget!

My days are blurring together. I can’t remember what activities happened on which day. My days are similar. Except today I started my placement. I’m helping out in a government day care. Nothing like I thought it would be that’s for sure. I have to walk to the bus which is fifteen minutes then it takes another fifteen minutes to get to Denues I think, then I walk another fifteen to twenty minutes to reach the facility. Just getting there makes you exhausted and then the moment you walk into the door you’re greeted by six to twenty adorable Guatemalan children. Everyone wants “arriba”. The child care center is a large rectangle that’s connected to a school. The large rectangle is split into five different rooms, plus two bathrooms. One room is where the baby and ... read more

My adventure started off with a five hour layover turning into a seven hours layover. Arriving in Guatemala around two, meeting two gentlemen from Canada that are in the same organization as I and waiting twenty minutes for are driver to return with the car, I was exhausted! The drive through Guatemala City was similar to Ghana (Jessica and mom) but not as chaotic. People crowded the sidewalks and the chicken buses were filled to the ceiling (chicken buses are bright colored school buses that you can pay to take you places). On the way to Antigua it poured! It was like buckets of water were being poured on us! The driver was very careful and knew what he was doing. I’m glad I wasn’t driving! The driver toke me and my new friends to Maximo ... read more
Cross and Antigua
The Cross
Antigua y Vilcan Acatenango (i think)

After a long delayed flight from LA, I finally made it to Guatemala City. Exhausted and not sure what to do, I decided to take everyones advice (including the taxi driver's) and got the hell out of there. Trying to communicate with my less than impressive Spanish, I was able to get a ride to Antigua (50km away). Antigua is a beautiful colonial town just outside Guatemala city, everything from its cobblestone roads, to majestic views of three volcanoes, to its bight orange and yellow colored homes give it a unique character not present in many cites. Its also a big backpacking destination and I have met many great travelers. With the help of the taxi driver, I was able to find a hostel for the night and rest. Today, I hiked up to Cerro de ... read more
Carre de Cruz
Yellow House Hostel

Another day exploring Antigua today. This is such a beautiful city. All of the buildings are such beautiful colors. I will let pictures speak for the majority of this town. At 2pm, we took a tour to hike the Pacaya Volcano. It is one of two active volcanoes in Guatemala. I misunderstood and thought that we would see red lava flowing down, but that is not the case. Apparently, red lava only flows if it is about to erupt. The last eruption of Pacaya was in 2010, and it was catastrophic. Hundreds of houses in the towns surrounded the volcano were demolished (I was surprised so many people live on/around the volcano...seems like a non-ideal location). The ashes from the eruption went as far as 10 hours away. We were able to see the pool of ... read more
Chips and Salsa

Today, we went to Antigua, the old capital city. To get there, we took a chicken bus. Chicken buses are old American school buses that are sold to Guatemala, fixed up, and painted crazy colors. You can take them almost everywhere, and it is definitely an experience. It was a shaky ride, with people stepped on every few miles to try to sell all kinds of things (candy, mints, toys). The first thing we did was hike Cerro de la Cruz for a beautiful view of the city. Luckily, it was market day in Antigua, so our next stop was to do some bartering! Cultural Note -In Guatemala, bartering is a given. You ask how much something costs, but the first price they tell you is always too high. You say a lower number and keep ... read more
Market Day

Dear Blog Readers, Another early start for the shuttle out of Honduras into Guatemala and another hot and uncomfortable ride. The border crossing was one of the smoothest and we laughed in the face of the money changer who tried to get 175 Questals for 500 Lemperas - we negotiated a much better 195 Questals from a man who saw us as normal human beings rather than gullible tourists. We quickly pushed through the horrific looking Guatemala City and eventually got to Antigua around lunchtime. Antigua is a beautiful colonial city with brightly coloured houses and stone cobbled streets. We stayed at the wonderfully hippy sounding Holistico Hostel which was great and had an afternoon wandering the streets, getting our bearings and looking at a few churchs, or the remains of them, after years of earthquake ... read more
Quadruple Espresso
Coffee Grinder

So after a few days in Flores we hit the road and travelled down to Lanquin in a shuttle bus for about 8 hours. Not the most comfortable journey in the world, not even sure if we were travelling by road the whole time! We arrived at the Zephyr lodge on Wednesday afternoon which was pretty high up in the hills and overlooked the river. Definatley the best hostel we have been in so far. We didn´t get up to much in the afternoon, just relaxed and recovered from our ball aching journey ready for tubing on Thursday. Thursday we took to the river to go tubing, beers in hand and ready for a few hours floating down the rapids. We set off about 12.30 in the back of a pick up truck with 12 of ... read more

I arrived in Antigua on March 31/11 and was dropped off at the home of my host family. I was given a quick tour of the house (very nice) and an introduction to my new family. The women of the house are Connie and her two daughters, Cookie and Teresa. The men of the house are Teresa’s husband, Jorge, and two of their sons, Alex (21) and Jose (16). Two other students are also staying at the house; Mimi is from Slovenia and Nadine is from Holland (Sigrid, from Germany, came halfway through following Nadine's departure). Antigua is such a beautiful city. Obviously I noticed right away how clean and fresh it was. The city consists of brightly painted colonial style buildings complete with terracotta roofs and cobblestone streets. The city is surrounded by three tree ... read more
My Teachers
Amigos from Guatemala City

Our last stop on our Central American adventure and that involved a last pit stop in Guatemala.... The lovely Antigua.... Certainly a no brainier alternative to Guatamala City. We arrived after a long 9 hour journey, which stated with the 40 minute rough road back from Semuc Champey and continued with the twists and turns through the mountains.... Not great when you'd had a bit too much rum the night before..... It was about 4pm when we arrived in Antigua and got dropped off in the main square and had a short walk to our hostel..... La Tereza ...., which had some little luxuries like hot water, filtered water, free brekkie, which wasn't your average bread and jam... Pancakes, omelette, scrambled eggs.... Once again Guatemala was spoiling us....This place is really really pretty. Much bigger th ... read more
Typical Dress
Beautiful Architecture
More ruins

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