Blogs from Southern Burma, Burma, Asia


Asia » Burma » Southern Burma » Mawlamyine June 4th 2020

The tall have it so easy. Through no effort of their own they’ve won the genetic lottery and spend their lives quite literally looking down their noses at the rest of us. Their elevated status gives them multiple advantages: instant respect, a better chance in the marital stakes, improved job prospects and the best views in any crowd, much to the annoyance of those poor sods stood directly behind them. Even so, once in a while they'll have the cheek to pipe up about how tough it all is, constantly asked how the weather is up there, made to feel like some enormous freak. But really, how hard can it be? Boo hoo, poor you… given the chance, few would choose, I suspect, to swap with someone who was short. Cos being short is no fun ... read more
Sunset over the fields
Monastery Statues
River Sunset, Mawlamyine

Asia » Burma » Southern Burma » Dawei July 1st 2019

With a bit a sad feeling we already have to leave Myanmar. It has been truly wonderful. Things have changed for Myanmar and especially for travellers over the past few years. It’s now very easy to visit, we arranged a 28 day visa online for Myanmar. We only left the country at the ultimate day, which was hardly enough. We feel we have only scratched the surface of this beautiful and welcoming country with the gorgeous and warm, fun, friendly and cheerful people. We really have only visited the highlights and we already know we have to come back one day. Entering Myanmar from Manipur, one of the Northeastern states of India, somehow felt like a relief, after having travelled for about half a year through countries like Iran, Nepal, Bangladesh and India. Not to say ... read more
Welcome to Myanmar, have some insects ... ;-)
Myanmar beer lover

Asia » Burma » Southern Burma » Mergui Archipelago January 31st 2018

Myeik est une ville assez moyenn, sans particularité notoire, comme finalement toutes celles de cette partie sud-est du Myanmar. Ce qui compte ici est dans la mer, qu’on appelle l’archipel de Myerk ou les Merguis Islands. C’est un chapelet d’îles (800 selon la police, 1.500 selon les syndicats), vierges, la plupart inhabitées et souvent inexplorées. Cet archipel s’étend jusqu’à l’extrême sud du Myanmar, à hauteur de Kawtaung, soit une belle trotte. Un seul hébergement dans toutes ces îles. Il y a évidemment de magnifiques spots de plongée et de snorkeling, les accès sont très lointains. C’est dire si, y accéder et avoir le privilège d’y consacrer plusieurs journées se méritent en temps et en épaisseur de portefeuille ! Des départs sont aussi possibles depuis Kawtaung et de Ranong en Thaïlande. Ainsi, la plupart des visiteurs qui ... read more

Asia » Burma » Southern Burma » Dawei January 28th 2018

Dernier petit déjeuner tranquille au bord du lac de Ye. Un jeune couple belge fait le tour du Myanmar en vélo. Courageux ! Je m’inquiète pour leurs fessiers, ils me répondent qu’ils sont bien équipés. 4 heures de minivan pour atteindre Dawei. Coup de bol, je suis à l’avant, j’ai toute la vue et la place à la gauche du chauffeur. Sinon on est un peu entassé dans les minivans, ça va plus vite que les bus, mais ce n’est pas très confort quand on a de grandes jambes. Dawei est une ville sans particularité, toujours proche de la mer, mais qui n’y est tout de même pas accolé. Les plages environnantes, parfois bien cachées, sont réputées et souvent désertes. Un nouveau port en eau profonde est (ou va être) mis en construction (financement japonais je ... read more

Asia » Burma » Southern Burma » Mawlamyine January 24th 2018

L’idée du voyage est de longer la bande étroite de sud-est du Myanmar et de rejoindre la Thaïlande à son extrémité. C’est une zone peu visitée du fait de son éloignement et des conditions de transport parfois difficiles au Myanmar. Il semble bien que Hpa An cherche à se développer touristiquement. Si la ville elle-même a un attrait moyen, elle est une bonne base pour se disperser dans sa campagne magnifique. De grands projets de rénovation de ses quais sont en place et vont certainement voir ouvrir des hébergements modernes. Aujourd’hui c’est un grand chantier. Surtout ne pas réserver dans un hôtel à proximité des quais. Le bus a l’air de vouloir faire un record de distance avec un seul plein d’essence, ou bien la seconde ne s’enclenche pas, on avance à un rythme de tortue. ... read more

Asia » Burma » Southern Burma January 21st 2018

Pas trop la peine de s’étendre sur Mae Sot. Située à 150 kms à l’ouest de Sukhothai, en 3 heures de minivan, et à 8 kms de la frontière birmane, c’est une ville étape. Etape avant d’aller au nord ou au sud en longeant la frontière, où avant de pénétrer au Myanmar, ce qui va être mon cas. En tant que ville frontière, je m’attendais à un peu plus d’animation notamment nocturne, voire l’émanation de trafics en tous genres, des mines patibulaires, des mélanges de morphologies, de costumes… mais rien de tout ça ! du moins à l’œil nu et chaste du touriste. Mae Sot est un passage de réfugiés et de birmans cherchant du travail. Des entreprises sont installées dans la région qui emploient à tour de bras une main d’œuvre non protégée et qui ... read more

Asia » Burma » Southern Burma January 16th 2018

4 hours into an 8-hour bus journey from Dawei to Mawlamyine and the bus stops for 20 mins with the engine off for no apparent reason. The bus is full, we are seated in the middle at the very back in the last available seats. We understand (from muddled language barrier conversations), that locals prefer not to book these seats, as it’s difficult to get off the bus. For us, these seats are luxury considering the hideously cramped 12 hour journeys we regularly endure on racing minibuses winding around country roads, with our fellow passengers reclining their seats into our knees, puking into little plastic bags and falling asleep with their heads on our shoulders. Whilst I’m on it, I should mention the ear piercingly loud music (a random variation of bad western pop covers to ... read more
Breakdown, Thetalot!
Dawei, Paradise Beach
Pagoda, Mawlamyine

Asia » Burma » Southern Burma » Mawlamyine November 26th 2017

Rudyard Kipling spent only a few unscheduled hours in Moulmein (now Mawlamyine), by then the former capital of British Burma, on his way home – via America – from India in 1889, but it nevertheless managed to inspire the opening line of one of his most memorable poems, “Mandalay”. Having first encountered the poem only just before I left the UK, I found it getting under my skin as I travelled around Myanmar almost 130 years’ after Kipling’s visit. “But that’s all shove be’ind me - long ago an’ fur away An’ there ain’t no ’busses runnin’ from the Bank to Mandalay; An’ I'm learnin’ ’ere in London what the ten-year soldier tells: “If you've ’eard the East a-callin’, you won’t never ’eed naught else.”” It felt so resonant for me, as I combine my first ... read more
Kyaikthanian Paya
orchids for sale, Myine Yadanar Zei
colourful bananas, Myine Yadanar Zei

Asia » Burma » Southern Burma » Dawei November 24th 2017

Southern Myanmar is a long tail of land that, for more than 1,200 km, abuts Thailand, the Tenasserim Hills and their subranges forming the border. Time was now against me, which meant I couldn’t fly to Myeik, the most southerly airport open for tourists, because of the painfully long time it would take me to wend my way north again by bus (there are no flights between airports in the south; everything goes through Yangon). Instead, I opted to fly to Dawei, about halfway down (as it were), and head out to Maungmagan on the coast, and make my way back overland from there. Once released by the airport – although it was a domestic flight, passport and visa checks were carried out, as they have been almost every time I’ve crossed a state border here ... read more
selfie-taking monks
Maungmagan beach
relaunching the boats

Asia » Burma » Southern Burma » Mergui Archipelago February 6th 2017

Here it is, I'm finally diving the Mergui Archipelago in Burma. This place has got higher on my list over the last few years. I was booked on a trip twelve months ago, but it was cancelled just 10 days before it, due to a group cancelling and not reaching the minimum number of divers. I was booked on A-One-Diving...and they were truly honest by re-imbursing fast not only my deposit, but also my flight ticket from Bangkok to Ranong. So on this trip, I only took my ticket last minute and put down the deposit once I was certain the trip was going on. We ended being 8 guests....and a liveaboard that can take easily twenty we had all the space to enjoy the boat to ourselves. So the plan is first to fly ... read more
Octopus time!
We only saw two other liveaboard in 6 days!
Harlequin Shrimp....a pretty rare sighting! Have to find them first!

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