Blogs from Livingstone, Zambia, Africa - page 20


Africa » Zambia » Livingstone August 3rd 2008

Livingstone Livingstone, at least where we stayed, is very much an activity centre for tourists. However it was a good opportunity to do activities such a white water rafting in the Zambezi River, helicopter ride over the falls, river cruising and even some golf. I decided not to do the bungee jump on this occasion!!! Victoria Falls Vic Falls is one of the seven natural wonders of the world. The water falls are 1,708 metres wide and drop to 107 metres into the Batoka gorge. On average 550,000 cubic metres of water cascade over the falls every minute. Although it is impressive, due to the amount of spray created by the falls it is very difficult to get a comprehensive view from the Zambian side and it is meant to be better from Zimbabwe (a trip ... read more
River Cruise Sunset
Vic Falls
Vic Falls 2

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone August 3rd 2008

We just haven't had many opportunities to use the internet on this trip; even writing post-cards is challenging because with only 12 hours of daylight every evening at the campsite, it's too dark to write. But here now in Livingstone we have two full days with lots of time off and internet at the campsite. We left Swakopmund and headed north in a truck that didn't work to Etosha National Park. We had to be rescused by a bus to get into the park before night fall when they close the gates . Our driver spent the night at a mechanic shop fixing the truck. Then slept in the truck outside the park gates. That next morning in a truck that finally worked properly, we when on a game drive. We saw springbok , zebra, giraffes, ... read more
On a mokoro
Sunset on the Okavango Delta
Riding the elephant

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone August 2nd 2008

Hey all, Three months in Africa and I'm now coming home! I will write and post more pictures in the coming weeks, but suffice to say I've had an amazing time here and though I know I could spend years quite comfortably touring Africa, I can also say that I'm ready to come home. For those that have commented on my blog that I haven't responded back to I will be taking care of it upon my return. See you all soon! Michael... read more

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone July 31st 2008

Howdy..... I am finally back in civilization with fairly decent internet access. I have so much to tell all of you....... amazing.... where to begin. Well firstly I have to show all of you my sky dive which I can't believe I did. I am still getting my head around it. Thought it had cured my height issues but today I walked across the Victoria Falls bridge and freaked!!!!! so my theory is blown. Anyway I think the photos say a lot. Be warned****** I was very very happy when it was over. The DVD is awesome but won't download that till I get back. So what have I achieved since..... While I was still in Swakopmund I went Quad Bike riding through the Dunes. We watched the sunset. It was cool but pretty hard ... read more
Quad Bike Ride
Township Tour

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone July 26th 2008

Sorry more photos coming tomorrow, internet cafe shutting now, afraid these are only from our compact cameras and not Merrik or Henry's DSLR's as it would take half an hour to upload will just have to wait.... read more

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone July 26th 2008

We have reached the mid-point of the journey, Victoria Falls. Since our last update (a while back now) we drove up towards Etosha, bush camping below Brandberg Mountain, stayed in Etosha for a couple of nights seeing Lions, Black Rhino, spotted hyena, cheetah, and the usual. From there we camped on the Okavango River which seperates northern Namibia and Angola before heading into the Okavango Delta where we spent a couple of nights seeing African Fish Eagles, Hippo and Nile Crocodiles. We then back tracked into Namibia, along the Caprivi Stip, before reentering Botswana at Chobe National Park. We spent an awesome evening on a boat cruise seeing hippos, crocs and lots of elephants very close up, before a spectacular sunset. We crossed into Zambia today, very costly, $140 each for British citizens, $50 for the ... read more
Sousselvlei - Namib Desert
Full Equipment

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone July 25th 2008

So I got out of Jo'burg and hit the road with a group of great people and headed to Kruger National Park where we kept our eyes peeled for wildlife....and let me tell you I didn't spot much. Kruger is bushveld and even though it is winter and the trees are not lush it still makes it super hard to spot anything not right on the road. The landscape is breathtaking and we did manage to see some animals....hippos, elephants, vervet monkeys, baboons, zebras, giraffes. Then we went on a night game drive and during dusk we saw 2 lions and a leopard!!!! It was so exciting, leopards are very shy, hard to spot and nocturnal so it was amazing to try and follow it through the bush until it ran across the road in front ... read more
Oliphant River, South Africa
Kruger National Park, South Africa
Kruger National Park, South Africa

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone July 19th 2008

We have just arrived at our hotel in Livingstone and I thought it was time to give you a run down of what I've been up to. July 14 - We crosses the border into Botswana. There was a noticable difference between there and Namibia. It seemed more like what I expected of Africa. Our main activity of the day was preparing for our tour into the delta. July 15-16. We woke up in Maun to no electricity (again!) and went to the poling station to pick up our mokoros (the boats we were taking into the delta.) It was very relaxing to float through the delta, until we encountered a hippo. It was pretty far away, but you should have seen my face when it first made noise. Hippos = not good. Our campsite was ... read more

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone July 15th 2008

Livingstone, Zambia: The Adrenaline Capital of Africa Summary: ...The nicest people I met on this Africa trip live in Zambia. And the best part, they don't treat their tourists so blatantly like a dollar ($) sign. Hawkers selling "cheap, very cheap, free to look" souvenirs right outside your hotel does NOT exist anywhere in Livingstone, Zambia. And you can walk down the street in peace, like a normal human beings (almost like a local)....w/o having to ward off hordes of souvenir sellers clammering all over you, not giving you a moment of peace. (I absolutly dreaded going outside or walking the streets in Arusha, Tanzania and Stone Town, Zanzibar for this reason). Such a turn-off! Don't get me wrong, I loved my Kilimanjaro summiting experience. The porters/ guides were all good people. But i hated ... read more
Victoria Falls Rainbow
Ziplining in the Batoka Gorge
Typical thatch roof in Zambia

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone July 11th 2008

Victoria Falls - Definately a Natural Wonder Our last stop was Victoria Falls. The falls are on the Zambizi River dividing Zimbabwe and Zambia. Our original plan was to stay in Zimbabwe, but as we arrived the day after the elections, all of the tour companies had rerouted everyonoe to the Zambia side as it was a little unstable in Zimbabwe. So everythign was full in Zambia and we had to spend our final nights in tents. Hence the scene of the last breakdown by Chester. But after seeing the falls, it was all worth it. As with any vacation with Kirsten, the goal is to try and do as many activities as possible in the days you have there. And it was our last few days in Africa we did just that. We only had ... read more
Angels on Top of the Falls
Victoria Falls
Where's the Gold?

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