Blogs from Livingstone, Zambia, Africa - page 18


Africa » Zambia » Livingstone October 28th 2008

Monday was back to projects. And guess what??? We have wheat bread at the house now! Yay! Better for toast! Monday morning I was at Linda Clinic. At the clinics we’re only in the outpatient area so we don’t really see any of the wards with the sick people. I want to see if I can shadow a clinical officer one day to get the real experience. In the afternoon I was at Maramba Old People’s Home for the first time. It isn’t the nicest place in the world, and the rooms are small, but it isn’t bad and there are even trees for shade so that the residents can sit outside. Its capacity is 40 and it’s funded by government grants and donations. It is for old people who don’t have any family members left, ... read more

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone October 21st 2008

So it hasn't been long since my last entry so not terribly much has happened. Monday I had Libuyu Clinic (the unorganized one) in the morning. There is a guy who works there who is supposed to do registration and find the books for the patients. And we're supposed to take their vitals. But he doesn't; he expects us to do it instead. If we really can't find a book he'll help look but otherwise not. He sits there and watches soccer on tv. And he's getting paid! Extremely annoying! Gaaaahhh! In the afternoon I had reading club for the first time. The students were mostly grade 4 and were at all different reading levels! Some of them didn't even know the alphabet! So obviously they aren't going to be good at reading. I played some ... read more

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone October 19th 2008

I'm really glad I'm doing this project! It's a good organization, well-organized, and it's good to help out where help is really needed! So Wednesday I was at Linda Clinic again. And it was baby day! Once a week each clinic has baby day where the mothers bring their under 5 children to the clinic to get weighed and immunized. Each baby is supposed to get weighed every month. There were 3 volunteers at the clinic so I got to help with the babies while the others took vitals of the other patients. At first I was just recording and graphing but then I actually got to weight the babies! The scale is essentially a bag hanging from the kind of scale that you would hang a bag of fruit on to weigh it. We took ... read more

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone October 14th 2008

Saturday evening we started out by going right down the street to Fez Bar. It's pretty nice and has a big outside area where it's cooler, which was good because there were almost 30 of us. Then Corianne, Lynnett, Yara, Tom, Felix, Sarah, Leony, Lieke, and I went to Fairmont, a club at a hotel in town. It wasn't very big and some of the music was...interesting...but we made it fun! Some of the African men like to be a little too friendly though. Sunday we went back to the Zambezi Sun all day and just relaxed in the sun and the shade and in the pool. We had a really good lunch at the hotel but it was quite expensive! While we were at the pool guess what happened? 3 zebras walked right through the ... read more

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone October 11th 2008

9 Oct - a enjoy a long lie while most of the others go on an early morning game drive / BIRD spotting. Another new experience today, a river border crossing (my border crossings during my travels have now included by plane, truck, train, foot and boat!). We need to get off Priscilla and walk onto a small ferry to cross the Zambezi leaving Botswana behind and entering Zambia. There's not really any queuing system for Priscilla and only two lorries can get on per trip however, we eventually all get over, go through the visa rigmarole and it still only takes 3 hours...there's been worse border crossings, believe me. Can't believe I'm in ZAMBIA, sounds so exotic and as we drive through the town of Livingstone, I think of home! The Zambezi Waterfront Campsite is ... read more
Dr Livingstone at Vic Falls
Victoria Falls
Downtown Livingstone

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone October 11th 2008

This morning Hillary, Madeleine, Jen and I went to the falls! We went to Livingstone Island in the Zambezi River right above the falls. The view is better from the Zimbabwe side because then you are looking across at the falls. We were looking from the side and from right above. First we went to a point to the left side of the falls and got a nice side view. Then we went swimming in a natural pool right above the falls. At one point the guide held our legs and we lay on the rocks in the water right on the edge of the falls and looked over the edge, 110 meters down to the crashing spray on the rocks below. We could see all the way to the bottom. It was amazing! They wouldn't ... read more

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone October 10th 2008

The decision to go to Africa was one which came to me all of a sudden. In the early stages of our relationship, Aleks and I had agreed to a cruise in the Caribbean. As our relationship grew deeper and more meaningful we decided that marriage should follow and that this cruise would act as a sort of honeymoon for us. The cruise however was not the logistical simplicity that I had foreseen. While it would cost Aleks about fifteen hundred dollars to fly to the start point, it would cost me approximately the same as well, though I was about a third of the distance away. Also this inexpensive cruise which looked at first to be a great bargain would carry with it some unforeseen costs. Lodging on the cruise would be cheap but ... read more

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone October 10th 2008

After I last talked to you I spent the afternoon doing sports coaching at Livingstone Primary School. We started out with a bunch of different futbol drills until we were slightly sunburned and highly overheated. Then we just let them play futbol for the last little bit because that's what they really wanted to do anyway and we sat in the shade and played with some of the younger kids and talked to one of the teachers. There was one little boy who was 2 or 3 years old who really enjoyed rolling a soccer ball around so I played with him for a while. We also drew pictures in the sand and took turns "hiding" a nail that was lying around. His name is Shawndik and he was adorable! I don't know how all the ... read more

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone October 9th 2008

I'm in Africa! My 6th continent! Only Antarctica left... :) I flew from India through Dubai. In Kolkata at the gate they had a phone where you could make local calls for free so I got to call my dad at the hotel and let him know that I made it. In Dubai I slept for a while on the floor and ate some food. Emirates Airlines has a restaurant where depending on how long your stopover is you can get a snack or meal or multiple meals for free. So I got a snack. In Jo'burg I was basically just there for the night. I was tired from not sleeping much on the plane so I just hung out in the afternoon, talked to some of the other people there, and then went to bed ... read more

Africa » Zambia » Livingstone September 21st 2008

Day 3: Birdie Rant Sick Day (Chris) Clash, Clash as Cameron bashed two pans together above Pablo to wake him up. In Pablo's good sense of humour he had on his Skeleton Fleece (he bought this at Johannesburg airport on our way over) where he pulled over the hood and then zipped up the face side that had a skull and said "Morning Donna" in a strange deep voice. This was taken from the Irish lads who had met someone on a previous trip to the Great Wall of China who said "Morning Donna" each morning to his video camera, which was intended for his wife back home. The story so amused Pablo that he would often say it afterwards. (This was videoed also so will hopefully seem more amusing once you've seen it). (Alison) Prior ... read more

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