Home and Away's Guestbook

22nd June 2012

I can imagine Linda saying "Let's take the back roads" and had a good laugh. I also know now whom to ask when I gain/lose a dozen pounds and need a new wardrobe [:)]
22nd June 2012
Bob (Father of the Bride) escorting Rosanna (Bride) down the aisle in the Wedding Procession

Love this photo!
What a beautiful location for a wedding - glad everything went so well on the day. Love the use of Bobby Vee's "Take Good Care of My Baby" for the dance - not heard of it being used in this context before, but what a wonderful choice of song!
2nd June 2012
Old Bent's Fort Colorado

This photo would have been amazing without the oversized golf buggy in the background!
From Blog: Trip back East
2nd June 2012

Great post, some of the photos were amazing!
From Blog: Trip back East
13th March 2012

Looking Back
I have been looking back at some of your blogs about South East Asia from the 1970s. What a read, very, very interesting to see what Thailand was like back then. I wish I could have been here to experience it,
13th March 2012

Thailand has certainly changed...
My blogs cover Thailand from as early as 1949, when I was born and then grew up until 1968. After college I married Linda and we went to Thailand in 1973. Linda and I left Thailand in 1975, and returned for vacations in 1979 and 1983. Then it was a 24 year ago until I took my three kids back in 2007 so that they could see where I grew up. Linda didn't want to join us as she didn't want her memories to be changed. She was right; everything was different. Our house in Chiang Mai where the pictures of Taffy were taken was no longer there. I hope you can read all my Thailand blogs, as I returned there with my son in 2009.
7th March 2012
Taffy and Zaney on our balcony

Taffy looks so sweet! Taffy was the name of my family's first dog.
7th March 2012
Taffy and Zaney on our balcony

Thanks for commenting...
and that you are enjoying my blogs. That's an interesting coincidence that our dogs were both named Taffy. Enjoy Thailand.
5th March 2012
Flowers in Hamilton

I never seen this types of flower ever. Such a very beautiful.
24th February 2012

nice work
Dear Bob & Linda, I haven't finished reading your blog yet, but want to thank you for sharing your life story with us. Do you have any more photos of Thailand? Sincerely, Twin
24th February 2012

Thanks for commenting on my blog...
and enjoying all my travels over my lifetime. This took me a year to digitize all my pictures and write the blogs, but I wanted to have them available as a legacy. I have some more pictures of Thailand; mostly of Thailand in Miniature (TIM) land that was the predicessor to the Rose Gardens, a tourist attraction west of Bangkok, but also country scenes of the Northeast. Why do you ask? Was there something you specificly wanted to see?
4th February 2012
Bob in fourth grade class with Miss Kelck as teacher

Miss Kelck is my aunt Ruth Kelck only got to see her every five years when she returned to states, liked to see the picture. Her e-mail address is rakelck@gmail.com
4th February 2012
Bob in fourth grade class with Miss Kelck as teacher

How did you find her on my TB blog?
I hope you are enjoying reading about your aunt's and my early life at Dalat. I am a Facebook friend of your aunt.
31st January 2012

Thanks for the memories
When I was 11, in late 1959, my family sailed from Sydney to Naples on the Lloyd Triestino's Neptunia. The route was the same as yours from Columbo except we went to Cochin instead of Bombay. Your description brought back a lot of memories I had forgotten. Djakarta was especially exciting as there had just been a coup and there was still fighting going on in the city. First time I had ever heard a gun fired in anger. John
1st February 2012

Thanks for the memories
So you did a little bit of traveling at a young age, too. I hope my sixty two years of blogs inspire you to finish writing about your trips. I noticed that you are a bit behind on your Trans Mongolian/Siberian rail trip to Europe, and look forward to reading the rest.
30th January 2012

Not sure why I didn't read this when you published it.
I really enjoyed it. We love road trips. This work stuff interferes....
From Blog: Trip back East
25th January 2012

How lovely!
now I feel compelled to search for old photos to scan. Love your posts!
From Blog: The Beginning
23rd January 2012

I'm hooked!
now I have to start from the beginning. I love these personal accounts, especially as they go back , way back, in time. I'm jealous you kept all those photographs --- and in good condition!
From Blog: The Beginning
24th January 2012

I hope you enjoy my experiences growing up in Asia in he early years. I really was fortunate to have all these pictures. My Mom almost threw all my Dad's pictures out after he passed away in 1988, but I told her NO WAY! She moved to live with us in 2008 and still had the pictures. It took me until last year to get up the energy and time to digitize them...with the help of the photoshop at Walmart.
From Blog: The Beginning
1st January 2012

Congratulations Bob....
..on compiling and finally completing what can only be termed as the 'Mother of all Blogs' :) It's going to take me at least another year to catch up with mine as I still have photos languishing in Sweden and the UK, which I must try to retrieve in the near future. Do you have any future trips planned?
1st January 2012

Good luck on gathering all your pictures! Yes, I have more trips planned. See my profile for the list.
30th December 2011

What an amazing childhood :)
My childhood consisted of mostly catching newts, climbing trees and digging holes in my back garden. I must confess to being a tad jealous hee hee :) Is the church your father built in Korat still there?
30th December 2011

Thanks for commenting...I try to do the same for you. Your latest blog was especially insightful...and I lived through the Vietnam War as a child! As for the church, I went to Google Maps using the satellite view, and couldn't find anything that I recognized...no church, none of the houses I lived in, nothing. Thailand has totally changed since the 1950s and 60s, and even 70's when I went back after college with Linda.
30th December 2011

How times change!
A great account of your early years! I just love that picture of the border crossing between Vietnam and Cambodia. If only life could still be so simple.
30th December 2011

What a wonderful beginning :)
I've been reading so many of your great blogs Bob, but I have neglected to comment. So, now I will make amends. Love the pictures. Especially the one of the jeep stuck up in the mountains. Colour film must have been quite difficult to obtain back in 1949.
From Blog: The Beginning

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