Blogs from Kochi, Kerala, India, Asia - page 11


Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi December 9th 2011

Now we don't know if the gods that watch over the Indian railways (and we're sure there must be SOME obscure god for railways and other rail-based transport) were doing us a favour in light of previous experience, but we managed to get a decent seat (as in, ANY seat) for our 10 rupees each. Ernakulam was an hour and a half away and we settled in for the ride and watched the scenery go by. Aisha has formed the opinion that between the backstreets of Alleppey and their rundown canals overgrown with vegetation, the rubbish and piles of burning refuse everywhere, and the ramshackle villages between Alleppey and Ernakulam, parts of India give the impression of struggling through the aftermath of some dreadful apocalypse. Ernakulam Station was a huge mass of tracks, platforms half under ... read more
Mass at the Santa Cruz Basilica
Come in Aisha! If you can...

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi December 3rd 2011

The start to our south India adventure wasn’t the best. The flight was good and we landed on time in Mumbai, this is when the trouble started. New Zealand plus a handful of other countries like Finland, Japan and Luxemburg are now able to get Indian Visa’s on arrival. We thought this would make the entry nice and simple plus potentially avoid the long customs queue. I mean if it wasn’t going to be easier than getting a visa in the London embassy why give you the ‘benefit’ of obtaining a visa on arrival. This assumption proved to be horribly wrong. Initially we saw a small counter saying visa’s on arrival, however we were taken around to this little waiting area with a weary Japanese man and small family from Vietnam. We were instructed to sit, ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi November 12th 2011

After a whole day of debating in Pondicherry, we decided to change our plans and not head to Madurai. Instead we got a night train to Trivandrum in the hope that if we heading south we would miss the monsoon rain. Not much point in visiting places when its raining so hard that you don't want to leave the hotel room! We spent one night in Trivandrum. Not much to see here really. We tried to visit the zoo, art gallery and museum but apparently it was a public holiday so it was all closed! The next night we headed to Varkala by train (took half an hour). For the first time we tried out the general class on the train- very cheap, very crowded. A friendly mouse decided to climb up the back of my ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi November 6th 2011

Keeping up to date with what is going on in the world hasn't been the easiest in India. All the news channels are consumed with local news - strikes, deaths, cheating bollywood stars. And when I do get to a tv with world news, the truth is I'd rather watch Friends or Fabulous Cakes (yes it's true!). So when I turn to my reliable source NINEMSN I expect to be overwhelmed with accurate and up to date news. But alas NINEMSN you have failed me. I may know that Justin Beiber has potentially impregnated a young teen and I may know that John Lennon's tooth has been sold for a ridiculous amount of money, but NINEMSN why (!) WHY can't you tell me whether or not Beyonce is pregnant? Is this child even legitimate? Are Beyonce ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi October 25th 2011

Brittaney left this morning. I feel so fortunate to have met her. We were perfect travelling buddies. Both of us easy going and of like mind. We had tons of stuff to talk about. So here’s what’s been going on since the last time I reported. We left Varkala on the train and it was really easy. I had heard that train travel was complicated, but we had no problem. The train was not packed, so we were able to find a seat. We went to a town called Kollam, from which we were taking the Backwater tour. The canoe was a local dugout and our guide poled us down the narrow canals, through the backwaters, past fish and prawn hatcheries and the local homesteads. I got some cool pix, which I’ve uploaded to Kodak gallery. ... read more
Cute girls from the train
Backwater View

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi October 11th 2011

1. Some men in India have hair growing from their ears. I'm not talking inside their ears or a fine fur over their ears; I'm talking sprouts of hair 4-7cms long. (I will do my best to discreetly photo document this in the near future). 2. Sari's are in no way a cooling device. In fact anything that is culturally appropriate for women to wear might at well be made of thermal material. 3. Apple computers are user friendly...for everyone else but me! 4. Indian people have incredible balance. I have drawn this conclusion myself based wholly on the fact that there are squat toilets on trains and people were coming out of the bathroom dry! 5. You have to cut your fingernails often if you are going to eat with your hands. 6. A lot ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi October 8th 2011

Time has become a bit of a blur recently. We're in Kerala, which seems a world away from Chennai. Prac is really interesting. So far we have been visiting the services that Rajagiri provide which have some similarities and some differences to the services in Chennai. I've had some thoughts recently: Birkenstocks are the best thing that happened to my feet. I am a reformed critic and I recon you would be too if you tried them! If that woman touches and hisses at me again I'm going to pull my hair out strand by strand. Seeing a dead body is surreal and real all at once (we saw one after a social worker had to go to a funeral, not the first, but the first up close. Her eyes, mouth and ears were being stuffed ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi September 24th 2011

We were all so relieved that my dysentery had surfaces a week before we had to get on an over night train. Relieved that was, until the dysentery reappeared again a week later, when we were due to jump on the train that night. The next few hours were a blur of panic, doctors and buying ‘stoppers’ whilst trying to fit the contents of my room, into a significantly small bag! Fortunately we made it to the train, found where we’d be sleeping and met the people we’d be sharing our little section with. The next few hours were also a blur of cramps and squat toilets (I’d like to meet the genius that thought squat toilets on a moving train were a good idea) and solitaire and then it was 5 in the morning and ... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi August 21st 2011

1925: Da ich gerade am PC sitze, noch ein paar Zeilen zu heute. Heute Morgen beim YMCA ausgezogen und ins Hotel gegangen. Danach am Strand entlang zu den chinesichen Fischernetzen, weiter durch Port Cochin zur Basilika, zur Synagoge, zum Bazaar. Leider kaum Geschaefte geoeffnet, da Sonntag ist. 1930: Ich bin zum Dinner verabredet ... Update: Wir frühstücken auf der Dachterasse eines kleinen Restaurants gegenüber der Santa Cruz Basilika. Eigentlich ist es sehr gemütlich, aber es dauert über eine Stunde, bis alle Speisen zubereitet sind. Der Koch/Kellner macht alles selbst. Zurück beim YMCA beschließen wir, in Hotels umzuziehen. Das günstigere von beiden hat nicht genügend Zimmer frei, also gehen Martin, Kristina und ich in ein teureres. (Fort House Hotel, 3800Rp/Nacht). Das Hotel macht einen sehr guten Eindruck, alles ist sauber, ordentlich, funktioniert. Es liegt direkt am... read more

Asia » India » Kerala » Kochi August 20th 2011

Früh morgens machen wir eine Wanderung in den Park. Wieder wunderschöne Landschaft, diesmal im Morgenlicht. Leider ist ein grüner Käfer – nach einem Milan – schon das zweitgrößte Wildtier, das wir sehen. Um 0930 Aufbruch nach Cochin, die Fahrt soll 10h dauern. Zunächst geht es zurück nach Ooty, wo wir Max mit seiner Familie einen kurzen Besuch abstatten. Sein Haus ist 120 Jahre alt, eine ehemalige Kirche, die sein Vater gekauft hat. Er hat ein Ölgemälde von Einstein, eine über 100 Jahre alte Enzyclopedia Britannica und Kiplings Werke, ebenso alt. Er zeigt uns noch einen Stausee mit dem ältesten Wasserkraftwerk Indiens (leider ausser Betrieb), dann fahren wir weiter. Gegen 1500 erreichen wir den Stadtrand von Coimbatore, eine „Millionenstadt“. !ncredible !ndia! Unglaubliches Indien! Wie kann man solch ein wunderbares Land so verkommen lassen? Wieder Dreck, Müll, Lärm, ... read more

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