Blogs from Pai, North-West Thailand, Thailand, Asia - page 15


Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai December 24th 2009

We zijn al weer een week in Thailand, dus tijd voor een blog. De vlucht vanuit Melbourne werd vertraagd door onweersbuien, het vliegveld ging dicht, geen starts of landingen (ongehoord). Ondanks de vertraging en cyclonen ten noorden van Australië (veel turbulentie) kwamen we op tijd aan in Bangkok (geen rellen, dus het vliegveld was open). Het vliegveld is pas een paar jaar open en heel modern, veel beton en glas, lange pieren, dus ook veel lopen over de loopbanden. Helaas voor Robbert kan je er alleen weinig vliegtuigen spotten alles is aardig goed afgesloten. Bij de immigration was het erg druk, al heel wat Europeanen en Australiërs zagen de kans schoon om nog gebruik te maken van de goedkopere tickets voordat de kerstvakantie begint. Ons hotel had gelukkig een shuttle, dus al snel hadden we het ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai December 20th 2009

The journey to Pai was difficult. We had decided to get the Government bus for 80baht (1.50 GBP) for 4 hours along a notoriously winding mountain roads. The bus it self was fine although the seats were plastic but the journey was slow yet funny. The bus driver did not have a clue about changing gears and insisted on driving up hills in 3rd gear. Now some of the hills were pretty steep which led to some hairy moments where we rolled backwards when the driver had admitted defeat and was looking for 1st. As we were only driving 15miles per hour there was a build up of cars behind us which looked on nervously as we crawled up the hills and stumbled round some very sharp corners. As mentioned in the ast blog we were ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai December 16th 2009

Nestled in the mountains of North West Thailand is an adorable little town called Pai. The first thing to day about our favourite place yet is that it is definately best to get the local bus from the Arcade bus station. We decided to do this to save money and sweated our arses off walking half an hour in the midday sun, with our backpacks, to the bus station. It was the most gorgeous bus journey! The bus had fans and it was cool enough in the mountains that they weren't needed anyway so an air conditioned minibus really isn't necessary. Plus they have all the windows and the doors open anyway! The views are just spectacular! Lots of winding mountain roads and stunning blue sky, all of which you'd miss out on were you to ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai December 16th 2009

Salut a nos patients lecteurs ! oui oui je sais, on a pas ete fins, ca fait un mois qu'on vous laisse poiroter apres avoir conclu la derniere entree sur un allechant : ne manquer pas la prochaine ! On s'excuse, mais on a pas eu l'acces aussi facile au Myanmar et puis pour etre honnetes, on avait besoin d'un ptit break de blogue. Je vais donc conclure nos derniers jours au nord de la Thailande avant de vous introduire le Myanmar dans un prochain texte plus synthetique, rattrapper 3 semaines jour par jour etant une perspective assez rebutante. Alors on disait donc qu'on partait pour Pai, une petite place sur la route des hippies des annees 70 d'apres ce qu'on en avait lu. On s'attendait a un village tout ce qu'il y a de plus ... read more
Bain chaud
La chute/glissade d'eau Mo Paeng
Grottes de Nam Lod

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai December 4th 2009

We decided to get the minibus to Pai despite being told that it was an incredibly windy road, (762 corners to go round from Chiang Mai.) I took a Kwell to try to ward off any travel sickness and when the minibus finally arrived, 6 of us from Julie’s guesthouse piled in to the already half full bus. I sat next to a couple at the back of the bus both of whom were called Kate, and Matt sat in front of me on the only other seat. The luggage was precariously positioned behind our back seats and loaded right up to the roof of the bus, looming over our heads. As we drove along the road, one bag in particular (mine) wobbled dangerously so with joint effort, we tied it back to other bags. ... read more
The bamboo bridge
Onion Gardens
Beer and book

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai November 8th 2009

Been in pai since yesterday afternoon, seems like a real nice chilled out place, more like a holiday destination than a town of thailand. I guess it must be judging by the amount of thais we watched buying the usual crap at the night markets. I was having dinner with my new Dutch friend Annelien who I met on the bus out here from chiang mai. She has just finished her law studies and is due to start work for a government oraganisation after travelling south east Asia. Went out for drinks last night and met a lovely couple of Irish girls, loads of fun! Was due to meet again today but we kept missing each other at the sights. There's not a huge amount of things to do here but Annelien and I have kept ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai November 8th 2009

Thanks for reminding me to do this Jossie!!! We ended up staying in Chiang Mai for about a week and a half, we met up with Alan and Amelia again and also met an Irish guy called Brian. We all went on a trek together over the mountains in Chiang Mai whcih was amazing! It was real jungle and trekking conditions! The climbs up and down were so steep and in the sun it was horrible but 5hours later we got to our tribe camp where a wash in the river was much needed! We spent the evening around the camp fire singing and drinking local whiskey which is just over 2pounds a bottle! Our bed's were in an open bamboo hut with ten "matresses" laid out - it was comfy enough! The next day we ... read more

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai October 19th 2009

After brousing around Pai's undercover market, (which seems to only sell candy floss and pyjamas!?!?) we took a trip on Nelson (our honda 125cc beast) 11km out of Pai to see Pai's Canyon. Wow what a view you get from up there!!! Rik was brave and venture out onto the thin ridge which had sheer hundred foot drops on either side. I on the other hand stayed FIRMLY on land...Heights = Not my friend!!! Even though its still scorching in the day, the whether up here in Pai has started to get cooler in the evenings. The locals reckon it two weeks time you'll need a hoodie and jeans at night! We have been debating whether to ride on motorbikes back to Chang Mai just to experiance the pure awesome-ness of the mountainous, curvy roads and ... read more
Bonkers Rik Walked down this whole Ridge...Brave!!!

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai October 18th 2009

Went out last night (sat) to the TING TONG bar in Pai with our canadian friend Andrew ... yeah we definalty suffering the conserquences today lol !!! It went Samsun Bucket (Whiskey and coke) after Samsun Bucket after Samsun Bucket ... ect ... and involved rick falling asleep in the middle of the road, and thinking he could walk through fire! He of course tried this and then realised he seriously could not, resulting in a burned crutch ... ouch lol lol lol! Have learnt to ride a motorbike out here, thanks to riks brilliant teaching skills... Im really really good (untill it comes to turning a corner, or going up a hill) and then i fall off!!!! Weve found a new eco-friendly swimming pool which is right in the mountain and completly deserted! The whole ... read more
Dolla The American Pitbull!
Is it a dog? Or is it a Pom Pom?
Rik and Andy Bucket Racing

Asia » Thailand » North-West Thailand » Pai October 15th 2009

Our 2nd class train journey from Phitsanluk was a bit unadventurous. The air-con was flowing and the fans running overtime, so it was a case of trying to keep warm more than anything else. We also got dinner included with our ticket just to make the journey that little bit more unadventurous. The train arrived as usual about an hour late. A nice security man came from his office to tell us this in English as the announcement was made in Thai. He obviously felt sorry for us and said ‘come, VIP room’. We followed and he brought us to a nice air conditioned room and left us in there. This train journey was certainly a lot easier than the 3rd class trip we last took! We arrived in Chiang Mai and got a tuk tuk ... read more
Chiang Mai
Chiang Mai

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