Blogs from Wuhan, Hubei, China, Asia - page 13


Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan October 6th 2009

Now I hope this works. If it does then you will be able to watch a video of some adventures Jemima (this is how you spell jemima's name - I didn't know how to spell it so it is wrong in the video and I apologise for this. I thought it had a h in it!!) and I had down at the East Lake in Wuhan. This is the first video I have made so I hope you enjoy it. The quality is obivously not blu-ray standard but I hope it is good enough (Hmmmm.. I've just looked at the quality now it is loaded onto this website. It's not so good - shame). I will try to improve the videos as I create more and please feel free to give some feedback. Thank you.... read more

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan October 5th 2009

I promised a video but sadly I still do not have the computing facilities to do so. Therefore I have some pictures. It is currently a holiday here in China so classes are off. Jemimha and myself spend one day don't at the East lake in some kind of botanical gardens. Here are the pictures...... read more
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Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan October 3rd 2009

Wu tang shan, also known as wu dang shan is a famous mountain in the city of Shiyan. It is a UNESCO world heritage site. Wu dang shan is a popular place to engage in the art of internal gongfu and hails the title of being the birthplace of Taijiquan, (Tai Chi) - Master Zhang Sanfeng was inspired to create this style when he witnessed a viper and white crane battling. The sinnuous movements of the viper tired out the crane who thereby abandoned his prospective lunch. So why One of my colleagues set the trip up and extended an invitation to me to join her and her two friends on their trek to Wu dang. After a quick scan on the world wide web my interest was piqued and I signed on board. - So ... read more
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Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan September 26th 2009

Aujourd'hui, Dong Mei et son mari nous emmènent à Mulan Shan, une montagne qui se trouve à une soixantaine de kilomètres de Wuhan. Départ dès l'aube pour une matinée de promenade en montant des centaines et des centaines de marches, pour traverser des paysages très agréables et très verts, avec de nombreux petits points d'eau et cascades. Sur le chemin nous rencontrons de nombreux amis animaux et de nombreux amis chinois. Les derniers se faisant un peu moins discrets que les premiers... Après un salvateur petit dodo sur la route, nous arrivons à Wuhan où Dong Mei et son mari nous emmènent dans un magasin de thé où ils ont leurs habitudes, qui se trouve dans un autre marché au thé que celui que nous connaissons. Au cours d'une bonne heure de dégustation de thés, ... read more
Voici Mulan.
Un peu plus vert que Wuhan...
Fabienne, Dong Mei et son mari.

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan September 22nd 2009

It's been a crazy couple of weeks. It seems like there are birthdays here on a weekly basis :) which so far there have been. This past week we had a little situation at the school, some - rather quite a number of our students came down with the flu. Given the fear of h1n1 , drastic measures have been put in place to deal with any abnormal situations. This is considered to be an abnormal situation! Our school was therefore closed for a week. What more, the following week is the national holiday. So all in all our students are off for 2 weeks. WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL STUDENTS! Just like the good professional educators that we are - teachers and admin still have to show up for the regular school hours. Well, can't complain ... read more
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Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan September 20th 2009

Que faire de mieux par un dimanche matin pluvieux que se faire une petite virée à vélo dans la campagne wuhanaise… Départ à 8h pour 2h30 de chemins boueux , de champs de lotus (pierre ?), de paysans étonnés, de tombes recouvrant la petite colline de façon anarchique, de villages aux maisons recouvertes de moche carrelage, d’odeurs peu alléchantes de micro-entreprises (tri des déchets, recyclage…) , de champs de lotus, de paysages vallonnés et humides, d’odeurs peu alléchantes dues à des cornes de buffles en décomposition et de … champs de lotus. Mais surtout plein de questions que nous nous posons sur le quoi, pourquoi, mais qu’est-ce donc… Et pendant ce temps-là, les kakis lèvent la jambe… Et puis, comme vous l’aurez remarqué, quel meilleur jour que ce dimanche pour baptiser le nouveau vélo de ... read more
Il est étang.
La colline a des tombes.

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan September 20th 2009

The cooler, wetter weather has begun to peek in on us every few days this week. Today, it was very rainy and windy but by Tuesday the temperature is supposed to be back up in the 30s. We are finally able to give our air-conditioners a little break for a bit. Next Sunday, our National Holiday week begins. We have booked our flight to Hong Kong and reserved our 10 foot by 10 foot hotel room. It should be quite the experience. After several attempts to please the powers-that-be with our responses to the large number of students sick with the flu, the decision was made on Friday to close the school down for the coming week. That will give the sickies a chance to recover and hopefully prevent any more from becoming ill by being ... read more
Another fun day in Accounting!
Anneli, another member of our happy Math department
Some days are tougher than others

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan September 19th 2009

Réveil difficile après une soirée-concert d'un groupe grunge de Beijing dans un petit bar et danse à l'Opposite Bar, où la jeunesse branchée de Wuhan se donne rendez-vous au son des chanteurs permanentés et des danseurs et danseuses effrénés, le tout orchestré par un DJ survolté dans sa veste de la Wehrmacht. Aujourd'hui nous nous mettons en route avec Xavier et Doris pour Wuchang et plus précisément pour le quartier des magasins de musique. Mais pourquoi? Et bien, pour assouvir les velléités satrianesques de ces dames... Nous déjeunons - et nous régalons - dans une des rues des snacks du quartier dont les plats et les tronches nous ont manqué tout l'été. Enfin presque... Et puis c'est parti pour essayages, marchandages et achetages. Il ne reste plus qu'à se mettre au boulot. Pourvu que Fabienne ... read more
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Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan September 18th 2009

I had my first four proper lessons last week. During the first lesson I spoke for 10 minutes about the section of the textbook I had decided to teach them and then gave them some exercises to do. The topic I spoke about was "the writing process" and it really only took 10 minutes to explain. However, one student told me that I should talk more and then give them the exercises to do at home. I think she was right. In the second lesson I therefore decided I would take as long as possible to talk about "the writing process". The first slide took a full ten minutes to explain and I thought the students must have understood it. However, immediately after finishing this slide a student put his hand up and asked if I ... read more

Asia » China » Hubei » Wuhan September 13th 2009

Dimanche après-midi, balade en voiture le long du fleuve, sur la petite digue, en croisant buffles, camions à ras bord de trucs séchés, petits villages où le coton sèche devant les maisons, et même une belle décharge en pleine cambrousse. Du coup notre belle voiture blanche revient toute poussiéreuse et griffée. ... read more
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