Blogs from Pahang, Malaysia, Asia - page 67


Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Tanah Rata September 22nd 2006

Hello. So then here are the first pictures from Malaysia, we arrived from Singapore at the beginning of the week and spent a night in Melacca, a lovely city with a really old china town and some of the oldest dutch buildings in asia. We then zoomed up to the captial to meet Rachel who flew in from leeds a couple of days ago. We spent a couple of fun days in the big smoke that is KL. We have lots of exciting things to say about it (and about singapore) but we will add that later, off now back to our hostel for a game of uno, oh and maybe try and get those nails apart again. We are staying in the Cameron Highlands about 4 hours from KL. it is colder here and they ... read more
Liz and Rachel on the roof of the hostel
KL skytower
Is it tower 1 or 2?

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Cherating September 16th 2006

After a few days of cilling at Palau Tiomen we've headed north to Cherating, partly to break up the journey and secondly as me and Dave have heard that Cherating was worth a visit. Its certainly not what we expected or hoped for! Its basically a very small village with a few travellers, here mainly couples and germans and a few expats who seem to live here in the chalets full time. Its ok but quiet, a bit too quiet for me. We were orginally going to stop in a hostel called the Shadow of the moon at at half-past four. Tip to anyone who reads this: Don't!!! We arrived thinking it looked a bit spooky to be met by a Drunk bloke that looked like Billy Connelly and sounded like ozzy osborne and a bloke ... read more
Cherating Beach, Football posts
The Shadow of the Moon at Half Past Four

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Pulau Tioman September 15th 2006

Place holder for my 2nd trip to Tioman... read more

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Pulau Tioman September 14th 2006

After the longest journey so far and a journey I swear I will not do again (Sleeper carriages nextime anyone?) Me and Dave finally got to Pulau Tiomen. We managed to get the first speedboat over from Mersing where, when we were thrown off the bus, I managed to watch Reading V Man city, Live at 5 in the morning!! Mersing was also unfortunately where we bid Henson farewell as he had to head back for Singapore to fly home. By the time you read this mate, You'll be at Uni!! Go forth and tell the world of your travels! Its a shame you have to leave us, the KFC stock market value in the far east must have shot up by about 400% while you've been here!! Pulau Tiomen was voted one of the most ... read more
Sunset From Our Hut, Palau Tiomen
Roper-son Crusoe, Coral Island
Coral Island Beach Palau Tiomen

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Tanah Rata September 12th 2006

Hello... well after spending another night in Penang, we've travelled up to the Cameron Highlands to enjoy some cool, drizzly British weather! We visited a tea plantation and butterfly farm here- which featured a few nasties as well (namely snakes and scorpions). We're now in Kuala Lumpar- staying in China Town.... read more
banana leaf plate!
'Steamboat' in the Cameron Highlands
The view from the rose gardens

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Taman Negara National Park September 5th 2006

Taman Negara is one of the oldest (the oldest?) natural rainforest in some sub-segment of the world...or maybe the whole world...any way you look at it, they tell you it's really really really old. It's also pretty close to Singapore and a great hiking opportunity for those of us who want more than an urban jungle from time to time. It's on the east side of Malaysia's "hinterland" and it's easiest to get to from Singapore by train, then take a boat and/or bus. I have to thank Thomas from Germany who did most of the organising and planning for this trip...I just followed which made life much less stressful than one of my usual "get up and go and figure it out on the road" trips. Anyhoo, on with the show. The Group: Thomas, Stefan ... read more
Coffin Boats
Resort Entrance
Rope bridge anyone?

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Pulau Tioman September 3rd 2006

3rd Sept: I repacked all my winter gear into my other bags and left them in storage and repacked all my summer stuff and food into my backpack and found out how I was to get to Malaysia. I took the local bus into Malaysia ($2.50) and through the border and customs then changed my Singapore dollars into ringets about 1S$-2RR and got back on the bus to JB and the main bus centre for lower Malaysia arrived there at about 10.30, and found out the next bus to Mercing(where I had to catch the ferry) was only at 2.30!! I had read it was going to be at 11 but I had forgotten it was a Sunday to that bus didn’t run! So I bought a ticket and waited around in the food court and ... read more
trip out
trip out
trip out

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Tanah Rata September 3rd 2006

Time to leave Kuala Lumpur again - this time for the Cameron Highlands, a temperate highland region two hours' drive to the north of the capital. We have been looking forward to visiting the highlands as the average temperature there is ten degrees below what we have been used to for the last three months ! That and the absence of humidity makes the Cameron Highlands a very popular stopover for visitors to peninsular Malaysia. As we get off our bus from Kuala Lumpur in Tanah Rata, the main "town" in the Cameron Highlands - more of a large village really - the drop in temperature hits us immediately. On go the jumpers - and they won't come off for our entire time here ! In fact on several occasions during our two-day stay here we ... read more
PG Tips, anyone ?
Tea rolling
Off to be sorted

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Tanah Rata August 22nd 2006

Saturday 19th August Paul - Couldn't find where our bus was leaving from this morning (it's a tiny village with a bus stop...SURELY the bus stop!?) so had a mad scramble about to find it parked in a car park set back from the main road. Bizarre. Typical long bus journey (7 hours) involving hilarious westerners boasting about their travels and telling me how amazing the Playstation 3 will be "cuz it'll have the best graphics!" Delightful and informed that's what I like! Also a random Irish guy proclaimed to the bus "this place is nothing like Ireland". Where do these people get such intelligent and witty comments from? Arrived in the highlands after a beautiful drive up a winding road past lots of tea plantations and rose gardens. The highlands is at an altitude ... read more
The tea fields
Tea fields as far as you can see
A bit of market action

Asia » Malaysia » Pahang » Taman Negara National Park August 18th 2006

Wednesday 16th August Paul - So got up again and went for breakfast. Made a plan of getting some drinks and food and trekking into the jungle for the day. The canopy walkway is suspended 30 metres above the ground so gets you right into the thick of the action so we were all looking forward to doing this. Got lots of 100Plus (basically Lucozade) and set off. As soon as we had walked for 5 minutes we couldn't see more than 10 metres either side of us! The jungle was so dense. All huge green leaves, swaying vines, enormous trees... it was an amazing sight and cool to think that we are in the oldest rainforest in the world. Walked for about 20 minutes, occasionally hearing the rustle of leaves around us and hoping it ... read more
Paul on the canopy walkway
The spooky jungle
Trekking away

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