Blogs from India, Asia - page 2


Asia » India » Uttar Pradesh » Varanasi March 1st 2024

After some days in Chitwan, we departed from Nepal. We got to look a rhino inside the wild, which become interesting. It's a nice neighborhood. It's first-rate to be returned in a tropical surroundings after per week-long stay in Annapurna. After that, we traveled to Varanasi. What a domain, wow. It is famous for having "holy water," however in our opinion, that certainly means "absolutely shit water." Locals and pilgrims take a bathtub inside the water both in education for passing away or in memory of a loved one. The corpse is also burned, and the ashes are submerged in water. Witnessing a son cremate his father become an fascinating rite. I shall always don't forget seeing the burning of my very first corpse. It is quite terrible to peer these devout Hindus drink the most ... read more

Asia » India » Andhra Pradesh » Visakhapatnam January 23rd 2024

Dall'ormai consolidato campo base di Puri, in Orissa, decido di dirigermi a Sud per esplorare la poco nota Costa del Coromandel: ad attendermi ci saranno coste basse e sabbiose, acque poco profonde ma agitate da onde impetuose, vasti delta fluviali e numerose lagune, oltre a città una volta fiorenti ma ormai decadute e dimenticate dai libri di attualità. Prima tappa a Bheemunipatnam, all'estremo Nord dello stato dell'Andhra Pradesh, piccola cittadina recentemente degradata a sobborgo della vicina, ingorda, metropoli di Visakhapatnam, ma che un tempo, per oltre due secoli tra il '600 e l'800, era una delle maggiori città dell'India coloniale. Mai sentito parlarne? Sarà forse per il fatto che i colonialisti in questione non furono i tanto rinomati inglesi bensì gli imperturbabili olandesi! Sfortunatamente quasi nulla rimane a testimonianza della loro presenza, se non un paio ... read more
Tombe olandesi
Olandesi a Bheemunipatnam
Una delle tante tombe vandalizzate

Asia » India » Orissa » Puri January 15th 2024

Ci risiamo! Di nuovo a Delhi e di nuovo nelle mani di avidi truffatori che cercano in qualunque modo di alleggerirti il portafogli. Ancora?!? Vi chiederete. Il motivo è che hanno inavvertitamente trasferito l' International Tourist Bureau, l'ufficio dove i turisti stranieri possono comodamente comprare un biglietto del treno usufruendo di una "Tourist Quota" ed evitando le interminabili code alla biglietteria. Da tempi immemorabili questo ufficio si trovava al primo piano dell'edificio principale della stazione ferroviaria di New Delhi ma, a seguito della pandemia, è stato prima chiuso e poi trasferito in una località apparentemente segreta. Sono quindi costretto a chiedere indicazioni, ma questo significa mettersi nelle mani di quegli abili imbroglioni, presenti puntualmente nei paraggi, che lavorano per conto terzi e puntano a dirottarti in una qualche agenzia privata, dove saranno pro... read more
Dormire in sleeper class
Indian toilet in sleeper class
Western toilet in sleeper class

Asia » India » Goa January 10th 2024

22.12.23 – 10.1.24 Im letzten Blogeintrag haben wir den Text zu Jaipur unterschlagen: zwischen Agra und Pushkar liegt die «Pink City», so genannt wegen der lachsfarbenen Fassaden in der Innenstadt. Verwinkelte Gassen, laubenartige Märkte, Tempel und Paläste gibt es zu erkunden, und natürlich das majestätische Amber Fort etwas ausserhalb der Stadt. Beim Lunch im Restaurant nebenan werden wir Zeugen eines Bollywood-Drehs, respektive der x-fachen Aufnahme einer einzigen Szene, in der sich ein Paar fetzt, was das Zeug hält. Äusserst amüsant. Auch Jodhpur ziert ein grosses Fort auf einem Hügel, inklusive beliebtem «Sunset-Spot», wo man allerdings vor lauter Fotografierenden die Sonne kaum mehr sieht. Einmal mehr sind wir beeindruckt von der prächtigen Architektur und den prunkvollen Innenräumen der ausladenden Palastanlagen. Ein weiterer Höhepunkt ist der Ausflug in die Umgebung der Sta... read more
Bishnoi Stoffdrucker
Opiumwässerchen brauen
schillernde Gemächer

Asia » India » Tamil Nadu » Kolli Hills January 9th 2024

Years ago, I had planned to travel to South India but then life got in the way. My travel dreams never die, this one certainly didn't. A couple months ago, it looked like my busy schedule might possibly be opening up for a trip. The weird thing about my work is that I put the pieces in place but have to stay non attached, literally not knowing if I will travel until a day or two before a journey. This time it worked, the skies parted (figuratively) in mid November, I happily pulled my trusty backpack together and headed for Seatac Airport. I was excited, to say the least. Long flight through Paris and into Chennai, Tamil Nadu. I don't really care for big cities, I also often tend to pick places to begin my trip ... read more

Asia » India » Punjab December 28th 2023

On Christmas Eve, Grace and Hattie went with Giagi to her temple and prayed with her to the different gods. She got the driver to take photos of us three, stood slightly behind each-other like prom photos, beside each shrine. She proudly told everyone that Grace was her granddaughter from England and we namaste’d our way around the temple to her friends. We were given orange painted forehead dots (like a painted bindi) and took our shoes off before entry. Bananas were scattered as offerings underneath Hanuman (the monkey god) but Giagi took it up a notch and ordered 15kg of sweets, telling us that the next day she would be ordering 20kg and the day after that 25kg! She does not mess around! Returning to the house, Hattie fell asleep (in dire need of a ... read more
The tiniest shoes and henna
Nishu’s beautiful work on Hatts
Prom pics in the Temple w Giagi

Asia » India » Rajasthan » Jaipur December 26th 2023

Masala omeletted up, we took a surprisingly long Uber to Patrika gate. The tall pink structure centred around a long hall that held a riot of STUNNING craft. Columns, ceilings and scalloped arches displayed a mixture of pastel toned block colour, floral and bucolic motifs, bright repetitive border patterns, realistic architectural paintings, and stylised Indian narrative scenes of Gods, stories and people. We were in awe, it must have taken years and painstaking care to achieve this feast for our eyes. Many natives, especially couples, were dressed to the nines, taking professional photos along with crew, and professional equipment. Hattie wants to do this with Gabe in front of Buckingham Palace and Marble Arch. She settled for Grace instead, getting in on two gorgeous ladies’ photo shoot. We then went to the nearby JKK, an arts ... read more

Asia » India » Punjab December 26th 2023

On our car ride to Abohar, only a meagre 8 hours, Hattie and Iksha especially felt the effects of 10 days of non stop touristing and the intense pollution we’d been breathing in. Pinky, iksha’s father, had organised a stop for us to have our lunch. We discussed if it would be worth adding this diversion to our long journey and decided to be yes men, because when was the next time we were going to be lucky enough to take a long drive like this in India!? And oh, how much we would have missed out on!!! The town had been a haven in the 18th century for merchants (Marwari) to show off their wealth through building “party houses.” Yes that’s a quote. A very dusty town near desert and sand dunes, many of these ... read more

Asia » India » Punjab December 26th 2023

After a long journey through the smoggy Punjabi roads, we arrived in Abohar at Grace’s family house which has been in the family for 70 years - built in the 50’s. The custard yellow art deco facade, frosted with white balconies and lattice gates was the only residential property on the busy main street of shops. Grace’s great grandfather - who had been the mayor of the town, and built a school and a college for the community - had built the family home. Back then, it was Abohar’s heyday - with this area being full of opulent residential housing and Grace’s family owning one of three cars in the town. This was quite the contrast to the bustling streets and heavy pollution of present day. Giagi (Grace’s grandfathers eldest brother’s wife) the matriarch of the ... read more

Asia » India » Rajasthan December 23rd 2023

After our first lie-in of the trip (9.30 wake up 😮) we fought an uphill pedestrian battle against the vehicles and walkways (with one man asking if we would “pimp his ride” to which we responded “no thanks!!) to the much calmer Museum of Gem and Jewellery Federation where Grace, Hattie and Iksha found some of the most beautiful treasures of the trip. Uncle Vivek met us there and helped us pick out our treats (he has exquisite taste). Hattie has expensive taste and inadvertently picked out items exclusively over £300 - including a gorgeous silver chain belt and spice container necklace. Silly betis did the conversion rates wrong in our heads and got excited that everything was £20 (add a zero!!). Unfortunately collectively this was the budget for the entire trip so Hattie came away ... read more

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