Blogs from Pahang, Malaysia, Asia - page 68


Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Taman Negara National Park August 18th 2006

Day one: 10 August: Thursday Ingo and Conny picked me up from outside the Puncak Inn and we drove down to the Gap where we birded for an hour or so, netting me seven new species. Then we headed for Taman Negara. We were going to just drive all the way there but a wrong turn at Jerantut saw us ending up at the ferry terminal at Kuala Tembeling instead. In terms of wildlife the boat trip is very poor (mainly Pacific swallows and water monitors), but for sheer style there's no better way of entering a national park. It may cost a bit more (but not much) and take a bit longer than the bus but it beats it hands down. The boat is a long low-sided affair with wooden plank seating, like a big ... read more
wild piglets (Sus scrofa cristatus)
Little Shop of Horrors
the Frankenstein wasp

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Pulau Tioman August 14th 2006

Well, Most of these entries are retrospective looks back, this entry was written in November so forgive my embelishments and exclusions, this is how I remember what I did and for me, my memory is what matters, not reality :) The PGP Steps are only so interesting. Lots of nice people to meet, lots of stuff to take in, but even such an interesting place as this gets a bit boring after a while. And so it was that we the brave few (or so we thought) decided to venture off into the great unknown that is Malaysia. Yeah, ok it really wasnt that momentus, someone said "lets go to Tioman" and everyone else said "ok" and then the planning started. The original group was Alana, Gwen, Dan, Carli (Canadians) Jacob, Alex, me (American) and Kenny ... read more
Welcome to Tioman
Dinner time, and the livin' is easy

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Cameron Highlands August 12th 2006

Another bus journey takes me through some more wonderful scenery, mountains and winding roads, to Cameron Highlands. Which is situated in the North Western corner of the state of Pahang and is about 6000 ft (2,000 Meters) above sea level. The air is much cooler and fresher here, (more like home) and you are surrounded by valleys and mountains of vast green scenery, tea plantations, flower gardens, vegaetable farms and fruit orchards. There is a butterfly farm, honey bee farm, rose garden, cactus gardens, you name it, whatever grows, grows here. Apparently the fruit and veg have no seasons, because the environment and atmosphere allows them to grow all year round. Also very popular here is jungle trekking and a game of golf. I met a couple on the bus, who were on holiday from their ... read more
Tea Plantation (KOH)

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Tanah Rata August 8th 2006

Hi everyone here are some more photos of Malaysia. After KL we headed up north to the Cameron Highlands, Penang, then over to the east coast the Perentian Islands.... read more
More Basterd Monkeys
Batu Caves
Batu Caves

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Cherating August 5th 2006

Yes I do realize that my dates are pretty messed up, but I think this is the close to the correct time piriod along the trip. (if nothing else the dates organize which order they show up in my blog) I have a most severe case of blog lag & some messing up on dates is due to that, the the rest of the messing up is due to the fact that we never really knew which day it was along the trip anyways so a lot of my diary entries remain unmarked. I think that the most incredible mess up job we had was on our flight from San Francisco to Singapore. At one point the plane landed in a place called Taipi, & the flight attendants told us that yes we did have ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Pulau Tioman August 5th 2006

Hey, how is everyone... good I hope. I just finished a week on Tioman Island which, is just of the east coast of Malaysia. It's a really cool place... pretty quiet but beautiful beaches and lots of diving. Did my PADI open water dive course... it was about $850 ringgits... pretty cheap plus I was the only person in the group. I arrived last Saturday... I didn't know that it was a holiday weekend... of course I hadn't prebooked anything... myself and about ten others were all look for rooms. There were no rooms availible... five of us were able to convince a resort to let us sleep in their meeting room... they through mats on the ground turn the aircon on and changed us 15 ringgits each... it's only $5CDN but I still felt ripped ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Taman Negara National Park July 28th 2006

Well, I made it to Malaysia, not that it's difficult to jump on a 30p public bus from Singapore! Caught a coach 2hours north up to Malaka, a little stop-over to break up the journey to Kuala Lumpur (KL to its friends). Malaka is quite a lively little place, full of Singaporean, Chinese and Indian tourists taking the heat off us travellers, (yes, I do view myself as a cut above the 'standard' tourist), however saying that, you don't get half as much hassle here as in Indo - thankfully! It's been hard to enjoy the lively Sat night street markets, line dancing (!) and kareokee because my ear is still killing me and I'm necking paracetamol like they're Smints, but at least I can get my teeth to meet meaning I can chew now so ... read more
The Dutch influence in Melaka
St Pauls' in Melaka

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Tanah Rata July 28th 2006

I've had such a great time during my two days in Tanah Rata! It is such a laid-back town with great weather. The funny thing is - 'great weather' is now defined as cool, clean mountain air with a lovely breeze. That's what happens after spending a month in 30+ sun! The first morning in the dorm I realised why Allison had been complaining about the amount of sleep to be had in the mornings....everyone was up and about by around 8, making you feel like a fool if you wanted to sleep more. So what could me do? We got up. Keith and I headed into town for breakfast - going to the same stalls to have some egg-roti which you dip into some brown, tasty sauce (or SOS as had been written on the ... read more
Cameron Highlands
Cameron Highlands
Cameron Highlands

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Cherating July 24th 2006

Well I was glad to escape the huffel and buffel of the big city(KL), I really just can't do them for long, too many people. The original plan was to hit up Tioman Island after taking a little side trip to Cherating, a little eastern coast town, and then Singapore to meet my girl Tammy. Well... after seeing Cherating and meeting the fantastic group of people that I did I couldn't help myself, I just stayed. I don't know how long, 6 or 7 days, it was I think the most relaxing time I've had on my trip thus far. Cherating is pretty well known for it's Batik workshops, its making designs on fabric with dye and wax, and so I tried to discover an artistic side to myself and well I think I did. Maybe ... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Kuantan July 15th 2006

Our last two weeks in Malaysia have kept us busier than we have been in a long while; mind you it hasn’t been hard to do as we have been fairly slothful. We enjoyed our time visiting with Jo’s brother Chai and his daughter Kim, both in from Australia, as well Jo’s parents, brother Cheng Poh and sister Sue Ann. As you might imagine, lots of eating involved there. That along with trips to the beach, the shops, a friend’s batik shop/factory, and various other chores around town have kept us pretty busy. We celebrated Pa’s 76th birthday at a large banquet with lots of friends and family. There were so many courses that by the end you are just stuffed and can’t really eat another bite, at least for say…another hour; after all, it is ... read more
the family portrait...
Kong kong and his grandkids
Fook Yew!

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