Cherating...More peace and quiet

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September 16th 2006
Published: September 28th 2006
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After a few days of cilling at Palau Tiomen we've headed north to Cherating, partly to break up the journey and secondly as me and Dave have heard that Cherating was worth a visit. Its certainly not what we expected or hoped for! Its basically a very small village with a few travellers, here mainly couples and germans and a few expats who seem to live here in the chalets full time. Its ok but quiet, a bit too quiet for me.
We were orginally going to stop in a hostel called the Shadow of the moon at at half-past four. Tip to anyone who reads this: Don't!!! We arrived thinking it looked a bit spooky to be met by a Drunk bloke that looked like Billy Connelly and sounded like ozzy osborne and a bloke from Blackpool who only seem to say "They're from Birmingham!!!" in a really shoddy birmingham accent. We checked out the chalet and it looked like a crack den, there were beer cans on the floor, the bed sheets were all over the place. We promptly paid for the drinks and made a dash for it, lying to the owner we'd just walked down from the main road when we'd actually walked through the whole of cherating to get there!! Who writes for the rough guide?? how can you reccomend this as good? perhaps we just caught it on a bad day, although Dave, who lives next to us and has lived in Cherating for 3 years says its a shoddy hive.
Anyway found a nice chalet in a place called puyang, (free towels, winner) and have just chilled again... I wanna party! Food is great here though and stupidly cheap less than 80p for a meal that would cost 4 quid at home, easily. Played some football again on the beach, did the crossbar challenge to pass the time. My touch is improving and Matt if you reading this, I can nearly do the Ronaldihno flick-flack! Had a real bash at Catch -22, great book, probably gonna be my favourite once I finish it, I wanna hit Dave's John Peel Autobiograpy next!
Tommorrow we head to Palau Perhentian, two small islands with Ideallic beaches and probably some more chilling.........

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The Shadow of the Moon at Half Past FourThe Shadow of the Moon at Half Past Four
The Shadow of the Moon at Half Past Four

I'll be honest, I'm really scared....

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