Blogs from Wuhan, Hubei, China, Asia - page 20


Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan October 20th 2008

So... this afternoon we had the details of our move all ironed out, down to the day. Then tonight Jenny called us - apparently her in-laws decided to rent the apartment to a niece or something, and didn't bother to tell Jenny and her husband - which is strange, considering it's not theirs! But that's how things work here - the parents rule all!!! Now we're on the hunt for another one - keep us in your thoughts and prayers ok? But some good news - Chris has been accepted as a teacher at our school, he will be coming to Wuhan at the beginning of January. Isn't that awesome news? For those of you who haven't kept up (LOL), Chris is like my little brother, we've known each other most of our lives. He's from ... read more

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan October 19th 2008

Because it's the weekend and we can, we stayed up very late last night. We figured we could sleep in this morning... well, as it turns out, that wasn't the case. Jenny called me very early, said she had some time today and could take me to the largest market in Hubei province, most likely all of Central China. You wouldn't believe this place - everywhere you look there are more buildings and more shops, it just goes on and on forever! Our goal was to find a couple things I still need for our wedding next summer. I wanted to check on fabric, just to see what the cost would be if I was to make my own table coverings. We checked around Kelowna before we left, and for what we want, just to rent, ... read more

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan October 19th 2008

Op zondag 19 oktober werd om acht uur 's ochtends in het stadium van de Universiteit van Centraal China de aftrap gegeven van de Hubei cup. Het team van de 'Professoren van de Universiteit van Centraal China' en het 'Bloementeam van Hubei' gaven elkaar partij. Beide ploegen kwamen met hun basiselftal uit de kleerkamer en de trainers hadden gekozen voor een klassieke 4-4-2 opstelling. Het 'Bloementeam' begon gretig aan de partij en had overwegend balbezit. Beheerst tikten ze de bal rond over gans het speelveld en ze bouwden geleidelijk de druk op. De eerste grote kans van de wedstrijd was echter voor het 'Professorenteam'. Yishihao (Nummer elf) kwam na slecht uitverdedigen alleen voor doel, maar was te verrast om zijn schot binnen het kader te mikken. De spelers van het 'Bloementeam' waren wakker geschud en voerden ... read more

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan October 18th 2008

A mixture of busyness and an extremely unreliable internet connection have kept me more or less offline lately. However, I have some down time today, so my plan is to catch up with my e-mails, and write up some updates on my trips to Shanghai and Zhouzhuang. Right now I’m teaching four regular classes a day during the week, and a half hour kindergarten course every day except for Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. On Sundays I teach my two hour weekend class. I had worried about how little money it seemed I would be making in Wuhan (by Western standards, anyway), but right now it seems like I’m doing pretty well for myself. The school offers quite a few excellent overtime options. Both of my Kindergarten classes are fun. The lessons are by necessity highly energetic. ... read more

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan October 18th 2008

Before leaving Canada, Jean and I set up a website - everyone knew where to go to find information and photos. But when we arrived in China, we could only look at that site, not use it. So here we are, trying to finally get in touch with our family and friends - we want to share with you the world that we are discovering. I am hoping that this blog is easy to access (for you) and easy to use (for us). Let's give it a try and see what happens!!! Now, you don't have to be a member of this site to view and respond to our blog. You just have to be able to type. Also, you can subscribe - meaning you don't have to check back all the time, you will simply ... read more
Our Building
Our Apartment
Good man!!!

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan October 18th 2008

1) Wat eet je daar? Het eten valt hier goed mee. Mijn ontbijt bestaat meestal uit yoghurt met muesli. Middagmaal is meestal gebakken noedels met kip en rundsvlees of noedels met tomaat en ei. Ze makern die gerechten vlak bij onze dormitory en voor de volle vijftig eurocent heb je echt zeer lekker gegeten. 's Avonds gaan we altijd uitgebreid eten. Alle gerechten worden dan in het midden van de tafel gezet en je kan van alles proeven. Mijn favorieten zijn kip in zoetzure saus, gepeperd rundsvlees met aardappelen en aubergines met rijst. 2) Vallen de lessen mee? Per week heb ik veertien uur. Ik heb vier verschillende soorten les: algemeen, luisteren, spreken en lezen. De leraars zijn zeer bekwaam en gedreven. Ik heb twinig klasgenootjes van over gans de wereld. Vanaf het tweede semester mogen ... read more

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan October 18th 2008

Omdat mijn Chinese vriendenkring voor het moment nogal beperkt is, had ik met Bo Li afgesproken om samen naar English corner te gaan. Het plan was om wat Chinezen te vinden om samen mee te studeren: zij leren me Chinees en Chinese gebruiken, ik leer hen Engels. Elke donderdag-en vrijdagavond spreken voor gebouw nummer negen een horde mensen af om allemaal samen hun (gebroken) Engels te oefenen. Ik kwam iets na acht aan en tot mijn grote verbazing waren er meer dan tweehonderd Chinezen en een slechts een paar westerlingen. Wat volgde was hilarisch. Een meisje stelde me een paar basisvragen en ik antwoordde netjes. Toen ik na twee minuten rond me keek, zag ik dat plots in het middel van een cirkel stond en ik omringd was door meer dan veertig Chinezen. En dan begon ... read more

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan October 9th 2008

I’m not going into school today. Last time I was sick I was having trouble talking, and I could work with that. This time I’m having trouble breathing, and that’s a bit harder to work through. We’re permitted five unexcused absences per semester (this counts as unexcused, unless I go to the hospital), and several other teachers have taken one already. That doesn’t change the fact that I feel horrible about not coming in. I’m new enough at this job that my coworkers and boss don’t know that it takes a lot for me to call in absent. I’d like to think that I’ve been considered reliable (at least as far as showing up goes) at jobs I’ve had in the past, and I want it to be the same with this one. At any rate, ... read more

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan September 30th 2008

Hello hello! I can't believe how fast time is flying! My first month back has been wonderful, especially since I finally found some Chinese Duracell batteries for my camera. So, here is the much anticipated apartment tour. I am headed to Beijing for a few days, so I'll have lots to share when I get back. Happy Fall!!!... read more
View From the Front Door
Living Room from Front Door
Living Room

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan September 28th 2008

I went on a field trip to East Lake with my first grade students today. East Lake is close enough to the school that we were able to walk there, but having several hundred five and six year olds with us made the trip an interesting task. I was only helping to chaperone one of my two first grade classes, but the entire first grade was there. East lake is the most idyllically beautiful landscape I’ve encountered in China thus far. It’s surrounded by willow trees, and has nice paths for walking on. The kids were making crowns out of the willow branches. It was a nice treat to be able to spend a day just playing with them, without having to structure a lesson or teach them anything in particular. Even though we weren’t in ... read more

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